====== Computational Earth Sciences ====== ===== Description of the group ===== The Computational Earth Sciences (CES) group is a multidisciplinary team with different IT profiles that interacts closely with all the other groups of the Earth Sciences Department. The group provides help and guidance to the scientists with the technical issues relating to their work and develops a framework for the most efficient use of HPC resources. In order to improve the use of the variety of computing resources available at the BSC and in other HPC institutions, a solid software development, profiling and optimisation area has been created for Earth system model codes towards exascale computing, and to provide feedback on this to modellers around Europe. Last but not least, the development of a framework to disseminate the outputs generated by the BSC-ES among the research and service community has been established. This area takes advantage of the unique environment of the BSC where research in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence is already a priority that will be extended in the next few years. One of the common scopes of the group is the guidance on the use of IT resources, with the aim of Designing and maintaining an IT infrastructure allowing the research teams the accomplishment of their objectives. This involves: * Maintain an IT infrastructure that ensures an efficient working environment for the development of the BSC-ES research and services, including the provision of sufficient storage to reduce this specific vulnerability of the department. * Provide and guide the department groups to use a collaborative framework and good coding practices (code version control, testing suites, style guides) to improve the work efficiency, the integration of newcomers and the sharing of the tools. * Develop and ensure a continuous training to IT members and earth sciences users to use resources in the most efficient way. The group is led by Mario Acosta and Miguel Castrillo and is organised in 3 teams ("Models and Workflows", "Performance" and "Data and Diagnostics") as shown below. In this section, one can find, similarly to the "Starting at ES" page [[:working_groups:starting_at_ces|some guidelines when starting working in CES]] {{ :working_groups:202108_team_overview_ces.pptx |Group slides}} - [[:working_groups:ces:weekly_reports|Weekly Reports]] - [[working_groups:ces:slides_ces_meetings|CES Meetings slides]] {{ :working_groups:organigrama_ces_2022.png?600 |}} ==== Models and workflows team ==== **Current members:** Miguel Castrillo (team leader), Francesca Macchia (team leader), Mario Acosta, Miriam Olid, Carles Tena, Gilbert Montané, Daniel Beltrán, Eric Ferrer, Manuel Giménez de Castro, Genis Bonet, Francesc Roura Adserias, Aina Gaya Àvila, Pablo Goitia González, Naiara Alonso Montes, Alejandro García López, Amirpasha Mozaffari, Artur Viñas Ferran, Bruno De Paula Kinoshita, Carmen Piñero Megías, Edgar Garriga Nogales, Enric Millan Iglesias, Ivan Alsina Ferrer, Leo Arriola i Meikle, Luiggi Gianpere Tenorio Ku, Alba Martínez Marimon. **Purpose: Development of HPC user-friendly software framework for Earth system modeling and the management of operational systems** **Tasks:** * //Support the development of atmospheric research software and contribute to its maintenance// * Interact with model developers and HPC support teams to develop and deploy a software stack to run generic Earth system models on a wide range of HPC facilities. * // Maintain and improve operational systems // * Collaborate with the other three groups to satisfy their needs for the development and efficient running, including the design of appropriate workflows, of the BSC-ES operational air quality, weather and climate forecast systems. **Projects and software developed:** ^ Software tools ^ Auto-Models ^ Models ^ | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/autosubmit|Autosubmit3]] | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/auto-ecearth3|Auto-EC-Earth]] | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/ec-earth3|EC-Earth3]] | | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/autosubmit4|Autosubmit4]] | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/auto-monarch.git|Auto-MONARCH]] | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/ec-earth4|EC-Earth4]] | | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/wuruchi/autosubmitreact|Autosubmit GUI: React