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working_groups:computational_earth_sciences [2024/06/25 13:18]
cguzman [Christian Guzman Ruiz]
working_groups:computational_earth_sciences [2024/09/18 14:00] (current)
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-The group is led by Kim Serradell and is organised in 3 teams ("Models and Workflows", "Performance" and "Data and Diagnostics") as shown below.+The group is led by Mario Acosta and Miguel Castrillo and is organised in 3 teams ("Models and Workflows", "Performance" and "Data and Diagnostics") as shown below.
 In this section, one can find, similarly to the "Starting at ES" page [[:working_groups:starting_at_ces|some guidelines when starting working in CES]] In this section, one can find, similarly to the "Starting at ES" page [[:working_groups:starting_at_ces|some guidelines when starting working in CES]]
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 ==== Models and workflows team ==== ==== Models and workflows team ====
-**Current members:** Miguel Castrillo (team leader), Francesca Macchia (team leader), Mario Acosta, Miriam Olid, Carles Tena, Julian Rodrigo Berlín, Marcus Falls, Gilbert Montané, Daniel Beltrán, Wilmer Uruchi, Eric Ferrer, Ragi Ambika, Manuel Giménez de Castro, Cristian Gutiérrez, Genis Bonet, Francesc Roura Adserias, Aina Gaya Àvila, Pablo Goitia González, Naiara Alonso Montes.+**Current members:** Miguel Castrillo (team leader), Francesca Macchia (team leader), Mario Acosta, Miriam Olid, Carles Tena, Gilbert Montané, Daniel Beltrán, Eric Ferrer, Manuel Giménez de Castro, Genis Bonet, Francesc Roura Adserias, Aina Gaya Àvila, Pablo Goitia González, Naiara Alonso Montes, Alejandro García López, Amirpasha Mozaffari, Artur Viñas Ferran, Bruno De Paula Kinoshita, Carmen Piñero Megías, Edgar Garriga Nogales, Enric Millan Iglesias, Ivan Alsina Ferrer, Leo Arriola i Meikle, Luiggi Gianpere Tenorio Ku. 
-**Purpose: Development of HPC user-friendly software framework for Earth system modelling and the management of operational systems**+**Purpose: Development of HPC user-friendly software framework for Earth system modeling and the management of operational systems**
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-**Projects and softwares developed:**+**Projects and software developed:**
 ^ Software tools      ^ Auto-Models   ^ Models         ^ ^ Software tools      ^ Auto-Models   ^ Models         ^
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 ==== Performance team ==== ==== Performance team ====
-**Current members:** Stella Paronuzzi Ticco (team leader), Xavier Yepes (team leader), Mario Acosta, Miguel Castrillo, Sergi Palomas, Christian Guzman, Iria Ayan, Carlos Peña, Oscar Michel, Kai Keller, Roc Salvardor, Victor Correal, Vijendra Singh, Alexey Medvedev.+**Current members:** Xavier Yepes (team leader), Razvan Aguridan (team leader), Mario Acosta, Miguel Castrillo, Sergi Palomas, Christian Guzman, Iria Ayan, Carlos Peña, Oscar Michel, Kai Keller, Roc Salvardor, Victor Correal, Alexey Medvedev, Andrew Forembski.
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 ==== Data and Diagnostics Team ==== ==== Data and Diagnostics Team ====
-**Current members:** Francesco Benincasa, Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière (team leaders), An-Chi Ho, Saskia Loosveldt Tomas, Lluís Palma García, Núria Pérez-Zanón, Margarida Samsó, Javier Vegas, Amalia Vradi, Daniel Trujillo, Carlos Gomez, Giulia Carella, Elliott Rose, Amanda Duarte, Marvin Axness, Etienne Jodry, Supriyo Ghosh, Stamen Miroslavov, Santiago Ramírez, Alba Vilanova Cortezón, Paula Serrano Sierra.+**Current members:** Francesco Benincasa, Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière (team leaders), Saskia Loosveldt Tomas, Margarida Samsó, Daniel Trujillo, Giulia Carella, Elliott Rose, Amanda Duarte, Marvin Axness, Supriyo Ghosh, Stamen Miroslavov, Santiago Ramírez, Alba Vilanova Cortezón, Paula Serrano Sierra.
