====== Running Autosubmit in BSC-ES ====== Inside our environment, Autosubmit is only allowed to run in the two **dedicated machines** we have for the purpose: * bscesautosubmit01 * bscesautosubmit02 In order to run an experiment, first follow the next steps: 1. **Login** into bscesautosubmit01 or bscesautosubmit02 mcastril@bscearth396:~> ssh bscesautosubmit01 Last login: Mon Oct 7 09:44:15 2019 from bscearth396.int.bsc.es Have a lot of fun... 2. Load Autosubmit **module:** mcastril@bscesautosubmit01:~> module load autosubmit ==== Run Autosubmit ==== At the time of running your experiment you have **two options**. The second one is for allowing you to close your session without stopping your experiment. ===Run Autosubmit in the foreground. The standard way=== mcastril@bscesautosubmit01:~> autosubmit run $EXPID //Where $EXPID is the ID for your experiment.// ===Run Autosubmit in the background. Without stopping with the session=== mcastril@bscesautosubmit01:~> nohup autosubmit run $EXPID &> log & //Where $EXPID is the ID for your experiment.// You can check your **running jobs** at any time by executing (from inside the machine where the experiment was run): ps aux | grep autosubmit | grep $USER And **kill them** referencing their PID (the number in the second column of "ps" output): mcastril@bscesautosubmit01:~> kill $PID