App]] | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/auto-caliope|Auto-CALIOPE]] | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/HERMESv3_MONARCH|HERMESv3]] | | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/ces/autosubmitapi3|Autosubmit API]] | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/auto-hermes|Auto-HERMES]] | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/hermesv3_bu|HERMESv3 Bottom Up]] | | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/testing_suite| Testing suite]] | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/AQFS-MexDF|AQFS Mexico DF]] | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/hermesv3_gr|HERMESv3 Global Regional]] | | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/monarch_reduce|MONARCH Reduce]] | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/cp/genetic_algorithm_pisces1d|Genetic Algorithm PISCES1D]] | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/ac/nmmb-monarch|MONARCH]] | | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/it|Interpolation Tool]] | | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/monarch-DA|MONARCH DA]] | | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/auto-ecearth-utils|Auto-EC-Earth utils]] | | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/ac/caliope-urban| CALIOPE Urban]] | | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/operationals|Operationals]] | | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/svn/nemo-mirror|NEMO]] | | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/caliope_cat|CALIOPE CAT]] | | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/WRF|WRF]] | | [[ https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/lucia-alternative.git | Lucia-lite ]] | | [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/CMAQ|CMAQ]] | ==== Performance team ==== **Current members:** Xavier Yepes (team leader), Razvan Aguridan (team leader), Mario Acosta, Miguel Castrillo, Sergi Palomas, Christian Guzman, Iria Ayan, Carlos Peña, Oscar Michel, Kai Keller, Roc Salvardor, Victor Correal, Alexey Medvedev, Andrew Forembski. **Purpose: Efficient use of the computational resources by the research groups** **Tasks:** * //Provide HPC Services such as performance analysis to identify bottlenecks and apply optimizations // * Collaborate with other BSC departments, especially Computer Sciences, to use state-of-the-art programming models and profiling tools to prepare Earth sciences models to run on next generation exascale HPC system. Also improve the efficiency of existing models and postprocessing tools interacting with developers and users during all stages of software development lifecycle. * // Research on new computational methods to apply on Earth Sciences models // * Collaborate with external Earth system modelling teams to implement and test new computational methods that allow the use of new platforms such as heterogeneous architectures. **Projects and softwares developed:** *[[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/ELPiN|ELPin]] *[[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/lucia-alternative.git|Lucia-lite]] ==== Data and Diagnostics Team ==== **Current members:** Francesco Benincasa, Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière (team leaders), Saskia Loosveldt Tomas, Margarida Samsó, Daniel Trujillo, Giulia Carella, Elliott Rose, Amanda Duarte, Marvin Axness, Supriyo Ghosh, Stamen Miroslavov, Santiago Ramírez, Alba Vilanova Cortezón, Paula Serrano Sierra. **Purpose: Provision of data services** **Tasks:** * //Develop, manage and maintain a common data service framework // * Develop, manage and maintain a common data service framework to collect, standardize and distribute climate and atmospheric data to both internal departmental and external users of the research and services community. Setting up an ESGF Data-Node is a priority of the team to give international visibility to the centre. * Implement locally and contribute to the development of international standards for data storage and exchange, with special interest in data in NetCDF and GRIB formats. * Contribute to external data quality checking projects (eg Copernicus C3S_512) * //Deploy an infrastructure ready to overcome the Big Data challenge in Earth sciences // * Improve the capability for processing Big Data volumes for the analysis of Earth system simulation using the latest technologies both at hardware and software levels. * Improve the outcome to society of user-friendly data visualization products. * Study