=====Posters===== * **Naming convention: title of the event (city, country, dates of the event (days month year)), title of the poster, first author (name of the project/s acknowledged). ** ** file **\\ * **Please keep the ascending chronological order** [[library:external:posters|Posters]] ==== 2024 ==== - Campus Gutenberg (Barcelona, Spain, 18-19 September 2024), Anatomía de una sequía:¿cómo la podemos predecir?, Terrado, M. (ASPECT) {{:library:external:20240918_mterrado_campusgutenberg.pdf | pdf}} - EMS 2024 (Barcelona, Spain, 2-6 September 2024), Comparing the seasonal predictability of ENSO and the Tropical Pacific variability in EC-Earth3 at two different horizontal resolutions, Carreric, A. (ASPECT) {{ :library:external:20240903_acarreric_ems2024_poster.pdf | pdf}} - EMS 2024 (Barcelona, Spain, 2-6 September 2024), SUNSET: SUbseasoNal to decadal climate forecast post-processIng and asSEssmenT suite, Pérez-Zanón, N. (CERISE) {{ :library:external:perezzanon_sunset_ems2024.pdf | poster.pdf}} - IMSC 2024 (Toulouse, France, 24-28 June 2024), Attribution of long-term trends in the Western Mediterranean: exploring regional aspects, D. Campos (CLIMCAT). {{ :library:external:campos_thu_11_v2.pdf | PDF}} - EGU General Assembly 2024 (Vienna, Austria, 14-19 April 2024), Collaboratively developing workflows at the BSC-ES, G. Montané Pinto (FOCI). {{ :library:external:egu24_collaboratively_developing_workflows_at_the_bsc_es.pdf | PDF}} {{ :library:external:egu24_collaboratively_developing_workflows_at_the_bsc-es.zip | LaTeX source}} - EGU General Assembly 2024 (Vienna, Austria, 14-19 April 2024), The data streaming in the Climate Adaptation Digital Twin: a fundamental piece to transform climate data into climate information, F. Roura-Adserias (DestinE). {{ :library:external:17042024_The data streaming in the Climate Adaptation Digital Twin_a fundamental piece to transform climate data into climate information.pdf | PDF}} - CERISE General Assembly 2024 (Reading, UK, 17-19 January 2024), SUNSET: the SUbseasoNal to decadal climate forecast post-processiNg and asSEssmenT suite, V. Agudetse (CERISE-101082139). {{{{ :library:external:sunset_poster_cerise.pdf | PDF}} - EGU General Assembly 2024 (Vienna, Austria, 14-19 April 2024), Assessing Job Wrapping as an Strategy for Workflow Optimization on Shared HPC Platforms, Manuel G. Marciani {{ :library:external:wrapper_impact_poster_egu2024.pdf | pdf}} {{ :phd_students:wrapper_impact_code_v1.zip | Latex Code}} - EGU General Assembly 2024 (Vienna, Austria, 14-19 April 2024), Autosubmit role in the EDITO-infra, Daniel Beltrán and Manuel G. Marciani (EDITO), {{ :library:external:edito_poster_egu2024.pdf | pdf}} - A workflow for the Climate Digital Twin (European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 14-19 April 2024), Aina Gaya-Àvila, (DE_340), {{ :library:external:egu24-2533_presentation.pdf | pdf}} - EC-Earth General Assembly (KNMI, Netherlands, 19-21 March 2024), Equity, diversity and inclusion in EC-Earth, Valentina Sicardi, Aude Carreric and Amirpasha Mozaffari, {{ :library:external:ec-earth-equity-march-2024.pptx.pdf | PDF}} ==== 2023 ==== - AGU Annual Meeting 2023 (San Francisco, USA, 11-15 December 2023), Comparing the emitted dust particle size distribution in Iceland and Morocco from intensive field measurements, C. González-Flórez (FRAGMENT-773051). {{ :library:poster_agu23_cristinagonzalezflorez.pdf | PDF}} - IUGG 28th General Assembly (Berlin, Germany, 12 July 2023), Impact of model resolution on the representation of deep water formation and its link with the AMOC, E. Martin-Martinez (STREAM, EERIE, PRE2021-097163). {{ :library:external:eneko_martin_iugg_berlin_2023_poster.pdf | PDF}} {{ :library:external:eneko_martin_iugg_berlin_2023_poster.zip | LaTeX source}} - WWRP/WCRP S2S Summit 2023 (Reading, UK, 3-7 July 2023), Impacts of increased horizontal resolution on the seasonal predictability of Tropical Pacific variability, A. Carreric (Co-fund STARS Fellowship). {{ :library:external:20230705_s2s_summit_acarreric.pdf | PDF }} - ECCA 2023 (Dublin, Ireland 19-21 June 2023), Destination Earth storyline perspective, G. Versteeg (DE_340, GLORIA). {{ :library:external:20230619_ecca_gversteeg.pdf | PDF}} - ECCA 2023 (Dublin, Ireland 19-21 June 2023), Climate change adaptation stories of reindeer herders in Finnish Lapland, M. Terrado (ArcticXchange). {{ :library:external:20230619_ecca_mterrado.pdf | PDF}} - ITM2023 (Chapel Hill, USA, 22-26 May 2023), Evaluation of the MONARCH-simulated NO2 and HCHO tropospheric columns against Sentinel-5P TROPOMI observations over the Iberian Peninsula, F. Lopez (RYC2021-034511-I, CSIC-PNO3, AXA, MITIGATE, VITALISE). {{ :library:external:20230523_ITM2023_FrancoLopez_poster_v2.pdf | PDF}} - I Jornada de Recerca i Divulgació de Doctorat de la UB (Barcelona, Spain, 19 May 2023), Entenent la formació d’aigües profundes amb un model climàtic que resol la mesoescala, E. Martin-Martinez (STREAM, EERIE, PRE2021-097163). {{ :library:external:eneko_martin_i_jornada_de_recerca_i_divulgacio_de_doctorat_de_la_ub_poster.pdf | PDF}} {{ :library:external: eneko_martin_i_jornada_de_recerca_i_divulgacio_de_doctorat_de_la_ub_poster.zip | LaTeX source}} - EGU (Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2023), Linking future Gulf Stream warming and increased European winter precipitation in eddy-rich global models, Moreno-Chamarro, E. (EERIE, STREAM). {{ :library:external:egu2023_morenochamarro_poster.pdf | pdf}} - EGU (Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2023), New Aerosol-sensitive Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation Parameterization in the EC-Earth3 Earth System Model: evaluation and climate response, M. Costa-Surós (STARS-MSCA-754433, FORCeS-821205, FRAGMENT-773051, AXA). {{ :library:external:egu_poster_mcs_v7.pdf |pdf}} - CLIVAR | Towards an integrated view of climate (Madrid, Spain, January 23-26, 2023), Impacts of the increased horizontal resolution on the predictability of the tropical Pacific variability. Carreric, A., Ortega P., Batte L., Specq D. {{ :library:external:20230125_clivar_madrid_acarreric.pdf | PDF}} - CLIVAR | Towards an integrated view of climate (Madrid, Spain, January 23-26, 2023), Atlantic Multidecadal Variability modulates the climate response to El Niño-Southern Oscillation in Australia. Trascasa-Castro, P., Maycock, A., Ruprich-Robert, Y., Turco, M., and F. Castruccio {{ :library:external:trascasa-castro_clivar_madrid_2023.pdf | PDF}} - CLIVAR | Towards an integrated view of climate (Madrid, Spain, January 23-26, 2023), Quantifying the role of climate and the environment on Lyme disease risk. Lotto Batista, M., Castel, S., Ghozzi, S., Lowe, R. {{ :library:external:20230126_clivar_madrid_mlotto.pdf | PDF}} ==== 2022 ==== - AGU (Chicago, USA, 12-16 December 2022), Dust-sensitive Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation in the EC-Earth3 ESM: comparison with INP obs. & radiative effects, M. Costa-Surós (STARS-MSCA-754433, FORCeS-821205, FRAGMENT-773051, AXA). {{ :library:external:agu_-_ipostersessions.com_final.pdf |pdf}} - Whither the Gulf Stream Workshop: Present Understanding and Future Opportunities for Elucidating the Role of the Gulf Stream in Weather and Climate (Woods Hole, USA, June 15-17, 2022), Linking future Gulf Stream warming and increased European winter precipitation in eddy-rich global models, Moreno-Chamarro, E. (STREAM, PRIMAVERA) {{ :library:external:morenochamarro_gulfstreamposter_june2022.pdf | pdf }} ==== 2021 ==== - Next Generation Challenges in Energy-Climate Modelling 2021, Online, 16th-17th September, Bridging teleconnections to produce seasonal forecasts of wind & solar power generation, Ll. Lledó (S2S4E) {{:library:external:20210916_llledo_nextgenec2021.pdf|pdf}} - BSC Doctoral Symposium (2021), Online, 11th-13th May, Sensitivity of soluble iron deposition to soil mineralogy uncertainty, E. Bergas-Massó (NUTRIENT) {{ :library:external: poster_iron_BSCSYMP_2021.pdf | pdf }} - EGU General Assembly 2021 (EGU2021), Online, 19–30 April 2021, Anticipating the computational performance of Earth System Models for pre-exascale systems {{ :library:external:20210429_xyepes_egu2021.pdf |pdf}} - WCRP-CLIVAR Workshop on Climate Interactions among the Tropical Basins (Online) (24-26 Feb 2021) Impact of Equatorial Atlantic Variability on ENSO predictive skill, E. Exarchou (TRIATLAS) {{ :library:external: Exarchou-TBI.pdf | pdf }} ==== 2020 ==== - Virtual AGU (16 December 2020) Investigating the climate predictability in the Southern Ocean using global and regional coupled models, E. Moreno-Chamarro (PARAMOUR) {{ :library:external:paramour_iposter_agu2020.pdf | pdf }} - Virtual AGU (8 December 2020) Projections of atmospheric soluble iron deposition under CMIP6 emission scenarios , E. Bergas-Massó (NUTRIENT) {{ :library:external:agu_-_ipostersessions.com.pdf | pdf }} https://agu2020fallmeeting-agu.ipostersessions.com/?s=BE-E3-AB-12-7B-7C-C5-85-AA-3C-24-F6-D4-02-71-BF - IBS Conference on High Resolution Earth System Modelling (Virtual Event and Busan, South Korea, 12-14 October, 2020). Is winter precipitation change over Europe underestimated in current projections?, E. Moreno-Chamarro. {{:library:external:morenochamarro_ibsconference_poster.pdf |pdf}} - ECMWF-ESA Workshop on Machine Learning for Earth System Observation and Prediction, virtual event, 5-8 October. Learning to simulate precipitation with supervised and generative learning models, C. Gomez Gonzalez, M. Donat, K. Serradell Maronda. {{ :library:external:gomezgonzalez_ecmwfesa_workshopml_poster.pdf |pdf}}https://earth.bsc.es/wiki/doku.php#dokuwiki__top - Phi-week 2020, virtual event, 28th September - 2nd October. Identification of Wastewater CH4 Emission Sources with Computer Vision and Sentinel-2 Observations, C. Gomez Gonzalez, M. Guevara Vilardell, K. Serradell Maronda.{{ :library:external:gomezgonzalez_phiweek2020_poster.pdf |pdf}} - EC-Earth meeting 2020, Madrid, Spain, 3-5 March 2020 (Cancelled, virtual meeting). The atmospheric iron cycle in EC-Earth, E. Bergas-Massó (NUTRIENT) {{:library:external:poster_AtmosphericIronCycle_ElisaBergasMasso.pdf|pdf}} - EC-Earth meeting 2020, Madrid, Spain, 3-5 March 2020 (Cancelled, virtual meeting). Running and monitoring climate experiments easily with Autosubmit, W. Uruchi, P. Echevarria, M. Castrillo {{:library:external:20200303_ec_earth_meeting_mcastril.pdf|pdf}} - EGU meeting 2020, Viena, Austria, 4-8 May 2020 (Cancelled, Online meeting). CSTools R package bringing state-of-the-arts postprocessing methods to seasonal-to-decadal forecast users, N. Pérez-Zanón et al {{ :library:external:perezzanonegu2020.pdf |pdf}} - ISMS 2020, Barcelona, 1-3 July 2020 (virtual symposium). May Deep Learning contribute to improve Downscaling techniques?. J. Peña-Izquierdo, C. Gómez González, R. Marcos, N. Pérez-Zanón. {{ :library:external:pen_a-izquierdo_downscalingwithdl_isms2020.pdf | pdf}} ==== 2019 ==== - AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA, 9-13 December 2019. Multi-model assessment of the late-winter ENSO teleconnection in the Euro-Atlantic sector (new and improved!), B. Mezzina. {{ :library:external:poster_agu_Bianca.pdf |pdf}} - Atmospheric Circulation in a Changing Climate (A Joint DynVarMIP·SPARCDynVar·SNAP Meeting), Madrid, Spain, 22- 25 October 2019. Multi-model assessment of the late-winter ENSO teleconnection in the Euro-Atlantic sector, B. Mezzina (MEDSCOPE) {{ :library:external:28102019_bmezzina_dynvar.pdf |pdf}} - AAAR, Portland, OR, USA, 14 - 18 October 2019. CAMP: A Scalable, Portable, Gas–Aerosol Chemistry Treatment for Atmospheric Models, M. Dawson (ACRoNNIM, BROWNING) {{ :library:external:20191017_aaar_dawson.pdf |pdf}} - AeroCom/AeroSat, Barcelona, Spain, 23 - 28 September 2019. Towards the production of a high-resolution regional dust reanalysis for Northern Africa, the Middle East and Europe, E. Di Tomaso (DustClim, AXA, STARS, PRACE, Encomienda AEMET) {{:library:external:dustclim_poster_aerocom_20190923.pdf | pdf}} - AeroCom/AeroSat, Barcelona, Spain, 23 - 28 September 2019. Soil mineral dust: Natural and anthropogenic aerosol, M. Klose (DUST.ES) {{ :library:external:20190923_klose_anthropogenic_dust.pdf |pdf}} - EMS Annual Meeting, Lyngby, Denmark, 9-13 September 2019. www.seasonalhurricanepredictions.org L-P Caron {{:library:external:20190909_Caron_Hurricane.pdf|pdf}} - EMS Annual Meeting, Lyngby, Denmark, 9-13 September 2019. CSTools: a new R package for the calibration, combination, downscaling and analysis of seasonal forecasts. L-P Caron {{:library:external:20190909_Caron_CSTools.pdf|pdf}} (MEDSCOPE) - IMSC, Toulouse, France, 24-28 June 2019, Multi-year prediction of European summer drought conditions for the agricultural sector. B. Solaraju-Murali {{:library:external:20190624_Bala_drought.pdf|pdf}} (EUCP, MEDGOLD, HIATUS, CLINSA, INPhINIT) - IMSC, Toulouse, France, 24-28 June 2019, CSTools R package: handy post-processing tool for state-of-the-arts methods of seasonal forecasts. N. Pérez-Zanón et al. {{:library:external:20190409_Caron_CSTools.pdf|pdf}} (MEDSCOPE) - EC-Earth meeting, Reading, U.K., 21-23 May 2019, Robust, reproducible workflows for EC-Earth - The BSC use case, Echevarria et al. {{ library:external:ecearth-reading.pdf|pdf }} (PRIMAVERA, ESiWASE) - - PRACEdays19, Poznan, Poland, 13-17 May 2019, High-resolution regional dust analysis based on ensemble data assimilation techniques within the NMMB-MONARCH model Basart et al. {{library:external:20190516_basart_edust_postera00_v2.pdf|pdf }} (PRACE eDUST, ACTRIS-2, ESA Aerosol CCI, AXA) - EGU, Vienna, Austria, 8-12 April 2019, How large is the contribution of cropland and grazing lands to the global dust cycle? Martina Klose {{ :library:external:20190412_klose_egu2019.pdf |pdf}} (DUST.ES) - EGU, Vienna, Austria, 8-12 April 2019, Characterization of European wind speed variability using weather regimes. Nicola Cortesi et al. {{:library:external:20190412_ncortesi.pdf|pdf}} (S2S4E, NEWA) - EGU, Vienna, Austria, 8-12 April 2019, CSTools: a new R package for the calibration, combination, downscaling and analysis of seasonal forecasts. L-P Caron et al. {{:library:external:20190409_Caron_CSTools.pdf|pdf}} (MEDSCOPE) - WindEurope Conference & Exhibition, 2-4 April 2019, Wind speeds from global reanalyses. Intercomparison and validation with met mast data. Jaume Ramon. {{:library:external:po157.pdf|pdf}} - CMIP6 workshop, Barcelona, 25-28 March 2019, Energy conserving and physically consistent method for isolating the impacts of sea-ice changes in a multi-model framework. Ivana Cvijanovic (Beatriu de Pinos, APPLICATE){{:library:external:20190326_icvijanovic_cmip6workshop.pdf|pdf}} - CMIP6 workshop, Barcelona, 25-28 March 2019, Northern hemisphere winter forecasts in current climate prediction systems. Juan Camilo Acosta Navarro. {{:library:external:20190327_acostanavarro_cmip6workshop.pdf|pdf}} - CMIP6 workshop, Barcelona, 25-28 March 2019, Impact of initialisation on the reliability of decadal predictions. Deborah Verfaillie (EUCP). {{:library:external:20190327_verfaillie_cmip6workshop.pdf|pdf}} - CMIP6 workshop, Barcelona, 25-28 March 2019, An anatomy of the forecast errors in a seasonal prediction system with EC-Earth. Rubén Cruz-García. {{:library:external:20180327_cruz-garcia_cmip6workshop.pdf|pdf}} - CMIP6 workshop, Barcelona, 25-28 March 2019, Decadal Climate Predictions with EC-Earth at the BSC. Simon Wild, Roberto Bilbao et al. (STARS, EUCP). {{:library:external:20190327_wild_cmip6workshop.pdf|pdf}} ==== 2018 ==== - AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, D.C., USA, 10-14 December 2018, Subseasonal-to-Decadal Climate Forecast applications. Llorenç Lledó (S2S4E, EUCP, MED-GOLD, IMPREX, SPFireSD, CLINSA, SeasonalHurricanePredictions). {{ :library:external:20181210_llledo_agu2018_S2Dapplications.pdf|pdf}}{{ :library:external:20181210_llledo_agu2018_S2Dapplications.pptx|pptx}} - AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, D.C., USA, 10-14 December 2018, I/O scalability boost for the next generation of Earth system models: IFS-XIOS integration as a case study {{ :library:external:20181211_xyepes_agu2018.pdf|pdf}} - EC-Earth meeting - Lisbon, Portugal. 22-24 October 2018. CMORization of CMIP6 data: workflow from the data request to the final ESGF-publishable data. Arthur Ramos & Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière. {{:library:external:aamaral_ecearth_meeting_201810.pdf|pdf}} - Climateurope Festival 2018, Belgrade, Serbia, 17-19 October 2018, Co-designing the next generation of climate models for a better informed society. Dragana Bojovic (PRIMAVERA).{{:library:external:20181017_climateurope_dbojovic.pdf|pdf}} - Climateurope Festival 2018, Belgrade, Serbia, 17-19 October 2018, How many Atlantic hurricanes do we expect for the coming season? Marta Terrado (SeasonalHurricanePredictions).{{:library:external:17102018_mterrado_climateurope_hurricanes.pdf|pdf}} - Climateurope Festival 2018, Belgrade, Serbia, 17-19 October 2018, Communicating, engaging and clustering: the MED-GOLD approach to provide climate services for Mediterranean grape, olive and durum wheat, Marta Terrado (MED-GOLD).