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 Interests: Data management, Big Data Interests: Data management, Big Data
 ---- ----
-==== Carlos Alberto Gomez Gonzalez ==== 
-{{:working_groups:carlosgomez.jpg?90 |}}  
-Postdoctoral Researcher, STARS/MSCA-COFUND fellow \\ 
-Interests: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computer vision and image processing, Data Science, Statistics, Open Science, Python scientific development \\ 
-Contact: [[|]] [[|Linkedin]] [[|GitHub]] \\ 
 ==== Miguel Castrillo ==== ==== Miguel Castrillo ====
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-==== Julian Rodrigo Berlin ==== 
-{{:working_groups:julian.jpg?100 |}} \\ 
-Research Engineer - [[|Linkedin]] \\ 
-Interests: Computer Science, Software Engineering ,High Performance Computing , Geosciences \\ 
-Contact: [[|]] \\ 
-Short bio: Julian is a Research software engineer in the Computational Earth Sciences group: He holds a MSc in Computer Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires. Julian has 20 years of working experience as a software engineer and related disciplines, his expertise varies from Software architecture and design to OOP development and programming under several technologies and development environments, he has worked for companies and international organizations in Argentina, the United States and the Netherlands before joining BSC in Barcelona, such as the Inter-American Development bank (IADB) and the Technical University of Delft (TU-Delft) where he participated in research projects funded by the European Commission through Marie Curie and Copernicus initiatives ([[|CHANGES]] project). his interests vary from Software engineering topics such as Software Architecture and UI/UX to HPC platforms and Earth Sciences. He is currently assigned to the Models and Workflows team, involved in several European HPC projects and in charge of the release management f the Autosubmit GUI/API tools. 
 ==== Gilbert Montané Pinto ==== ==== Gilbert Montané Pinto ====
 {{:working_groups:members:gmontane.jpg?100 |}} {{:working_groups:members:gmontane.jpg?100 |}}
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 Short bio: Bachelor in Environmental Science by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Master in Meteorology by the Universitat of Barcelona (UB). She started to work as a research technician in the Deparment of Metorology of the UB. One of her main tasks was to participate in the development and maintenance of an air quality modelling system based on a meteorological model, an emission model and a photochemical model. This system, called ARAMIS, is currently working in operational. Besides, she participated in the development and implementation of the emission model included in HIREM from the methodology described by EMEP. From 2007 to 2017, she worked as a technician in the Department of Medi Ambient during the Ozone Campaigns (May-September). From 2017 she works at Barcelona Super Computing Centre as a research engineer in the Computational Earth Science group from Earth Sciences Department. She is responsible for supervising the operational runs of the MONARCH model and CALIOPE Air Quality System at BSC. Other of her tasks are interacting with computational earth science scientists to improve the performance and the reliability of the system. She has co-authored more than 10 publications.  Short bio: Bachelor in Environmental Science by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Master in Meteorology by the Universitat of Barcelona (UB). She started to work as a research technician in the Deparment of Metorology of the UB. One of her main tasks was to participate in the development and maintenance of an air quality modelling system based on a meteorological model, an emission model and a photochemical model. This system, called ARAMIS, is currently working in operational. Besides, she participated in the development and implementation of the emission model included in HIREM from the methodology described by EMEP. From 2007 to 2017, she worked as a technician in the Department of Medi Ambient during the Ozone Campaigns (May-September). From 2017 she works at Barcelona Super Computing Centre as a research engineer in the Computational Earth Science group from Earth Sciences Department. She is responsible for supervising the operational runs of the MONARCH model and CALIOPE Air Quality System at BSC. Other of her tasks are interacting with computational earth science scientists to improve the performance and the reliability of the system. She has co-authored more than 10 publications. 
 ---- ----
-==== Kim Serradell ==== 
-{{:working_groups:members:foto_kim.jpg?100 |}}  
-Computational Earth Sciences group leader - [[|Linkedin]] \\  
-Interests: Earth system models, performance analysis and team management. \\ 
-Short bio: Msc. Kim Serradell Maronda is currently managing the Computational Earth Sciences group in the Earth Sciences department at Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS). In the last years, he has been in charge for the system administration of all the computational resources of the department and he was also responsible for supervising the operational runs of the NMMB/BSC-CTM model and CALIOPE Air Quality System at BSC. In that sense, he was also involved in the analysis of the models to improve their performance and developed strong skills of compilation and scripting. Furthermore, he's focused in deploying different earth system models (dust transport, climate or weather forecast) required by the department in a wide range of HPC architectures. Work Package leader within ESiWACE and ESiWACE2 (H2020 Weather and Climate Center of Excellence), IS-ENES3 (H2020) and ESCAPE-2 (FET H2020) and he is also involved in EC-FP7 and H2020 projects: IS-ENES2, Montblanc, IMMERSE and QA4Seas. 