new approaches to address the I/O challenges of the new generation of high-resolution, highly parallelized Earth system models. * In this page, you can find the current material related to [[:working_groups:computational_earth_sciences:big_data|Big Data]] in Earth Sciences. * //Artificial Intelligence for Earth Sciences// * New developments on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence have great potential for the exploitation and modelling of the ever-increasing stream of geospatial data. Therefore, a new research line has been started within CES to develop new Machine Learning models (specially based on Deep Neural Networks) for Earth Sciences. All the information can be found here ([[:working_groups:computational_earth_sciences:ai4es|AI4ES]]). **Projects and softwares developed:** *[[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/ces/C3PO|C3PO]] *[[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/earthdiagnostics|Earth Diagnostics]] *[[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/ece2cmor|ece2cmor]] *[[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/ces/R2D2|R2D2]] * SDS-WAS/BDFC [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/sdswas.mapviewer|Map Viewer]] and [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/sdswas.skin|Other customizations]] * [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/mapgenerator|MapGenerator]] * ESGF Node: [[https://esgf.llnl.gov | info]] and [[https://esgf-index1.ceda.ac.uk/projects/esgf-ceda/| esgf-ceda portal]] * [[https://earth.bsc.es/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=library:internal:20160913_pabretonniere_thredds_training.pdf |THREDDS info]] and [[https://earth.bsc.es/thredds/catalog.html| THREDDS direct link]] *[[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/s2dverification|s2dverification]] *[[https://earth.bsc.es/c3s512/doku.php?id=start|C3S_512]] ===== Group software projects ===== * [[https://earth.bsc.es/wiki/doku.php?id=library:git|Department Git projects]] * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d3-yFVl6eJMYqBkJnxtkVuRPCwmlG0MeXoFqWlcl0pM/edit#gid=0|CES knowledge duplication]] ===== Outcomes of the CES meetings ===== Every month the CES group meets and each group presents the activities carried on (updated in the [[ https://trello.com/b/AgNUDPRp/ces-tasks | Trello ]] of the group), the issues encountered and progresses made. The following document contains [[https://earth.bsc.es/wiki/doku.php?id=working_groups:ces:ces_team_meetings | the presentations of CES team meetings]]. In the CES group, we are not only computer guys and girls, we are also cooks! [[https://goo.gl/photos/iwTGT3zLirf9djXP8| Take a look!]] ===== Publications ===== Useful [[working_groups:ces_references|CES references]] to add in ES publications. ==== Posters ==== * Supercomputing 2015, Austin, Texas, 15 - 20 November 2015, Optimization of an Ocean Model Using Performance Tools [[http://sc15.supercomputing.org/sites/all/themes/SC15images/tech_poster/poster_files/post224s2-file2.pdf|Poster]] - [[http://sc15.supercomputing.org/sites/all/themes/SC15images/tech_poster/poster_files/post224s2-file3.pdf|Two-page extended abstract]] * EGU General Assembly 2017 (EGU2017), Vienna, Austria, 24-28 April 2017, Simulation-based performance analysis of EC-Earth 3.2.0 using Dimemas {{library:external:20170426_xyepes_egu2017.pdf|pdf}} * OpenIFS workshop 2017, Trieste, Italy, 5-9 June 2017, Performance study of OpenIFS: towards a more efficiently scalable model {{:library:external:20170605_macosta_oifsworkshop.pdf|pdf}} ==== Technical Memoranda ==== * Tintó Prims, O., M. Castrillo, K. Serradell , O. Mula-Valls and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2015). Optimization of an ocean model using performance tools.{{library:external:bsc-ces-2015-002.pdf|BSC-CES Technical Memorandum No. 2, 16 pp.}} * Basart, S., K. Serradell and J.M. Baldasano (2015). User's guide of the BSC-DREAM8b model{{library:external:bsc-ac-2015-001-bsc_dream8buserguide.pdf|BSC-AC Technical Memorandum No. 1, 74 pp.}} * Yepes-Arbós, X., M. C. Acosta, K. Serradell, A. Sanchez Lorente, F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2017). Simulation-based performance analysis of EC-Earth 3.2.0 using Dimemas. {{:library:external:bsc-ces-2017-001-dimemas_performance_analysis_report.pdf|BSC-CES Technical Memorandum 2017-001, 30 pp.