{{:library:external:17102018_mterrado_climateurope_medgold.pdf|pdf}} - Climateurope Festival 2018, Belgrade, Serbia, 17-19 October 2018, Sub-seasonal to Seasonal climate predictions for Energy (S2S4E), Ilaria Vigo (S2S4E).{{:library:external:20181017_climateurope_ivigo.pdf|pdf}} - 17th AeroCom / 6th AeroSAT meeting, Maryland, USA, 15-19 October 2018, inDust: International Network to Encourage the Use of Monitoring and Forecasting Dust Products, Sara Basart {{:library:external:20181012_aerocom_indust_poster_v3_dina0.pdf| pdf}} - SPARC General Assembly - Kyoto, Japan. 1-5 October 2018. On how Turbulent Mountain Stress influences sudden stratospheric warming occurrence. Froila M. Palmeiro.{{:library:external:poster_sparc_palmeirotms.pdf|pdf}} - SPARC General Assembly - Kyoto, Japan. 1-5 October 2018. Assessing stratospheric winter variability in EC‐EARTH: High‐Top versus Low‐Top resolution. Froila M. Palmeiro.{{:library:external:poster_sparc_palmeiroecearth.pdf|pdf}} - SPARC General Assembly - Kyoto, Japan. 1-5 October 2018. Dynamics of the ENSO impact on the tropical upwelling. Froila M. Palmeiro.{{:library:external:poster_sparc_palmeiroupwelling.pdf|pdf}} - SPARC General Assembly - Kyoto, Japan. 1-5 October 2018. Separating ENSO and NAO signatures in the North Atlantic. Bianca Mezzina.{{:library:external:poster_sparc_mezzina.pdf|pdf}} - 2nd Copernicus General Assembly Communication Session, Berlin, Germany, 27 September. Different objectives, different actions: communication and user engagement strategies in four C3S service contracts, Marta Terrado & Isadora Jiménez (Clim4Energy, SECTEUR, QA4Seas, MAGIC). {{library:external:27092018_c3s_ga_poster_bsc.pdf|pdf}} - Second International Conference on Seasonal to Decadal Prediction - Boulder, USA. 17-21 September 2018. Assessing the added-value of near-term decadal climate information for decision making in the agricultural sector, Balakrishnan Solaraju Murali (INPhINIT, MED-GOLD, HIATUS, CLINSA, EUCP). {{:library:external:20180917_bsolaraju_boulder.pdf|pdf}} - Second International Conference on Seasonal to Decadal Prediction - Boulder, USA. 17-21 September 2018. Wind drought episodes in the US and Europe, Llorenç Lledó & Albert Soret (S2S4E). {{:library:external:20180919_usdrought.pdf|pdf}} - Second International Conference on Seasonal to Decadal Prediction - Boulder, USA. 17-21 September 2018. Decadal Prediction Research at the BSC, Deborah Verfaillie, Simon Wild (EUCP). {{:library:external:18092018_dverfail-swild_s2d.pdf|pdf}} - EMS Annual Meeting 2018, Budapest, Hungary, 3-7 September 2018, The societal benefits of Earth System Modelling for climate services, M. Terrado (Climateurope) {{:library:external: mterrado_ems2018.pdf|pdf}} - EMS Annual Meeting 2018 - Budapest, Hungary. 3-7 September 2018. Towards a new tall tower database, Jaume Ramon (Indecis) {{:library:external:ems2018_talltowers_jramon_llp.pdf|pdf}} - PASC 2018 - Basel, Switzerland. 2-4 July 2018. Performance Study of Earth System Models. CES. Mario Acosta. {{:library:20180702_mario_acosta_pasc2018.pdf|pdf}} - ISC 2018 - Frankfurt, Germany. 24-28 Jun 2018. An auto climate model continuous integration strategy. CES. Pablo Echevarria. {{:library:20180624_pablo_echevarria_isc2018.pdf|pdf}} - VII Jornada Ambiental (Bodegas Torres), Barcelona, Spain, 30 May 2018, Helping to ensure the future of the Mediterranean diet with climate services, M. Terrado (MED-GOLD, VISCA, HIATUS) {{:library:external:20180530_mterrado_jornada_ambiental.pdf|pdf}} - 9th International Workshop on Sand / Dust storm and Associated Dustfall, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, 22-25 May 2018, Towards continuous evaluation of dust profiles in the WMO SDS-WAS Regional Center, S. Basart {{:library:20180525_sbasart_sds-was_postera00.pdf|.pdf}} - 36th International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application,Ottawa, Canada, 14 - 18 May 2018, Potential impact of a low emission zone on street-level air quality in Barcelona city using CALIOPE-Urban model, J.Benavides {{:library:external:Poster_ITM_2018_jaimebenavides.pdf|pdf}} - EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018, Impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on the tropical climate and Tropical Cylcone activity, Y. Ruprich-Robert {{:library:external:Poster_EGU_2018_yohanruprichrobert.pdf|pdf}} - EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018, Impact of Tropical Atlantic variability on Tropical Pacific predictability, E. Exarchou {{:library:external:egu2018_eexarchou.pdf|pdf}} - EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018, An observational study of the extreme wildfire events of California in 2017 : quantifying the relative importance of climate and weather, E. Tourigny {{:library:external:egu2018_etourign.pdf|pdf}} - EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018, Impact of satellite-derived export production on interior DIC distribution. Implications for ocean carbon uptake, R. Bernardello {{library:external:Bernardello_EGU2018.pdf | pdf}} - 33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ponte Vedra, USA, April 15-20. www.seasonalhurricanepredictions.org {{library:external:caron_poster_AMS_2018.pdf | pdf}} - EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018, Skill Improvement of Wind Speed Monthly Forecasts, N. Cortesi (NEWA) {{library:external:ncortesi_EGU2018.pdf | pdf}} - EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018, Skill assessment of sub-seasonal forecasts of temperature and precipitation, A. Manrique (IMPREX) {{library:external:EGU2018_AManrique_Skill_assessment_subseasonal.pdf | pdf}} - EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018, Towards