=====Master theses===== * **Naming convention: Author, date (day month year), title with link to file ** * **Keep a chronological ascending order** ====2024==== - Alejandro Peraza González, 18 July 2024, UPC {{ :master_students:probabilistic_seasonal_forecasts_with_conditional_variational_autoencoders.pdf| Probabilisitic Seasonal Forecasts with Conditional Variational Autoencoders.pdf}} ====2023==== - Sara Moreno Montes, 27th Jun 2023, UB {{ :library:external:tfm_sara_moreno-2.pdf | A Comparative Analysis of Multi-Model and Downscaled Decadal Climate Predictions over the Southern African Development Community}} - Paula Camps Pla, 26th September 2023, UPC {{ :library:external:tfm_paulacampspla.pdf | Assessing the impact of local emission abatement measures on ozone levels in Catalonia}} | {{ :library:external:supplementary_material_paulacampspla.pdf | Supplementary Material}} - Manuel G. Marciani, 20th of October 2023, UPC {{ :master_students:tfm_manuel_g_marciani.pdf | Evaluating the Impact of Task Aggregation in Workflows with Shared Resources Environments}} ====2022==== - Lluís Palma García, 28th Feb 2022, UB [[https://earth.bsc.es/wiki/doku.php?id=master_students:master_students | Statistical downscaling of seasonal forecasts: K-NNs vs CNNs]] ====2021==== - Roger Garatachea Solé, 21 June 2021, UPC {{ :library:external:tfm_roger_garatachea_sole_1_.pdf | Analysis of different approaches to represent atmospheric dust composition within Atmospheric and Earth System Models}} - Jaume Ruíz de Morales, 30 July 2021, UB {{:library:external:20213007-jaume_ruizdemorales_mscthesis.pdf|Skill assessment of a set of retrospective decadal climate predictions with EC-Earth.}} - Franco López Coronado, 19 July 2021, UPC [[http://hdl.handle.net/2117/359779|Análisis de esquemas de deposición seca de ozono troposférico en modelos numéricos de calidad del aire]] - Albert Martinez Boti, 6 September 2021 ,UB: The masther thesis will be uploaded once the corresponding paper is released and made public. - Aleks Lacima Nadolnik, 6 September 2021, UB [[http://hdl.handle.net/2445/180551|The impact of radiative forcing on the equatorial stratospheric circulation]] ====2020==== - Ferran López Martí, 30 January 2020, UB {{:library:external:Ferran_master_thesis.pdf|Understanding the link between the extreme weather conditions in central Europe in spring 2018 and a preceding record-breaking sea ice reduction in the Bering sea.}} - Wilmer Uruchi Ticona, 1 July 2020, UPC {{:library:external:tfm_agt_wuruchi.pdf|The High Performance Scheduler Game: A Characterization of Slurm, Metrics, and the Viability of Cooperation}} {{:library:external:tfm_agt_presentation.pdf|Slides}} - Konstantina Chouta, 29 September 2020, UPC {{:library:external:impact_assessment_of_sand_and_dust_storms_on_key_socioeconomic_sectors_aviation_konstantinachouta.pdf | Impact assessment of sand and dust storms on key socioeconomic sectors aviation}} {{ :library:external:impactassessementofsandandduststorms_aviation_konchouta.pptx | Slides}} ====2019==== - Jaime Martín Agui, September 2019, UCM {{:library:external:jaimemartinagui_tfm.pdf|Evaluation of initial conditions for predictions of ocean biogeochemistry}} - Guillermo Sanz Arraiz, September 2019, UCM {{:library:external:tfm-guillermo-sanz.pdf|Impact of model resolution on the representation of the North Atlantic climate variability:drivers and teeleconnections}} - Christian Guzman Ruiz, September 2019, {{:library:external:accelerating_atmospheric_models_using_gpus.pdf|Accelerating Atmospheric Models using GPUs}} | {{:library:external:accelerating_atmospheric_models_using_gpus_slides.pdf|Slides}} - Carlos Delgado Torres, September 2019, UCM {{:library:external:tfm_carlosdelgado.pdf|Impact of Model Initialization on Predictability of Weather Regimes over the Euro-Atlantic Region on Inter-annual to Decadal Timescales}} | {{:library:external:tfm_carlosdelgado_slides.pdf|Slides}} ====2018==== - Xavier Yepes-Arbós, 27 April 2018, {{:master_students:master_thesis_xavier_yepes.pdf|Improving the throughput of an atmospheric model using an asynchronous parallel I/O server}} {{:master_students:master_thesis_xavier_yepes_slides.pdf|Presentation slides}} ====2017==== - Carles Cortijo, Sep 2016-July 2017, {{memoria_tfm.pdf|Mejoras en la predicción del oleaje costero utilizando vientos de muy alta resolucion}} {{annex 1.pdf|Annex 1}} {{annex 2.pdf|Annex 2}} ====2016==== - Niti Mishra, April-June 2016, {{seasonal_forecast_verification.pdf|Skill Assessment of Seasonal Temperature and Precipitation Forecast over Europe}} {{slides-skill-assessment-seasonal.pdf|Presentation}}. - María Santolaria, September 2016, {{:master_students:master.thesis_msantolaria.pdf|On the observed connection between Arctic sea ice and Eurasian snow in relation to the winter NAO}}. ====2014==== - Oriol Tintó Prims, September 2014, {{orioltinto_masterthesis.pdf|Accelerating NEMO: towards exa-scale climate simulation}}; {{orioltinto_masterthesis_summary.pdf|summary}}. - Robin Weber, March 2014, {{robin_weber_masterthesis.pdf|A comparison of techniques for the initialisation of climate prediction}}.