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working_groups:ac_people [2024/04/24 13:18]
rcruzalv [Rafaela Alves]
working_groups:ac_people [2024/09/18 10:35] (current)
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 [[|Adolfo Gonzalez Romero]] [[|Adolfo Gonzalez Romero]]
 +==== Alba Santos-Espeso ====
 +{{working_groups:photo_asanto1.jpeg}} **PhD Student**  \\
 +**Interests:** atmospheric composition, climate, Earth System Models, aerosols, Near Term Climate Forcers
 +Alba Santos-Espeso is a PhD student at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), within the Earth Sciences Department, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). She received her BSc degree in Physics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Spain, in 2021. The following year, she completed her MSc degree in Meteorology and Geophysics from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Spain. In the BSC, her work focuses on how atmospheric composition affects climate variability. In particular, she uses output from Earth System Models to isolate the effect of Near Term Climate Forcers on tipping elements. 
 ==== Alessio Melli ==== ==== Alessio Melli ====
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 I obtained my bachelor degree in Environmental Engineering from Colombia in 2014 and a Master's degree in Biological and Environmental Engineering from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2021. I was involved in a research project at the IDAEA-CSIC focused on studying the impact of electric vehicles on air quality and toxicity. Our goal was to provide technical solutions to the automotive industry and develop policy options to mitigate this impact. Previously, I was working in the Atmospheric Emissions Group at the District Environment Secretary (SDA) in Bogotá, Colombia. In that role, I was responsible for identifying pollutants emitted by point sources across various industries and I led audits as the principal auditor for emission and air quality studies. I obtained my bachelor degree in Environmental Engineering from Colombia in 2014 and a Master's degree in Biological and Environmental Engineering from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2021. I was involved in a research project at the IDAEA-CSIC focused on studying the impact of electric vehicles on air quality and toxicity. Our goal was to provide technical solutions to the automotive industry and develop policy options to mitigate this impact. Previously, I was working in the Atmospheric Emissions Group at the District Environment Secretary (SDA) in Bogotá, Colombia. In that role, I was responsible for identifying pollutants emitted by point sources across various industries and I led audits as the principal auditor for emission and air quality studies.
 +==== Arnau Garcia Mesa ====
 +{{:working_groups:arnau_garcia.jpg?100|}}**Master Student** 
 +**Interests:** atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric dynamics, atmospheric modelling, boundary layer meteorology 
 +**Bio**: BSc in Physics at University of Barcelona (UB), MSc in Meteorology and Climatology at UB.
 ====Calum Meikle==== ====Calum Meikle====
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 He started working at BSC in 2023 to develop and evaluate the next generation of chemical mechanisms to be used in large scale atmospheric models. He started working at BSC in 2023 to develop and evaluate the next generation of chemical mechanisms to be used in large scale atmospheric models.
 +====Carlotta Gilè====
 +{{:working_groups:carlotta_gile_photo.jpg?100|}} \\
 +**Junior Research Engineer** \\
 +**Interests**: aerosols, aerosol microphysical properties, remote sensing, data processing 
 +**Bio**: I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Electronic and Communications Engineering from Politecnico di Torino, followed by a Master’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. During my studies, I gained valuable experience working as an R&D Scientist at a private enterprise specialized in Earth Observation through remote sensing. In September 2024 I joined the Barcelona Supercomputing Center in the Atmospheric Composition group of the Earth Sciences department. 
