EMoP has been develop by [[http://people.su.se/~lbrod|Laurent Brodeau]] and available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/emop. ===== Readme ===== In the context of high resolution spin-up experiments the package has been explored at IC3 and here is below the list of phases about how it could be used in the context of our framework. * phase-0: - step-1: take model raw output and run Klaus's pp-tool (released with EMoP) - Comment: As we run experiments with autosubmit at IC3 so the phase-0 is not exactly applicable. Hence our step-1 is to perform experiment with **eceath3-spin** template by using outclass **spin** (where Klaus's pp-tool is already available). In the context of using EMoP the major limitation till date is; the model should be run as a one year chunk starting from yyyy0101 till yyyy1231. * phase-1 (generate timeseries_plots): - step-1: monitor_atmo.sh -f - step-2: monitor_atmo.sh -e # to generate plots - step-3: monitor_ocean.sh -f - step-4: monitor_ocean.sh -e # to generate plots * phase-2 (generate diagnostic_plots): - step-1: NCARIZE_b4_AMWG.sh - step-2: diag_mod_vs_obs.csh ===== Example ===== - EMoP is available at /cfu/pub/scripts/emop and has been partially tested by using only "odin" (the machine which fulfil the need of pre-requisite tools/packages) while the detailed user manual could be found at {{file:emo_p_user_manual.pdf}} {{file:emop_deploy.png}} - User require to copy the EMoP.cmd at some appropriate location and then launch it like as given below: # ./EMoP.cmd EXPID IFSCONFIG NEMOCONFIG SDATE MEMBER YEARSTART YEAREND" ./EMoP.cmd e00t T255L91 ORCA1L46 19900101 fc0 1990 1999" after successfully completing the processing of EMoP.cmd user will find the following stuff as an output: file:///cfu/diagnostics/emop/e00t/19900101/fc0/time_series/e00t/atmosphere/index.html file:///cfu/diagnostics/emop/e00t/19900101/fc0/time_series/e00t/ocean/index.html file:///cfu/diagnostics/emop/e00t/19900101/fc0/diag_e00t_1990-1999/e00t-obs_1990-1999/index.html