//**This page describes additional useful information for the development of the department tools.**// === Matplotlib configuration === For who uses the python matplotlib library. As the Tk library (the default backend) is not installed (and must be installed compiling again python itself), to avoid the error "ImportError: No module named _tkinter", a workaround has been implemented: modify the general configuration file of the package changing the default backend to "Agg". It must be edited every time a new version of the package with the same default configuration will be installed. If you want to see your plots in real time with the .show() command you should choose a graphical backend like "GTKAgg" or "Qt5Agg". But before remember to load respective modules! ==== SST indices ==== Information about the different standard ocean indices can be found in the site of the [[http://ioc-goos-oopc.org/state_of_the_ocean|"State of the ocean climate"]]. This site is very useful to check the definitions of the most familiar ocean indices such as NiƱo3.4. ==== Country-level data processing ==== For the ones who would like to perform a country-level statistical operation, this [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WQGx95H5BgXH-Y0z-3oGd6WiirwtBpnAbZM99qll0Ns/edit?usp=sharing|"document"]] could help you in providing information on how to generate mask using the shapefiles of the country you want to work with ==== [[tools:diagnostics|Common Diagnostics (outdated)]] ==== Old Common diagnostics wiki page. Replaced by [[tools:s2dverification]] package.