an optimal use of numerical precision in Earth System models: the case of NEMO, O. Tintó. {{library:external:OTinto_egu2018.pdf | pdf}} - EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018, Dust emission from crusted surfaces, M. Klose. {{:library:external:egu2018_poster_mklose_embedded_fonts.pdf|pdf}} - EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018. Forecasting the climate response to volcanic eruptions. {{library:external:RBilbao_egu2018.pdf | pdf}} - EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018. An assessment of regional sea ice predictability in the Arctic ocean. {{library:external:cruz-garcia_posteregu.pdf | pdf}} - EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018. Separating ENSO and NAO signatures in the North Atlantic (updated!) {{library: external:poster_egu2018_bianca.pdf| pdf}} - EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018, Impact of model resolution on the winter North Atlantic-European climate variability and predictability, R.J. Haarsma {{library:external:jgarcia_egu2018_hires.pdf | pdf}} - Air Quality Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 13-16 March 2018. Evaluation of traffic emission models coupled with a microscopic traffic simulator and real driving measures. {{:library:external:poster_aqc_vf_dani_rrey.pdf| pdf}} - Conference of the Green Win Project, Barcelona, Spain, 13 March 2018, Earth System Services initiative, M. Terrado (Clim4Enery, S2S4E, RePort) {{:library:external:20180313_mterrado_greenwin.pdf|pdf}} - 2nd IceDust Workshop, Reykjavík, Iceland, 14 February 2018. inDust: International Network to Encourage the Use of Monitoring and Forecasting Dust Products, Sara Basart {{ :library:external:indust_poster_v3_dina0.pdf| pdf}} - Arctic Frontiers Conference, Tromso, Norway, 22-26 January 2018, ENGAGING, INVOLVING AND EMPOWERING: Triple Approach to Stakeholders ́ Collaboration on the Production of Enhanced Arctic Climate Prediction, D. Bojovic (APPLICATE) {{:library:external:applicate_arctic_frontiers_poster_final.pdf|pdf}} ==== 2017 ==== - PRIMAVERA GA, Bologna, Italy, 21-23 November 2017, Graphical presentation of the PRIMAVERA user engagement activities, D. Bojovic {{:library:external:primavera_ga3_poster_final.pdf| pdf}} - PRIMAVERA GA, Bologna, Italy, 21-23 November 2017, Relation of ocean heat content to surface climate and the impact of resolution: open questions and methodological challenges. {{:library:external:21112017_eexarchou_primavera_GA.pdf| pdf}} - Symposium on Urban Mobility Challenges, Barcelona, Spain, 13th November 2017, Design and evaluation of mobility policies impact on Barcelona's air quality. {{:library:external:poster_vf_open_space_daniel_rrey.pdf| pdf}} - 5th International Conference on Reanalysis (ICR5), Rome, Italy, 12th November 2017, Intercomparison of monthly Euro-Atlantic weather regimes obtained from different reanalysis and of their influence on wind energy resources. {{:library:external:20171112_regimes_wind_ncortesi.pdf| pdf}} - GOTHAM International Summer School, Potsdam, Germany, 18-22 September 2017, Separating ENSO and NAO signatures in the North Atlantic {{library:external:gotham_school_bmezzina_sep17.pdf| pdf}} - European Meteorological Society (EMS), Dublin, Ireland, 4-8 September 2017, From twitting to training: a communication approach to adapt to a changing Arctic climate (APPLICATE) {{library:external:20170904_dbojovic_ems.pdf| pdf}} - 4th International Conference on Energy & Meteorology (ICEM), Bari, Italy, 27-29 June 2017, Near-surface wind speed trends: uncertainty assessment of reanalysis products (NEWA) {{library:external:poster_icem_2017.pdf|20062017_vtorralba_ICEM2017.pdf}} - 5th WGNE workshop on systematic errors in weather and climate models, Montreal, Canada, June 19-23, 2017, http://collaboration.cmc.ec.gc.ca/science/rpn/wgne_wse/posters.html {{:library:external:20170619_etourign_5th_wgne.pdf|}} - 6th Hurricane and Climate Change Summit, Heraklion, Greece, 5-9 June 2017, www.seasonalhurricanepredictions.org {{:library:external:05062017_lpcaron_website.pdf|pdf}} L-P Caron - 6th Hurricane and Climate Change Summit, Heraklion, Greece, 5-9 June 2017, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) – User engagement {{:library:external:05062017_lpcaron_SECTEUR.pdf|pdf}} L-P Caron - OpenIFS workshop 2017, Trieste, Italy, 5-9 June 2017, Performance study of OpenIFS: towards a more efficiently scalable model {{:library:external:20170605_macosta_oifsworkshop.pdf|pdf}} - European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Glasgow, UK, 5-7 June 2017, Co-designing the next generation of climate models for a better informed society, D. Bojovic (PRIMAVERA) {{:library:external:primavera_eccaposter_30may.pdf| pdf}} - European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 5-9 June 2017, Climate services for wind energy (Clim4Energy) {{library:external:poster_c4e_ecca2017.pdf|pdf}} - EC-Earth Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, 29-31 May 2017, CES Performance {{library:external:20170529_ec-earth_ces.pdf|pdf}} - 7th International Verification Methods Workshop (7IVMW), Berlin, Germany, 08-11 May 2017,Challenges in the user oriented verification of wind speed climate predictions {{library:external:poster_verification.pdf|20170509_vtorralba_7IVMW.pdf}} - 7th International Verification Methods Workshop (7IVMW), Berlin, Deutschland, 08-11 May 2017, s2dverification: an R package for climate forecast verification {{library:external:20170509_nmanuben_7IVMW_s2dverification.pdf|pdf}} - EGU General Assembly 2017 (EGU2017), Wien, Austria, 24-28 April 2017, Uncertainty assessment of the near-surface wind speed trends in the reanalyses (RESILIENCE) {{library:external:poster_egu_2017-4.pdf|20170427_vtorralba_EGU2017.pdf}} - EGU General Assembly 2017 (EGU2017), Wien, Austria, 24-28 April 2017, Near-surface wind speed statistical distribution: comparison between ECMWF System 4 and ERA-Interim (RESILIENCE) {{library:external:services:201704228_egu2017poster_rmarcos.pdf|pdf}} - EGU General Assembly 2017 (EGU2017), Wien, Austria, 24-28 April 2017, Seasonal forecast verification of extreme events for the wind energy sector (RESILIENCE) {{library:external:services:20170428_dlee_EGU2017.pdf|20170428_dlee_EGU2017.pdf}} - EGU General Assembly 2017 (EGU2017), Wien, Austria, 24-28 April 2017, Verification of ECMWF seasonal forecasts using Euro-Atlantic weather regimes (RESILIENCE) {{library:external:services:20170428_ncortesi_EGU2017.pdf|20170428_ncortesi_EGU2017.pdf}} - EGU General Assembly 2017 (EGU2017), Vienna, Austria, 24-28 April 2017, Simulation-based performance analysis of EC-Earth 3.2.0 using Dimemas {{library:external:20170426_xyepes_egu2017.pdf|pdf}} - Climateurope Festival 2017, Valencia, Spain, 5-7 April 2017, RESILIENCE - Climate predictions for the wind energy sector (RESILIENCE, EUPORIAS) {{library:external:20170405_mterrado_climeufest2017.pdf|pdf}} ==== 2016 ==== - AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 12-16 December 2016: Climate forecasting services: coming down from the ivory tower {{:library:external:AGU2016_Poster_BSC.pdf|pdf}} {{:library:external:AGU2016_Poster_BSC.ppt|ppt}} - MYGEOSS Final Event, Brussels, Belgium, 6 December 2016: {{library:external:bsc_20161206_mygeoss_final_poster_100ppp.pdf|bsc_20161206_mygeoss_final_poster_100ppp.pdf}} - 7th CCI Integration Meeting, ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 4-6th October 2016: Exploring observational uncertainty in verification of climate predictions {{:library:external:20161004_omar_bellprat_cci.pdf}} - EC-Earth Meeting, Reading, UK, 2-3 November 2016: Autosubmit {{:library:external:20161028_dmanubens_ec-earth2016.pdf|}} - WindEurope Summit 2016 (EWEA), Hamburg, Germany, 27-29 September 2016: Project Ukko: Seasonal wind speed predictions at a glance {{:library:external:20160927_ijimenez_WindEurope2016_ProjectUkko.pdf}} - WindEurope Summit 2016 (EWEA), Hamburg, Germany, 27-29 September 2016: The weather roulette: seasonal wind speed predictions vs. climatology {{:library:external:20160927_ijimenez_WindEurope2016_WeatherRoulette.pdf}} - WindEurope Summit 2016 (EWEA), Hamburg, Germany, 27-29 September 2016: Predictability assessment of climate predictions within the context of the New European Wind Atlas project (NEWA) {{:library:external:20160927_asoret_windeurope2016_NEWA.ppt}} - WindEurope Summit 2016 (EWEA), Hamburg, Germany, 27-29 September 2016: Corrosion in offshore wind energy: assessment of marine aerosol concentration using the CALIOPE air quality modelling system {{:library:external:20160927-asoret-WindEurope_Sea salt.pdf}} - SPARC QBO Workshop, Oxford, UK, 26-30 September 2016: Non-annular hemispheric signature of the winter North Atlantic Oscillation {{:library:external:20160926-27_jgarcia_sparc-qbo.pdf}} - CLIVAR Open Science Conference (2016), Qingdao, China, 18-25 September, PRIMAVERA: High resolution climate processes: Impact of increase in horizontal resolution on Arctic sea ice evolution {{:library:external:20160921_nfuckar_clivar.pdf}} - CLIVAR Open Science Conference (2016), Qingdao, China, 18-25 September, PRIMAVERA: High resolution climate processes: Internal variability generating hiatus periods in high resolution simulations {{:library:external:20160921_eexarcho_clivar.pdf}} - 16th EMS Annual Meeting (2016), Trieste, Italy, 12-16 September, Seasonal forecasts for the wind power industry within the CLIM4ENERGY project {{:library:external:20160923_llledo_EMS.pdf}} - 16th EMS Annual Meeting (2016), Trieste, Italy, 12-16 September, Corrosion in offshore wind energy: assessment of marine aerosol concentration using the BSC-CALIOPE air quality modelling system in Europe {{:library:external:20160923_asoret-EMS-Sea salt.pdf}} -16th EMS Annual Meeting (2016), Trieste, Italy, 12-16 September, Solar power forecasting: application of the NMMB/BSC-CTM on-line chemical weather prediction model in central Europe {{:library:external:20160923_asoret-EMS-Dust.pdf}} - 16th EMS Annual Meeting (2016), Trieste, Italy, 12-16 September, Weather regimes as a tool to validate seasonal forecasts {{:library:external:20160909_ncortesi_EMS.pdf}} - 16th EMS Annual Meeting (2016), Trieste, Italy, 12-16 September, The weather roulette: communicating probabilistic predictions for wind energy {{:library:external:20160912_ijimenez_ems2016_weatherroulette.pdf}} - NILS Closure Event (2016), Madrid, 26 May, Impact of aerosols' definition on regional climate simulations over North Africa, the Middle East and Europe. {{:library:external:20160526_goncalves_nilsposterclosure.pdf}} - BSC Doctoral Symposium (2016), Barcelona, 4-6 May, Development of a wind energy climate service based on seasonal climate prediction {{:library:external:20160504_vtorralb_bsc_doctoral_symposium.pdf}} - EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU2016), Wien, Austria, 18-22 April 2016, Development of a wind energy climate service based on seasonal climate prediction (PICO){{:library:external:20160420_vtorralba_egu.ppt|}} - EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU2016), Wien, Austria, 18-22 April 2016, The weather roulette: assessing the economic value of seasonal wind speed predictions {{:library:external:20160420_ijimenez_EGU.pdf|}} - EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU2016), Wien, Austria, 18-22 April 2016, European wintertime influence of Lamb Weather