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working_groups:equity4es:seminars_equity4es [2022/03/08 15:43]
acarreri created
working_groups:equity4es:seminars_equity4es [2022/04/26 18:01] (current)
acarreri [Sophie Nicholas - 20220308]
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 At the occasion of the International Women's Day, we invited [[ | Sophie Nicholas ]], a Gender and Inclusion consultant, who has graciously agreed to intervene free of charge, to give a talk entitled "Women's meaningful participation at work" At the occasion of the International Women's Day, we invited [[ | Sophie Nicholas ]], a Gender and Inclusion consultant, who has graciously agreed to intervene free of charge, to give a talk entitled "Women's meaningful participation at work"
 +====== Anna Lupon - 20220405 ======
 +Following the publication of her article [[ |"Towards women-inclusive ecology: Representation, behavior, and perception of women at an international conference"]], we invited Anna Lupon to give a talk. The slides of her presentation can be found {{ :working_groups:equity4es:lupon_anna_seminar_20220405.pptx | here}}.
working_groups/equity4es/seminars_equity4es.1646754188.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/03/08 15:43 by acarreri