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 **Bio:** Emanuele Emili obtained a Bachelor (2006) and Master Degree (2008) in Physics at the University of Roma La Sapienza, with a final dissertation on geophysical fluid dynamics. He then enrolled in a PhD program at the University of Bern (Switzerland) in collaboration with EURAC research (Italy) on the estimation of particulate matter from satellites. After the completion of the PhD (2011) he moved to the Centre Européen de Recherche et Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique (CERFACS, France) to pursue a Postdoc on assimilation of satellite data in chemical transport models. He then stayed in the same centre as Research Scientist on data assimilation for the atmospheric composition until 2023, where he contributed to multiple aspects related to assimilation of trace gases and aerosols within the Meteo France atmospheric composition model. He moved to the Barcelona Supercomputing Center in June 2023 to coordinate the activities on operational forecasting of atmospheric composition, data assimilation and their applications. **Bio:** Emanuele Emili obtained a Bachelor (2006) and Master Degree (2008) in Physics at the University of Roma La Sapienza, with a final dissertation on geophysical fluid dynamics. He then enrolled in a PhD program at the University of Bern (Switzerland) in collaboration with EURAC research (Italy) on the estimation of particulate matter from satellites. After the completion of the PhD (2011) he moved to the Centre Européen de Recherche et Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique (CERFACS, France) to pursue a Postdoc on assimilation of satellite data in chemical transport models. He then stayed in the same centre as Research Scientist on data assimilation for the atmospheric composition until 2023, where he contributed to multiple aspects related to assimilation of trace gases and aerosols within the Meteo France atmospheric composition model. He moved to the Barcelona Supercomputing Center in June 2023 to coordinate the activities on operational forecasting of atmospheric composition, data assimilation and their applications.
 +====Francesco Marangio====
 +**Junior Research Engineer**
 +**Interests:** Physics, Machine Learning, Data Analysis.
 +**Bio:** MSc in Physics and Astronomy from the University of Amsterdam. Co-author a IEEE paper :
 ====Franco Lopez==== ====Franco Lopez====
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 **Bio:** Kevin Oliveira earned both his BSc degree (2016) and MSc (2018) in Environmental Engineering from the University of Aveiro in Portugal. After completing his degree, he joined the Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM) as a research fellow. In 2021, he transitioned to the atmospheric composition group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center as a PhD student, supported by the FPI grant. Presently, his work focuses on emissions and air quality modeling, primarily addressing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and their impact on atmospheric chemistry and composition, particularly ozone. **Bio:** Kevin Oliveira earned both his BSc degree (2016) and MSc (2018) in Environmental Engineering from the University of Aveiro in Portugal. After completing his degree, he joined the Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM) as a research fellow. In 2021, he transitioned to the atmospheric composition group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center as a PhD student, supported by the FPI grant. Presently, his work focuses on emissions and air quality modeling, primarily addressing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and their impact on atmospheric chemistry and composition, particularly ozone.
 +==== Luka Ilić ====
 +{{:working_groups:lukailic.jpg?100 |}} \\
 +**Recognised Researcher**\\
 +**Juan de la Cierva Fellow** \\
 +**Interests:**  Atmospheric modeling, dust modeling, NWP, model validation, remote sensing 
 +**Bio:** Luka Ilić holds a PhD in meteorology (Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia). He is a postdoctoral researcher, currently working on the numerical modeling of dust mineral composition effects on radiation using the MONARCH model. He also contributes to analyses and validation of the CAMS forecasts.
 +His PhD project at the Institute of Physics at the University of Belgrade was to model the influence of mineral dust on ice initiation in Dust Regional Atmospheric Model (DREAM). He was also a part of the Belgrade EARLINET LIDAR station, performing measurements and QA checks.
 +As an undergraduate student of meteorology, he has been working in the private sector. The operational numerical weather prediction workflow was based on GFS, Eta, and WRF-NMM models. Tailored forecasts were provided to the road weather and energy sectors. He ported and ran models on HPC platforms SEEGRID and Maxeler. He mostly codes in Fortran and Python.
 ==== Marc Guevara ==== ==== Marc Guevara ====
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 ==== Montserrat Costa Surós ==== ==== Montserrat Costa Surós ====
 {{:working_groups:montse_costa_50perc.jpg?105|}} {{:working_groups:montse_costa_50perc.jpg?105|}}
-**Postdoctoral Researcher**  +**Postdoctoral Researcher** \\
-**STARS Fellow** \\+
 **Interests:** aerosol-cloud interactions, radiative effects upon climate, aerosol and cloud observations, model evaluation. **Interests:** aerosol-cloud interactions, radiative effects upon climate, aerosol and cloud observations, model evaluation.