Types on Wind speed, Temperature and Precipitation {{:library:external:20160416_ncortesi_EGU.pdf|}} - EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU2016), Wien, Austria, 18-22 April 2016, Application and verification of the NMMB/BSC-CTM forecast for solar energy {{:library:external:2016414_ASoret-EGU.pdf|}} - EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU2016), Wien, Austria, 18-22 April 2016, Prediction of sea ice thickness clusters in the Northern Hemisphere {{:library:external:20160421_nfuckar_egu.pdf}} - EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU2016), Wien, Austria, 18-22 April 2016, Volcanic forcing in decadal forecasts of surface temperature, Martin Ménégoz, {{:library:external:menegoz_volcanoes_2016_egu.pdf|}} - Climwine 2016, Bordeaux, France, 11-15 April 2016, Grape sustainability in South America {{:library:external:20160411_ncortesi_Climwine.pdf|}} ==== 2015 ==== - American Geophysical Union 2015 Fall Meeting (AGU2015) , San Francisco, USA, 14-18 December 201515, Direct radiative effect of intense dust outbreaks in the Mediterranean {{:library:external:20151214_agu2015_gkikas.pdf|}} - Advanced School and Workshop on Subseasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Prediction and Application to Drought Prediction, Trieste, Italy, 23-November-04-December 2015, Seasonal climate prediction: a new management tool for the wind energy sector {{:library:external:20151123_vtorralb_s2s.pdf|}} - EWEA Annual Event 2015, París, France, 16-20 November 2015, RESILIENCE: A semi-operational prototype to forecast wind power from weeks to months ahead {{:library:external:20151119_ijimenez_ewea2015.pdf}} {{:library:external:20151119_ijimenez_ewea2015.ppt|ppt}} - SC15, Austin, United States, 15 - 20 November 2015, Optimization of an Ocean Model Using Performance Tools {{:library:external:20151117_CES_SC15.pdf}} - EMBRACE/WCRP conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 20 - 23 October 2015, Workshop on CMIP5 Model Analysis and Scientific Plans for CMIP6 {{:library:external:20151020_CMIP_poster_massonnet.pdf}} - EMBRACE/WCRP conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 20 - 23 October 2015, Workshop on CMIP5 Model Analysis and Scientific Plans for CMIP6 {{:library:external:20151021_nfuckar_CMIP.pdf}} - EMBRACE/WCRP conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 20 - 23 October 2015, Workshop on CMIP5 Model Analysis and Scientific Plans for CMIP6 {{:library:external:20152510_eexarcho_CMIP6.pdf}} - MISTRALS2015, Marseille, France, 20 - 22 October 2015, Mediterranean desert dust outbreaks' direct impact on the radiation budget {{:library:external:20151020_agkikas_MED-DREs.pdf|}} - EUPORIAS General Assembly, Winterthur, Switzerland, 29 September- 01 October 2015, State-of-the-art seasonal forecasts for the wind energy sector {{:library:external:20153009_torralba_wind_speed_poster.pdf|}} - European Aerosol Conference (EAC2015), Milan, Italy, 6-11 September 2015, Modelling mineral dust emission over North Africa and Middle East using high-resolution surface properties from satellite retrievals {{20150806_Basart_NMMB_BSC-Dust_roughness_poster_A4.pdf|20150910_basart_NMMB_roughness.pdf}} - European Aerosol Conference (EAC2015), Milan, Italy, 6-11 September 2015,Impact of aerosol definition on regional climate simulations over North Africa, Middle East and Europe {{20150901_poster_eac2015v4_goncalves_nmmbregclim.pdf|20150901_goncalves_nmmbregclim.pdf}} - European Aerosol Conference (EAC2015), Milan, Italy, 6-11 September 2015, Aerosol modelling with the global online NMMB/BSC chemical transport model {{poster_milan_spada_nmmbctm.pdf|20150901_spada_nmmbctm.pdf}} - European Aerosol Conference (EAC2015), Milan, Italy, 6-11 September 2015, Does increasing horizontal resolution produce better dust predictions? Evaluation of the NMMB/BSC-Dust model for Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe {{20150903_eac2015_lvendrell_poster_final_a4.pdf|20150910_vendrell_NMMB_evaluation.pdf}} - European Aerosol Conference (EAC2015), Milan, Italy, 6-11 September 2015, Direct radiative effect of an intense Mediterranean desert dust outbreak, based on NMMB/BSC-Dust model simulations: the case of 2 August 2012 {{Poster-EAC2015-Gkikas et al.2015-FINAL.pdf|20150910_agkikas_NMMB.pdf}} - International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Prague, June 22 - July 2, Volcanic forcing in decadal forecasts of surface temperature {{menegoz_volcanoes_2015_iugg.pdf|pdf}} - International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Prague, June 22 - July 2, Snow cover sensitivity to black carbon deposition in the Himalaya: from ice core measurements to regional climate simulations {{menegoz_lmdz_2015_iugg.pdf|pdf}} - EC-Earth meeting, Reading, UK, 5-6 May 2015 {{20150506_cprodhomme_ec-earth2015.pdf|20150506_cprodhomme_ec-earth2015.pdf}} - EC-Earth meeting, Reading, UK, 5-6 May 2015 {{20150506_eexarchou_ec-earth2015.pdf|20150506_eexarchou_ec-earth2015.pdf}} - EC-Earth meeting, Reading, UK, 5-6 May 2015 {{20150506_jvegas_ec-earth2015.pdf|20150506_jvegas_ec-earth2015.pdf}} - EGU meeting, Vienna, Austria, 13-17 April 2015 {{20150416_nevensf_egu2015.pdf|20150416_nevensf_egu2015.pdf}} - EGU2015 meeting, Vienna, Austria, 13-17 April 2015 {{Poster-EGU2015-Gkikas-MODIS-Sahara-MiddleEast-FINAL.pdf|20150413_agkikas_MODIS_DB.pdf}} ==== 2014 ==== - AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, 15-19 December 2014 {{poster_agu_vguemas_201412.pdf|poster_agu_vguemas_201412.pdf}} - WWRP-PPP and WCRP-PCPI International workshop on polar-lower latitude linkages and their role in weather and climate prediction (Barcelona, Spain, 10-12 December 2014). Summer Arctic sea ice and