====== ONGOING AND FUTURE EVENTS ====== **This section intends to gather the information of ongoing conferences, workshops, hackatons and the feedback of the participants.** ^ ORGANISER ^ EVENT INFO ^ DATE ^ PARTICIPANTS ^ COMMENTS ^ | {{:upcoming_events:internal_events:logo_mf.png?200}} | **15th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology ** **In-Person /Online** [[http://www.meteo.fr/cic/meetings/2024/IMSC/sessions.html| Event Link]] | **Date and place:** Toulouse, France, 24-28 June 2024 | [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EIsERGLE0EWZpXOkK6IzzrItcdEpB0BE73pwAKTfykY/edit?usp=sharing| BSC attendees ]] | Abstract submission deadline: 11/02. **Only 23% women among the conveners (even if kind of diversity of origin countries) and 20% in the steering committee**. Organizers contacted, aware of that but according to them, no real choice. Is that an example of conference that we should boycott? | | {{:upcoming_events:internal_events:template_ems2023_host_logo_ems_250x250.png?200}} | **2024 EMS Annual Meeting ** **In-Person /Online** [[https://www.emetsoc.org/events/event/ems-annual-meeting-2024-the-role-of-weather-and-climate-research-in-the-achievement-of-a-climate-neutral-europe/| Event Link]] The role of weather and climate research in the achievement of a climate-neutral Europe | **Date and place:** Barcelona, Spain, 02-06 September 2024 | | Abstract submission deadline: 18/04 | | {{:upcoming_events:internal_events:agu_logo_0.jpg?200}} | **American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting 2024** **In-Person /Online** \\ [[https://www.agu.org/fall-meeting|Event Link]] | **Date and place:** Washington, D.C., USA, 9-13 December 2024 | | | **PAST EVENTS** ^ ORGANISER ^ EVENT INFO ^ DATE ^ PARTICIPANTS ^ COMMENTS ^ | {{:upcoming_events:internal_events:esa_infoday_highway.jpg?400}} | INVITATION TO INFORMATION DAY, European Earth Watch Programme – ESA Digital Twin Earth Element – ESA DTE High Performance Earth Observation Digital Twin Components Ready Data Gateway (HIGHWAY)\\ [[https://esastar-publication-ext.sso.esa.int/news/details/861| Event registration link]] | **Date**: 11 September (virtual) | | | | {{ :upcoming_events:internal_events:c3sga.png?200 }} | **6th C3S General Assembly** \\ [[https://climate.copernicus.eu/6th-c3s-general-assembly|Event Link]] | **Dates**:12-14 September 2023 | | | | {{:upcoming_events:internal_events:eumetstat.jpeg?400}} | **EUMETSAT \\ Meteorological Satellite Conference 2023** \\ [[https://www.eumetsat.int/eumetsat-meteorological-satellite-conference-2023|Event Link]] | **Dates and place:** Malmö, Sweden, 11-15 September 2023 | | | | {{ :upcoming_events:internal_events:copernicuswebinar.png?200 }} | **Virtual: Copernicus Arctic Regional Reanalysis (CARRA) User Workshop** [[https://climate.copernicus.eu/copernicus-arctic-regional-reanalysis-carra-user-workshop|Event Link]] | **Dates**: 21 September 2023 | | | | {{:upcoming_events:internal_events:evento_copernicus_sept.jpeg?200}} | **Copernicus and Climate Adaptation Workshop** **Hybrid** \\ [[https://www.copernicus.eu/en/events/events/copernicus-and-climate-adaptation-workshop|Event Link]] | **Date:** 25 September | | | | {{:upcoming_events:internal_events:cropped-ec-earth-logo-e1528812946193-1.png?200}} | **EC-Earth General Assembly ** **In-Person /Online** \\ [[https://ec-earth.org/consortium/meetings/de-bilt-march-2024/|Event Link]] | **Date and place:** De Bilt, Netherlands., 19-21 March 2024 | see this [[https://ec-earth.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2024/03/program-ecearth-ga-knmi-2024.pdf| document]] | {{ :working_groups:equity4es:presentation_equity_diversity_and_inclusion_in_ec-earth.pdf | Talk }} and {{ :working_groups:equity4es:ec-earth-equity-march-2024.pptx.pdf | poster }} to raise EDI issues within the consortium presented | | {{:upcoming_events:internal_events:eurohpc-prova.jpg?150&nolink}} | **EuroHPC Summit 2024 ** **In-Person /Online** \\ [[https://eurohpc-ju.europa.eu/news-events/events/eurohpc-summit-2024-2024-03-18_en|Event Link]] | **Date and place:** Antwerp, Belgium, 18-21 March 2024 | | | | {{:upcoming_events:internal_events:logo-ioc-decade.png?200}} | **2024 Ocean Decade Conference ** **In-Person /Online** [[https://oceandecade-conference.com/home.php| Event Link]] | **Date and place:** Barcelona, Spain, 10-12 April 2024 | Organisation of a booth (see with Rosa for more information) | Free registration but limited number of people: we secured 2 accesses to the conference thanks to the booth and Joan and Raffa (?) had their own entrance (via off-side events they convened) | | {{:upcoming_events:internal_events:egu_plain.png?200}} | **European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly ** **In-Person /Online** \\ [[https://www.egu24.eu/|Event Link]] | **Date and place:** Vienna, Austria, 14-19 April 2024 | A lot of BSC people present in person in Vienna | Abstract submission deadline: 10/01 | In case you want to include information about the **gender parity** in the event that you attended, please use the following [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ud8QFmWtR_PDygmB6UGpcf3rMRlV877R5vPd8PSOsww/edit?usp=sharing|template]] and fill in your observation and attach it to your comments.