===== Master supervision rules ===== Before a master student arrives, a master project should be written describing the general objectives, scientific questions, and tools to be used during the project. A workplan should also be prepared describing the documentation to be read, the exact analyses to be performed, i.e., step by step instructions for the master student. ===== Master students ===== === Arnau Garcia Mesa === Advisors: Camille Mouchel Vallon & Hervé Petetin \\ Title: Explicit modeling of the secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation potential of Barcelona \\ Duration: July 2024 - March 2025 \\ === Ada Barrantes Cepas === Advisors: Cristina Carnerero & Jan Mateu Armengol \\ Title: The role of gap-filling observational data in air quality data fusion methods: a case study with CALIOPE PM2.5 \\ Duration: February 2024 - July 2024 \\ Final report: {{ :master_students:Barrantes_Ada_TFM.pdf | TFM}}\\ === Andreu Julian Izquierdo === Advisors: Cristina Carnerero & Jan Mateu Armengol \\ Title: Indoor Air Pollution Estimates at a City-wide Scale in Barcelona \\ Duration: February 2024 - July 2024 \\ Final report: {{ :master_students:tfm_andreu_julian.pdf | TFM}}\\ === Carl Ian Wallgren === Advisors: Albert Soret & Verónica Torralba \\ Title: Forecasting Country-Level Electricity Demand Using Temperature Data and a Clustering Approach in Constructing Sub-Country Level Prediction Models \\ Duration: February 2024 - July 2024 \\ Final report: {{ :master_students:report_tfm_ian_wallgren.pdf | TFM}}\\ === Christian Guzman Ruiz === Advisors: Mario César Acosta Cobos & Oriol Jorba \\ Title: Accelerating Atmospheric Models using GPUs \\ Duration: February 2019 - June 2019 \\ Final report: {{ :master_students:report_tfm_christian_guzman_ruiz.pdf | TFM}}\\ === Carles Tena Medina === Advisors: Alberto Garcı́a Villoria, Marc Guevara Vilardell, M{{ :master_students:report_tfm_christian_guzman_ruiz.pdf |}}ario César Acosta Cobos \\ Title: Implementation and evaluation of a parallelization strategy for the HERMESv3 atmospheric emission modeling system \\ Duration: September 2018 - June 2020 \\ Final report: {{:master_students:tfm_carles_tena.pdf|Carles Tena TFM}} \\ === Sara Moreno Montes === Advisors: Carlos Delgado Torres & Albert Soret Miravet \\ Title: Multi-model evaluation and downscaling of decadal climate predictions over Southern Africa Development Community \\ Duration: 1/February 2023 - 31/July 2023 \\ Final report: {{ :master_students:tfm_sara_moreno.pdf | TFM }} \\ === Javier Corvillo Guerra === Advisors: Jaume Ramon & Nube Gonzalez \\ Title: Seasonal prediction in big cities: from Brazil to Barcelona \\ Duration: 1/February 2023 - 30/June 2023 \\ Final report: {{ :master_students:jcg_master-thesis.pdf | JCG_Master-Thesis.pdf}}\\ === Gerard Marcet Carbonell === Advisors: Markus G. Donat & Carlos Delgado Torres \\ Title: Understanding recent changes in the Northern Hemisphere summer circulation and its relation to ocean temperature variations \\ Duration: 15/February 2024 - 31/July 2024 \\ Final report: {{ :master_students:marcetcarbonellgerard_mscthesis.pdf | GMC_Master-Thesis.pdf}}\\ === Guillermo López Basurco === Advisors: Jaume Ramon \\ Title: Wind at 100 meters: variability and impact on wind energy sector \\ Duration: 1/December 2022 - 30/June 2023 \\ Final report: {{ :master_students:tfm_guillermo_lopez_basurco.pdf | GLB_master_thesis }}\\ === Lluís Palma García === Advisors: Llorenç Lledó & Carlos Gómez González \\ Title: Statistical downscaling of seasonal forecasts: K-NNs vs CNNs\\ Duration: 1/March 2021 - 28/February 2022 \\ Final report: {{ :master_students:tfm_lpalma_12_1_.pdf | lpalma_TFM.pdf}}\\ === Basile Guth === Advisors: Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes & Verónica Torralba \\ Title: Wind droughts investigation and predictability evaluation\\ Duration: 1/April 2022 - 30/September 2022 \\ Final report: {{ :master_students:Master_Thesis_Final_compressed.pdf | bguth_TFM.pdf}}\\ === Albert Martínez Botí === Advisors: \\ Title: \\ Duration: 1/July 2020 - 28/January 2022 \\ Final report: \\ === Pep Cos Espuña === Advisors: Francisco J Doblas Reyes, Martin Jury \\ Title: Mediterranean climate change projections from CMIP5 and CMIP6 \\ Duration: May 2020 - February 2021 \\ Final report: {{ :master_students:cos_tfm.pdf |}} === Konstantina Chouta === Advisors: Sara Basart, Isadora Jiménez, María Gonçalves \\ Title: Impact Assessment of Sand and Dust Storms for key socio-economic sectors: Aviation\\ Duration: January 2020 - September 2020 \\ Final report: {{ :master_students:impact_assessment_of_sand_and_dust_storms_on_key_socioeconomic_sectors_aviation_konstantinachouta.pdf | Master