European winters in the pre-industrial EC-Earth control run {{20141211_linkages_massonnet_poster.pdf|20141211_linkages_massonnet_poster.pdf}} - WWRP-PPP and WCRP-PCPI International workshop on polar-lower latitude linkages and their role in weather and climate prediction (Barcelona, Spain, 10-12 December 2014). Robust identification of interannual Arctic sea ice variability modes {{neven_sf_poster_10_12_dec_2014a.pdf|neven_sf_poster_10_12_dec_2014a.pdf}} - XX Jornades de Meteorologia Eduard Fontsere (Barcelona, Spain, November 29 2014). Initial conditions (IC) bias correction method for seasonal-to-decadal climate predictions {{neven_sf_poster_xx_jef_nov29_2014.pdf|neven_sf_poster_xx_jef_nov29_2014.pdf}} - WIRE-COST final workshop "Renewable Energies Forecasting-State of the art & challenges for the future" (Paris, France 22nd October 2014) {{poster_cost_wire_workshop.pdf|poster_cost_wire_workshop.pdf}} - Advances in Climate Theory (Brussels, Belgium, 25-27 August 2014). On the choice of the initialisation method for seasonal-to-decadal predictions. {{poster_acarrassi_act.pdf|poster_acarrassi_act.pdf}} - World Weather Open Science Conference (Montreal, Canada, August 16-21 2014). The connection of Arctic sea ice and hemispheric climate variability in the k-means cluster analysis {{poster_neven_wwosc_2014.pdf|poster_neven_wwosc_2014.pdf}} - 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (Guimarães, Portugal, June 30 - July 3, 2014). Case Study in Large Scale Climate Simulations: Optimizing the Speedup/Efficiency Balance in Supercomputing Environments. {{poster_masif_iccsa_2014.pdf|poster_masif_iccsa_2014.pdf}} - International Conference on Computational Science (Cairns, Australia, June 10-12 2014). Impact of I/O and Data Management in Ensemble Large Scale Climate Forecasting Using EC-Earth3. {{poster_masif_iccs_2014.pdf|poster_masif_iccs_2014.pdf}} - EGU 2014 (Vienna, 27.04. - 02.05 2014). The k-means cluster analysis of the Arctic sea ice and the Northern Hemisphere climate variability {{nevensf_egu2014_kmeans.pdf|nevensf_egu2014_kmeans.pdf}} - EGU 2014 (Vienna, 27.04. - 02.05 2014). A posteriori adjustment of near-term climate predictions: Accounting for the drift dependence on the initial conditions {{nevensf_egu2014_ndvc.pdf|nevensf_egu2014_ndvc.pdf}} - EGU 2014 (Vienna, 27.04. - 02.05 2014). Impact of soil moisture initialization on subseasonal and seasonal forecast skill of temperature over Europe in EC-Earth 2.3 {{cprodhomme_egu2014.pdf|cprodhomme_egu2014.pdf}} - SPECS workshop: European Energy Wind Association User Workshop (Barcelona, Spain, March 13th 2014) {{20131023_ewea_poster_v0.pdf|20131023_ewea_poster_v0.pdf}} - Knowledge for Climate and Climate KIC Climate Adaptation Business Challenge, Summer 2014 {{20140918_poster_climate_kic_large.pdf|20140918_poster_climate_kic_large.pdf}} ==== 2013 ==== - 4th International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change (Kos, 13-18 June 2013), Statistical predictions of multi-annual North Atlantic hurricane activity in a series of CMIP5 decadal hindcasts.{{poster_caron_kos_dec_pred.pdf|poster_caron_kos_dec_pred.pdf}} - 4th International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change (Kos, 13-18 June 2013), A re-analysis of North Atlantic hurricane activity with dynamic latent processes.{{poster_caron_kos_atl_rea.pdf|poster_caron_kos_atl_rea.pdf}} - WCRP Workshop on Seasonal-to-decadal predictions (Toulouse, 12-16 May 2013), Seasonal prediction of the intraseasonal variability of the West African summer monsoon precipitation {{2013_lrodrigues_s2d.pdf|2013_lrodrigues_s2d.pdf}} - WCRP Workshop on Seasonal-to-decadal predictions (Toulouse, 12-16 May 2013), Ensemble of sea-ice initial conditions for interannual climate predictions {{poster_vguemas_workshop_s2_d_s2_v3.pdf|poster_vguemas_workshop_s2_d_s2_v3.pdf}} - WCRP Workshop on Seasonal-to-decadal predictions (Toulouse, 12-16 May 2013), Decadal prediction in the Mediterranean region {{poster_vguemas_workshop_s2_d_s4_v5.pdf|poster_vguemas_workshop_s2_d_s4_v5.pdf}} - WCRP Workshop on Seasonal-to-decadal predictions (Toulouse, 12-16 May 2013), A stochastic dynamics method for ensemble seasonal forecasts with the CNRM-CM5.1 GCM {{201305_lbatte_wcrp_s2d_toulouse_poster.pdf|201305_lbatte_wcrp_s2d_toulouse_poster.pdf}} - European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) 2013 Annual Event (Vienna, 4-7 February 2013), Wind energy risk management: state-of-the-art wind forecasting from 1 month - 30 years {{201302_ewea_poster_mdavis.pdf|201302_ewea_poster_mdavis.pdf}} ==== 2012 ==== - MedCLIVAR 2012 Conference "The climate of the Mediterranean region: understanding its evolution and effects on environment and societies" (Madrid, Spain, 26-29 September 2012), Multi-model calibration and combination of seasonal sea surface temperature forecasts over three different tropical regions {{2012_lrodrigues.pdf|2012_lrodrigues.pdf}} - International Conference on Climate Services 2, ICCS2 (Brussels, 5-7 September 2012), Advancing Renewable Energy with Climate Services (ARECS) - Seasonal to decadal global climate forecasting {{2012_arecs_mdavis.pdf|2012_arecs_mdavis.pdf}} - ICDM workshop on Dynamics and predictability of high-impact weather and climate events (Kunming, China, 6-9 August 2012), Multi-model calibration and combination of seasonal sea surface temperature forecasts over three different tropical regions {{2012_lrodrigues.pdf|2012_lrodrigues.pdf}} ==== 2011 ==== - EGU General Assembly 2011 (Vienna, 3-8 April 2011), Differing impacts of resolution changes in latitude and longitude on the mid-latitudes in the LMDZ Atmospheric GCM {{poster_v_guemas_egu11_as_v4.pdf|poster_v_guemas_egu11_as_v4.pdf}}