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 **Bio:** I joined BSC in november 2023, to work on data assimilation of aerosols and gases. The aim is to use observations from various in-situ and remote (satellite) instruments to correct modelled estimates of the atmospheric composition, which lets us obtain an accurate representation of the atmospheric content in trace gases and aerols, while retaining the full regional or global coverage of the model. Before joining BSC, I obtained a PhD from Utrecht University (the Netherlands) in 2014, and then worked for several years as a researcher at Lund Universit (Sweden). In Utrecht and Lund, I worked mainly on inverse modelling estimate of greenhouse gas emissions, which is another form of data assimilation, where observations of the atmospheric composition are used to estimate greenhouse gas emission **Bio:** I joined BSC in november 2023, to work on data assimilation of aerosols and gases. The aim is to use observations from various in-situ and remote (satellite) instruments to correct modelled estimates of the atmospheric composition, which lets us obtain an accurate representation of the atmospheric content in trace gases and aerols, while retaining the full regional or global coverage of the model. Before joining BSC, I obtained a PhD from Utrecht University (the Netherlands) in 2014, and then worked for several years as a researcher at Lund Universit (Sweden). In Utrecht and Lund, I worked mainly on inverse modelling estimate of greenhouse gas emissions, which is another form of data assimilation, where observations of the atmospheric composition are used to estimate greenhouse gas emission
 ==== Rafaela Alves ==== ==== Rafaela Alves ====
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 **Bio:** I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Physics from the University of Barcelona (UB), I performed a three-month internship at //Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech//. I joined the Computational Earth Sciences group in April 2024. **Bio:** I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Physics from the University of Barcelona (UB), I performed a three-month internship at //Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech//. I joined the Computational Earth Sciences group in April 2024.
 +==== Isidre Mas Magre ====
 +{{:working_groups:isidre-mas-magre.jpg?100 |}}
 +** Research Engineer ** \\
 +**Interests:** Computational Physics, Artificial Intelligence, Atmospheric Simulations, Air Quality, Human Health \\
 +**Bio:** I received a BSc in Physics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in 2020. My bachelor's thesis focused on modelling the exchange of radon gas in the air-water interface driven by wind. In 2021 I worked for a few months as an operator in a chemical plant before enrolling in a master's degree. In 2022, I got a MSc in Modelling for Science and Engineering specializing in Data Science. During my master I did an internship in Amphos 21, contributing to building surrogate models for geochemical reactions in cement systems using Machine Learning. I did my Master's Thesis in Football Analytics at the Statistical Physics Group of the UAB in close collaboration with Football Club Barcelona (FCB) and it involved developing software for analyzing match dynamics and building Graph Neural Networks models to predict performance metrics from pass networks.\\
 +I joined BSC in October 2022 within the Material Science group in the CASE department. There I worked developing a suite of mini-applications from flagship ab initio electronic structure codes that closely reproduced relevant computational kernels to be tested in new HPC systems. The objective was to enable and promote co-design activities and establish a communication bridge between hardware vendors/engineers and software developers in the material science community.  I joined the Atmospheric Composition group in the Earth Sciences department in April 2024 to work on Machine Learning models and give support in HPC performance profiling and optimization.
 +==== Vincenzo Obiso ====
 +{{:working_groups:vincenzo_obiso.jpg?100 |}} \\
 +**Postdoctoral Researcher** \\
 +**AXA Chair on Sand and Dust Storms** \\
 +**ERC Consolidator Grant (FRAGMENT)** \\
 +**Interests:** Atmospheric modeling, aerosol-radiation interaction, aerosol physical and optical properties. \\
 +**Bio:** I obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Physics and Astrophysics (December 2006) and a Master's Degree in Physics (July 2010) by the University of Rome "Sapienza", with a thesis on the numerical calculation of gravitational waves generated by magneto-hydrodynamic instabilities. After university, I worked for 6 months (July 2011 - January 2012) at the Thales Alenia Space company (Turin), where I developed a performance model for an optical satellite link. I joined the BSC in July 2013, where I obtained my PhD in Environmental Engineering by the "Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya" in March 2018. My PhD thesis focused on sensitivity studies of aerosol radiative effect and optical properties to varying microphysical assumptions. During my PhD, I also implemented a first-generation full coupling between aerosols and radiation in the MONARCH atmospheric model. From April 2018 to May 2019, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the BSC, where I mainly refined the aerosol-radiation coupling mechanism in MONARCH with a focus on mineral dust, whose optical modeling was extended to include the non-spherical effect and an initial framework for the mineralogy effect. From August 2019 to July 2023, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS, New York), where I completed the implementation of a flexible mineral-radiation coupling along with the non-spherical effect for mineral dust in the GISS Earth system model (ModelE). In October 2023, I joined again the BSC, where my effort is mainly aimed at improving the optical modeling of dust minerals in MONARCH, in the context of a collaborative work with other state-of-the-art models involved in EMIT, a NASA project for the detection of soil mineral composition in global dust source regions and the creation of a new mineralogy atlas for Earth system models.