}} * Acosta, M.C., X. Yepes-Arbós, S. Valcke, E. Maisonnave, K. Serradell, O. Mula-Valls and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Performance analysis of EC-Earth 3.2: Coupling {{:library:external:technical_memoranda:bsc-ces-2016-006-coupling_ec-earth.pdf|BSC-CES Technical Memorandum 2016-006, 38 pp.}} * Yepes-Arbós, X., M.C. Acosta, K. Serradell, O. Mula-Valls, F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Scalability and performance analysis of EC-Earth 3.2.0 using a new metric approach (Part I) {{:library:external:technical_memoranda:bsc-ces-2016-001-scalability_ec-earth.pdf|BSC-CES Technical Memorandum 2016-001, 28 pp.}} * Yepes-Arbós, X., M.C. Acosta, K. Serradell, O. Mula-Valls, F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Scalability and performance analysis of EC-Earth 3.2.0 using a new metric approach (Part II) {{:library:external:technical_memoranda:bsc-ces-2016-004-performance_ec-earth.pdf|BSC-CES Technical Memorandum 2016-004, 56 pp.}} ===== Presentations ===== - Computational Earth Sciences generic presentation (February 2020) {{ :working_groups:computational_earth_sciences:202002_team_overview_ces.pptx |pptx}} ===== Current members ===== ==== Mario Acosta ==== {{:working_groups:members:mario.jpg?90 |}} Postdoctoral Researcher \\ Interests: HPC performance, Computer Architecture, Scientific Models, Computational Dynamic Fluids, Mathematical algorithms \\ Contact: [[mario.acosta@bsc.es|mario.acosta@bsc.es]] \\ ---- Mario Acosta is a postdoctoral researcher and the leader of the Performance Team in the Computational group at the BSC (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) Earth Science Department. He obtained his PhD from University of Granada (Spain) in 2015, on High Performance Computing applied to Earth System Modeling. This expertise includes wide knowledge in numerical models (governing equations, numerical algorithms and computational implementation) and how to adapt them efficiently to actual and new High Performance Computing (HPC) resources. He is working in the HPC WP of ESiWACE2, ESCAPE2 and INMERSE and the leader of the HPC WP of IS-ENES3 as BSC PI. Moreover, he is also the PI of a research project with KNMI related to HPC of the model Harmonie-Arome. He is author of 8 peer-reviewed articles in international journals. He presented his work at 14 congresses and workshops, and reviewed some manuscripts for peer-review journals. He is or has been the supervisor of two PhD students and three master students and several degree students, who are developing theses in the HPC topic. Additionally, he is associate professor at Universitat Politecnic of Catalunya (UPC). ==== Francesco Benincasa ==== {{:working_groups:members:francesco.jpg?100 |}} \\ Software Engineer \\ Interests: Software development, Data management, Big Data ---- Francesco Benincasa holds a Master Degree in "Software Engineering" from the "Alma Mater Studiorum - Bologna University" (Italy) in 2004. After working in the private sector on web and databases development and automatic shop applications, he started his experience in supercomputing and data manipulation (SCS, CINECA spin-off - Bologna - Italy) oriented to biomedical simulations, participating to several FP6 and FP7 European projects. Since 2010 he is at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) working on air quality data management, processing and visualization. He is in charge of data processing and management and web development and maintenance of the WMO SDS-WAS NA-ME-E Regional Center (SDS) and the Barcelona Dust Forecast Center (BDFC), both projects operated by a consortium of BSC and AEMET (Spanish Meteorological Agency) under the umbrella of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) with the goals to improve the understanding of sand and dust storms phenomena through air quality models comparison and evaluation (SDS) and to provide an operational daily dust forecast over the mediterranean area (BDFC). He also co-coordinates the Data and Diagnostics Team inside CES group. ==== Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière ==== {{:working_groups:members:pa.jpg?100 |}} \\ Software Engineer \\ Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière holds a Master Degree in Mathematical and Physical Engineering (Matmeca engineering school, Bordeaux, France, 2009). He has worked in CERFACS (Toulouse, France), Institut Català de Ciencies del Clima (IC3, Barcelona, Spain) and BSC, in data management and climate software anagement. His has worked on different climate data, diagnostics and metadata