This is the ocean_diagnostics developers page. Here, developers can consult and update information related to the maintenance and upgrade of the ocean_diagnostics tools, keep track and notify of errors or any ocean-diagnostics related issues. * List of [[ocean_diagnostics_survey|new diagnostics required]] (links to Ocean diagnostics survey page): * Computation of density and extraction of density profiles at specific locations. * Indices of strength of the different gyres * Meridional Overturning Stream Function as a function of density * Complete heat and salt budget (3D) in a specific box * Mixed Layer Depth heat (salt) budget * Thermocline depth * Indices of convection in each convective area * T/S diagrams * Interpolation of velocities * Suggestions of improvements in the codes * Could some diagnostics be grouped? Some diagnostics are interrelated and they all require cping the tarballs, untarring and decompressing. For the moment it looks like these pre-processing steps are repeated for each diagnostic (is this right). Grouping them would improve efficiency. * In common_ocean_post.txt: Need to specify the dimensions of the input and output fields in the argument information. * ... | Name of the improvement| Start date estimation| Duration| Status | | | | | | | Nonstandard file names| | | | | Grouping diagnostics| | | | | ..| ..| ..| .. | * Updates (new version, migrations...) * Update CDF (from 2.1 to 3.4.1) and CDO (from to 1.6.1) tools to latest version * ... | Name of the update| Start date estimation| Duration| Status | | | | | | | Update CDF and CDO tools| | | | | ..| ..| ..| .. | * Remaining bugs to be corrected in the codes * Not a bug, but a generalization to be made: In common_ocean_post.txt the line: 828 cdo setgrid,t106grid does not invert the grid for the case NEMO_VERSION=Ec3.0_O25L46, now line 829 cdo invertlatdata $3 needs to be inside an "if" statement, or re-written. * * ... To keep track of the previously encountered bugs, once a error is corrected, the corresponding error log is archived on this [[ocean_diagnostics_error_archive|page]].