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 **Bio:** Matthew Dawson received a Bachelors of Science in Chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh (USA) in 2009, and a PhD in Chemistry from the University of California, Irvine (USA) in 2014. His graduate work at UCI focused on laboratory studies of new particle formation and the development of a novel mechanism for the formation of particles from methanesulfonic acid, amines and water that accounts for the observed complex dependence on precursor concentrations. Post-doctoral research in the Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at UCI involved exploring the effects of recently identified aromatic oxidation pathways on secondary organic aerosol (SOA) in Southern California using the regional UCI-CIT air quality model, and incorporation of the CAPRAMv2.4-reduced aqueous chemistry mechanism into the particle-resolved aerosol model [[|Part-MC]]. He is currently working at BSC to incorporate an advanced SOA mechanism (CACM/MPMPO) into the NMMB-MONARCHv1.0 chemical weather prediction system in order to explore the effects of reactions of ammonia with organic aerosol leading the formation of brown carbon. **Bio:** Matthew Dawson received a Bachelors of Science in Chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh (USA) in 2009, and a PhD in Chemistry from the University of California, Irvine (USA) in 2014. His graduate work at UCI focused on laboratory studies of new particle formation and the development of a novel mechanism for the formation of particles from methanesulfonic acid, amines and water that accounts for the observed complex dependence on precursor concentrations. Post-doctoral research in the Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at UCI involved exploring the effects of recently identified aromatic oxidation pathways on secondary organic aerosol (SOA) in Southern California using the regional UCI-CIT air quality model, and incorporation of the CAPRAMv2.4-reduced aqueous chemistry mechanism into the particle-resolved aerosol model [[|Part-MC]]. He is currently working at BSC to incorporate an advanced SOA mechanism (CACM/MPMPO) into the NMMB-MONARCHv1.0 chemical weather prediction system in order to explore the effects of reactions of ammonia with organic aerosol leading the formation of brown carbon.
-==== Vincenzo Obiso ==== 
-{{:working_groups:vobiso.jpeg?100 |}} \\ 
-**Postdoctoral researcher** \\ 
-**AXA Chair on Sand and Dust Storms** \\ 
-**ERC Consolidator Grant (FRAGMENT)** \\ 
-**Interests:** Modeling of aerosol-radiation interaction and optical properties. \\ 
-**Bio:** I received a Bachelor Degree in Physics and Astrophysics (2006) and a Master Degree in Physics (2010) from the University of Rome "Sapienza". My studies focused on theoretical physics and in particular on simulations of gravitational waves from magneto-hydrodynamic instabilities. After the university, I worked for 6 months (2012) at Thales Alenia Space company (Turin), where I developed a performance model for an optical satellite link. I have been working at BSC since 2013, where I received my PhD in Environmental Engineering (from UPC) in March 2018. In my PhD thesis I focused on the implementation of a dynamic aerosol-radiation coupling mechanism in the NMMB-MONARCH atmospheric model. During the PhD I also performed sensitivity analyses of aerosol optical to microphysical properties. Currently I am a postdoctoral researcher at BSC, mainly working on the implementation in the NMMB-MONARCH of a dynamic dust-radiation coupling mechanism based on the dust mineralogy. 
 ==== Manuel Porquet ==== ==== Manuel Porquet ====
working_groups/ac_people.1713964726.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/24 13:18 by rcruzalv