 ==== Carles Tena ==== ==== Carles Tena ====
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 Short bio: PhD Student in Computer Science for High-Performance Computing at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB), collaborating with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). Developed a GPU chemical solver for Earth System Models, using as a test-bed the chemistry Across Multiple Phases (CAMP) module alongside the Multiscale Online Nonhydrostatic Atmosphere Chemistry Model (MONARCH) and contributing to the most computational and logic part from a performance point of view. Short bio: PhD Student in Computer Science for High-Performance Computing at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB), collaborating with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). Developed a GPU chemical solver for Earth System Models, using as a test-bed the chemistry Across Multiple Phases (CAMP) module alongside the Multiscale Online Nonhydrostatic Atmosphere Chemistry Model (MONARCH) and contributing to the most computational and logic part from a performance point of view.
-==== Lluís Palma García ==== 
-{{:working_groups:members:lluis_palma.jpg?100 |}} \\ 
-Position: Junior research engineer\\ 
-Interests: Climate modelling and forecasting, Earth observation, Renewable energies and Computational sciences.\\ 
-Contact: [[|]] - [[|LinkedIn]]\\ 
 ---- ----
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 Short Bio: Saskia has an undergraduate degree in Physics from the Universitat de Barcelona and a master degree in Numerical Methods for Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. During her undergrad, she got introduced to the field of High Performance Computing while being an intern at HPCNow!, a consultancy company for supercomputing services. After finishing her master degree, she started to work at the Data and Diagnostics team. Her work focuses on the post-process of climate model output variables.   Short Bio: Saskia has an undergraduate degree in Physics from the Universitat de Barcelona and a master degree in Numerical Methods for Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. During her undergrad, she got introduced to the field of High Performance Computing while being an intern at HPCNow!, a consultancy company for supercomputing services. After finishing her master degree, she started to work at the Data and Diagnostics team. Her work focuses on the post-process of climate model output variables.  
 ---- ----
-==== Stella Valentina Paronuzzi Ticco ==== 
-{{:working_groups:stella_paronuzzi.jpg?100 |}} \\ 
-Position: Research Engineer\\ 
-Interests: Earth Sciences, Computer Sciences, HPC \\ 
-Contact: [[|]] - [[|Linkedin]] \\ 
-Short Bio: Stella has a master degree in Physics from the Università degli studi di Milano and an MSc in High Performance Computing got at the International Center for Theoretical Physics . She worked at the INGV (Pisa) as HCP expert, optimizing a code dealing with volcanic hashes. Later moved to the field of oceanography, working in the parallel implementation of a P-adaptive discontinuous finite element methods applied to geophysical flows. Since 2018 she is part of the Computational Earth Science department in BSC, with main focus on the optimization of the NEMO code(Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean).  
-==== An-Chi Ho ==== 
-{{:working_groups:anchiho.jpg?100 |}} \\ 
-Position: Research Engineer\\ 
-Contact: [[|]] \\ 
-Short Bio: An-Chi is a Research Engineer in the Computational Earth Sciences Group. She has a Master's degree in Atmospheric Sciences (National Taiwan University), a Master's degree in Climate and Society (Columbia University), and a BSc in Atmospheric Sciences (National Taiwan University). In BSC, she is in charge of the development and maintenance of the in-house R tools. 
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-==== Eva Rifà Rovira==== 
-{{:working_groups:eva_rifa.jpeg?100|}} \\ 
-**Position:** Junior Research Engineer\\ 
-**Interests**: Physical modelling, Computational Physics, Statistical analysis \\ 
-**Contact:** [[]]\\ 
-**Short bio:** Eva Rifà Rovira has a Bachelor's degree in Physics from the Universitat de Barcelona and a Master's degree in Engineering Physics from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. She did her final Master's Thesis with the UPC-BIOCOMSC research group on the Study of the evolution of new variants during the COVID-19 pandemic. 
-==== Cristian Gutiérrez Gómez ==== 
-{{:working_groups:cristian-gutierrez.jpeg?100|}} \\ 
-**Position:** Junior Research Engineer\\ 
-**Interests**: Front-end web development, ReactJS, web stuff \\ 
-**Contact:** [[]]\\ 
-**Short bio:** Cristian Gutiérrez Gómez is a last year student of Computer Science at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Before joining the the CES department, he worked at the smart cities industry. I'll be working on the Autosubmit app, but more on the ReactJS side. 