thesis_document}} \\ === Philip Kreussler === Advisors: Louis-Philippe Caron & Simon Wild \\ Title: Change in Tropical Cyclone Integrated Kinetic Energy between Present and Future Climate in the CNRM Climate Model\\ Duration: October 2019 - May 2020\\ Final report: {{philip_kreussler_masters_thesis.pdf}}\\ === Ferran López Martí === Advisors: Juan Acosta, Pablo Ortega, Markus Donat & Simon Wild \\ Title: Understanding the link between the extreme weather conditions in central Europe in spring 2018 and a preceding record-breaking sea ice reduction in the Bering sea. \\ Duration: March 2019 - January 2020\\ Final report: {{Ferran_master_thesis.pdf}}\\ === Carlos Delgado Torres === Advisors: Markus G. Donat & Deborah Verfaillie\\ Title: Impact of Model Initialization on Predictability of Weather Regimes over the Euro-Atlantic Region on Inter-annual to Decadal Timescales\\ Duration: June 2019 - September 2019\\ Final report: {{ :master_students:tfm_carlosdelgadotorres.pdf |TFM_CarlosDelgadoTorres.pdf}} \\ === Elisa Bergas-Massó === Advisors: Martina Klose & Carlos Pérez\\ Title: {{internship_plan_bergas.pdf|Relationship between modeled dust emission and dust optical depth – magnitude and frequency of occurrence}}\\ Duration: 15/October 2018 - 8/July 2019\\ Final report: {{masterthesis_elisabergas.pdf|Estimating wind erosion threshold based on dust optical depth data }}\\ === Xavier Yepes === Advisor: Mario C. Acosta\\ Co-advisor: Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes\\ Tutor: Daniel Jiménez-González\\ Title: Improving the throughput of an atmospheric model using an asynchronous parallel I/O server\\ Duration: September 2017 - April 2018\\ Final report: {{:master_students:master_thesis_xavier_yepes.pdf|Improving the throughput of an atmospheric model using an asynchronous parallel I/O server}}\\ === Niti Mishra === Advisor: Chloé Prodhomme\\ Co-advisor: Eleftheria Exarchou\\ Title: {{project_Niti_Mishra.pdf|A comprehensive skill assessment for precipitation and temperature over Europe}}\\ Duration: 11/April-30/June 2016\\ Final report: {{seasonal_forecast_verification.pdf|Skill Assessment of Seasonal Temperature and Precipitation Forecast over Europe }}\\ === María Santolaria Otín === Advisor: Javier García-Serrano\\ Co-advisor: Martin Ménégoz\\ Title: {{:master_students:master.project_msantolaria.pdf|On the connection between Arctic sea ice and Eurasian snow in relation to the winter NAO}}\\ Duration: 15/March-31/July 2016\\ Final report: {{:master_students:master.thesis_msantolaria.pdf|On the observed connection between Arctic sea ice and Eurasian snow in relation to the winter NAO}}\\ === Maider Hernani Olartekoetxea === Advisor: Albert Soret & Josep Cos \\ Title: Coupling climate and ocean models\\ Duration: 15/March 2023 - 15/September 2023 \\ Final report: \\ === Manex Irazusta Mugica === Advisor: Raül Marcos \\ Co-Advisor: Balakrishnan Solaraju-Murali \\ Title: \\ Duration: 1/February 2023 - 31/July 2023 \\ Final report: \\ === Paula Camps Pla === Advisor: Marc Guevara \\ Co-Advisor: María Gonçalves \\ Title: Assessing the impact of local emission abatement measures on ozone levels in Catalonia\\ Duration: 1/March 2023 - 30/September 2023 \\ Final report: {{ :master_students:tfm_paulacampspla.pdf | Assessing the impact of local emission abatement measures on ozone levels in Catalonia}} \\ Supplementary material: {{ :master_students:supplementary_material_paulacampspla.pdf | Supplementary material}} === Alejandro Peraza González === Advisor: Amanda Duarte \\ Co-Advisor: Lluís Palma \\ Title: Probabilisitic Seasonal Forecasts with Conditional Variational Autoencoders \\ Duration: 16/June 2023 - 16/July 2024 \\ Final report: {{ :master_students:probabilistic_seasonal_forecasts_with_conditional_variational_autoencoders.pdf| Probabilisitic Seasonal Forecasts with Conditional Variational Autoencoders.pdf}}\\ === Manuel Giménez de Castro Marciani === Advisor: Miguel Catrillo Melguizo \\ Co-advisor: Mario Cesar Acosta Cobos \\ Tutor: Gladys Miriam Utrera Iglesias \\ Title: Evaluating the Impact of Task Aggregation in Workflows with Shared Resources Environments \\ Duration: 1/July 2022 - 20/October 2023 \\ Final Report: {{ :master_students:tfm_manuel_g_marciani.pdf | Evaluating the Impact of Task Aggregation in Workflows with Shared Resources Environments}} \\ === Sergi Palomas Martinez === Advisor: Mario C. Acosta \\ Co-advisor: Etienne Tourigny \\ Tutor: Carlos Álvarez \\ Title: Automatic load-balance method for coupled Earth System Models \\ Duration: 1/January 2022 - 10/June 2022 \\ Final Report: {{ :master_students:tfm_sergi_palomas_auto-lb.pdf | Automatic load-balance method for coupled Earth System Models}} \\