 ==== Carlos Peña de Pedro ==== ==== Carlos Peña de Pedro ====
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 **Short bio:** Marvin Axness has a Bachelor's degree in Physics from the University of Valencia and an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degree in Nuclear Physics from the Universities of Sevilla (Spain), Catania (Italy), Caen (France) and Padova (Italy). He is currently working in the Destination Earth project, integrating the MultiIO library into climate models to generate model outputs. **Short bio:** Marvin Axness has a Bachelor's degree in Physics from the University of Valencia and an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degree in Nuclear Physics from the Universities of Sevilla (Spain), Catania (Italy), Caen (France) and Padova (Italy). He is currently working in the Destination Earth project, integrating the MultiIO library into climate models to generate model outputs.
-==== Vijendra Singh ==== 
-**Position:** Research Engineer\\ 
-**Interests**: Compilers(C & Fortran),HPC Models, Optimizing Codes, Software Development\\ 
-**Contact:** [[]]\\ 
-**Short bio:** Vijendra Singh has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the Maharishi Dayanand University (MDU) , Rohtak India. He has experience of working in compiler codes, Banking software for HSM machines and optimization of weather models. He is currently working in computational earth science department for Performance team. Profiling and optimization of existing and new models is his prime job. He joined BSC in January 2023. 
-==== Etienne Jodry ==== 
-**Position:** Junior Research Engineer\\ 
-**Interests:** Machine Learning, Data Science, Image Analysis and Computer Vision, Open Source, Critical Thinking, Humanities\\ 
-**Contact:** [[]]\\ 
-**Short bio:** Etienne Jodry has studied at Université Savoie Mont-Blanc (France), York University (Canada), Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Sweden) and concluded by an Engineering Degree (eq. MSc) in Computer Science and Applied Math from l'École Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique et de Mathématiques Appliquées de Grenoble. The latter was conducted in apprenticeship, working part time in the industry for a Research & Development department applying Machine Learning techiques for Cybersecurity then Computer Vision. After a Sabbatical he joined BSC in January 2023. 
 ---- ----
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 **Short bio:** Supriyo is working on developing diagnostics for the Destination earth project and is responsible for data processing in ESMValTool. He joined BSC on Jan 2023. Before that, he was working as a research fellow at National Center for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR), Goa, India. He holds a masters degree in Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Hyderabad (IN) and bachelors degree in Physics from the University of Burdwan (IN).  **Short bio:** Supriyo is working on developing diagnostics for the Destination earth project and is responsible for data processing in ESMValTool. He joined BSC on Jan 2023. Before that, he was working as a research fellow at National Center for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR), Goa, India. He holds a masters degree in Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Hyderabad (IN) and bachelors degree in Physics from the University of Burdwan (IN). 
-==== Rohan Ahmed ==== 
-**Position:** Workflows Engineer (RE-2) \\ 
-**Interests:** High Performance Computing, Data Science & AI, Embedded Systems & IoT, Wireless Communication, Computer Networks\\ 
-**Contact:** [[|]], [[|LinkedIn]] \\ 
-**Short bio:** Rohan holds a masters degree in Electrical Engineering from the National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Pakistan. With over 3 years of Academic experience teaching at a university in Pakistan at the Electrical Engineering department. More than 4 years of experience in IoT and Embedded System freelance projects. Moreover, more than 1 year of experience working in the HPC domain and Embedded System Software optimization and debugging (Linux Kernel). Rohan is currently a member of the Models & Workflows Team (MWT) in the Computational Earth Sciences (CES) group in the Earth Sciences department of BSC. His main duties involves managing workflows in the DestinE project. 
-Rohan joined BSC in April 2023. 
 ---- ----
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 **Contact:** [[|]], [[é|LinkedIn]] \\ **Contact:** [[|]], [[é|LinkedIn]] \\
 \\ \\
-**Short bio:** Marta joined the Performance Team of the Computational Earth Sciences group on March 2024 as a Junior Research Engineer. She holds a double Bachelors's degree in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Barcelona (UB), as well as a Master's in Applied Physics from the Technical University of Eindhoven (TUe).+**Short bio:** Marta joined the Performance Team of the Computational Earth Sciences group on April 2024 as a Junior Research Engineer. She holds a double Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Barcelona (UB), as well as a Master's in Applied Physics from the Technical University of Eindhoven (TUe).
 ---- ----
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 **Position:** Research Machine Learning Engineer \\ **Position:** Research Machine Learning Engineer \\
 **Interests:**  Machine Learning, AI, NLP\\ **Interests:**  Machine Learning, AI, NLP\\
-**Contact:** [[]]  [[|Linkedin]] \\+**Contact:** [[]]  [[|Linkedin]] \\
 \\ \\
 \\ \\
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 \\ \\
 **Position**: Junior Research Engineer\\ **Position**: Junior Research Engineer\\
-**Interests:**  computer languages, computational modeling, optimization, ML, computer networks, logic synthesis (FPGA) \\ +**Interests:**  computer languages, computational modeling, optimization, HPC, ML, computer networks, logic synthesis (FPGA) \\ 
-**Contact**: [[|]]  [[|LinkedIn]] \\+**Contact**: [[|]]  [[|LinkedIn]] [[|Personal Website]] \\
 \\ \\
-**Short bio**: Marcel is a Junior Research Engineer in the Performance Team. He is an Electronics Engineering graduate (UPC) and has a Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics (MIRI, FIB-UPC). He joined BSC in May 2024 after having gained experience in software developement, modeling, mathematical optimization and forecasting for the energy and transportation industries in different research and innovation teams.+**Short bio**: Marcel is a Research Engineer in the Performance Team. He is an Electronics Engineering graduate (UPC) and has a Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics (MIRI, FIB-UPC). He joined BSC in May 2024 after having gained experience in software developement, modeling, mathematical optimization and forecasting for the energy and transportation industries in different research and innovation teams.
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 +==== Manuel Giménez de Castro Marciani====
 +**Position:** PhD Student \\
 +**Interests:** Workflows, Provenance, Workflow Instrumentation\\
 +**Contact:** [[]] [[]]\\
 +**Short bio:** Manuel holds a bachelor in Applied Mathematics by the University of //São Paulo// and a Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics by the //Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya//. His interests revolve around workflow optimization, intrumentation, and provenance. He joined the CES team in July 2022 to develop his Master Thesis and has continued for a PhD.
 +==== Andrew Forembski ====
 +**Position:** RE2 Recognised Researcher \\
 +**Interests:** parallel programming, heterogeneous computing, CUDA/HIP, HPC, numerical algorithms, quantum mechanics \\
 +**Contact:** [[]]  [[|LinkedIn]] \\
 +**Short bio:** Andrew holds a Bachelor's degree in Applied Physics and a PhD in Computational Quantum Mechanics, both from Dublin City University. His doctoral project involved the development of a Configuration Interaction Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation solver for the simulation of ultra-short laser pulse interactions with He. Beyond academia he has also worked as an embedded software engineer at Intel Movidius and Ubotica Technologies. He joined the Performance Team in September 2024. His focus is on GPU programming.
 +==== Razvan Aguridan ====
 +**Position:** Research Software Engineer \\
 +**Interests:** parallel programming, heterogeneous computing, CUDA, FPGA, numerical computing, game development \\
 +**Contact:** [[]]
 +**Short bio:** Razvan has worked as a software engineer developing Linux kernel drivers and various user-space applications for embedded systems, as a systems architect developing automotive gateways and as a software research engineer developing multio, ECMWF's IO server. 
 +==== Johanna Gehlen ====
 +**Position:** Junior Research Engineer \\
 +**Interests:** Complex System Simulation, Earth Science, Scientific Computing \\
 +**Contact:** [[]]
 +**Short bio:** Johanna is a Junior Research Engineer in the Computational Earth Sciences group. She holds a Master's of Computational Science from the University of Amsterdam (UvA), specialising in complex system simulations. She joined the BSC in September 2024.
 +==== Shane Hearne ====
 +**Position:** Technical Coordinator \\
 +**Interests:** Earth Science, Quantum Technologies, Satellite Communications, Computational Physics \\
 +**Contact:** [[]]
 +**Short bio:** Shane is a technical coordinator in the Computational Earth Sciences group coordinating the Destination Earth project. He holds an undergraduate degree in Applied Physics and a research master's from the Walton Institute, focused on Quantum Satellite Communications. He has worked as a Research Engineer at onsemi, as a Software R&D Consultant at KPMG and as a Primary Research Manager at PreScouter. 
working_groups/computational_earth_sciences.1719321482.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/25 13:18 by cguzman