topics in numerous European and national projects (PRIMAVERA, SPECS, Copernicus, Destination Earth,...). Technically he is in charge in the department of the archive, ESGF, and data management. He also co-coordinates the Data and Diagnostics Team inside CES group. Interests: Data management, Big Data ---- ==== Miguel Castrillo ==== {{:working_groups:members:mcastril.jpeg?100 |}} Computational Engineer, Software Analyst Interests: HPC performance, Scientific Models, Data management and visualization Contact: miguel.castrillo@bsc.es, [[https://twitter.com/Monoftalmos|Twitter]], [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/miguel-castrillo-melguizo-2234522b|Linkedin]] Miguel Castrillo is co-leader of the Computational Earth Sciences (CES) group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). He holds an MSc in Computer Science, an MSc in Artificial Intelligence, and a BA in Geography and History. With previous experience as an analyst and software developer for several private companies, he joined the CES group at the BSC in 2012. Miguel's work at BSC has focused on technical projects related to High Performance Computing (HPC), mainly on computational performance, scalability, and workflows for Earth science models. He has contributed to several international projects, including IS-ENES2, IS-ENES3, ESiWACE and ESiWACE2 H2020, and Copernicus CMEMS 87 HPC ORCA36 and IMMERSE H2020 as PI, as well as to the preparation and research support of several PRACE projects. He's currently involved in several award-winning initiatives where he leads different work packages, including Destination Earth Climate DT, EDITO Model Lab, EERIE, ESiWACE3, GLORIA and CDRESM. ---- ==== Gilbert Montané Pinto ==== {{:working_groups:members:gmontane.jpg?100 |}} Research Engineer\\ Interests: Meteorology, Numerical Weather Prediction, Earth system models, Software development \\ Contact: [[gilbert.montane@bsc.es|gilbert.montane@bsc.es]] [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/gimonpin|Linkedin]] \\ Gilbert holds a BSc in Computer Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), a MSc in Project Management from the Ramón Llull University (La Salle, URL) and a Master's degree in Meteorology from the University of Barcelona (UB). After working some years as a Software Engineer in a multinational company, in 2018 he joined the Models & Workflows team (Computational Earth Sciences group, Earth Sciences department) as a Research Engineer, working on the development of the workflow to run the NMMB-MONARCH model using the Autosubmit workflow manager (Auto-MONARCH) and giving support to the Atmospheric Composition group. ---- ==== Miriam Olid ==== {{:working_groups:miriamolidigarcia.jpg?100 |}} Research Support Engineer\\ Interests: Atmospheric Pollution, Photochemical models, Emissions modelling Short bio: Bachelor in Environmental Science by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Master in Meteorology by the Universitat of Barcelona (UB). She started to work as a research technician in the Deparment of Metorology of the UB. One of her main tasks was to participate in the development and maintenance of an air quality modelling system based on a meteorological model, an emission model and a photochemical model. This system, called ARAMIS, is currently working in operational. Besides, she participated in the development and implementation of the emission model included in HIREM from the methodology described by EMEP. From 2007 to 2017, she worked as a technician in the Department of Medi Ambient during the Ozone Campaigns (May-September). From 2017 she works at Barcelona Super Computing Centre as a research engineer in the Computational Earth Science group from Earth Sciences Department. She is responsible for supervising the operational runs of the MONARCH model and CALIOPE Air Quality System at BSC. Other of her tasks are interacting with computational earth science scientists to improve the performance and the reliability of the system. She has co-authored more than 10 publications. ---- ==== Carles Tena ==== {{:working_groups:members:ctena.jpeg?100 |}} \\ Computer Engineer specialized in Computer Architecture and HPC - [[https://es.linkedin.com/pub/carles-tena-medina/64/687/358|LinkedIn]] - [[https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5768-6758|ORCID]]\\ Position: Developer\\ Interests: [[models:caliope:caliope|CALIOPE]], [[models:caliope:caliope#WRF|WRF]], [[models:caliope:caliope#HERMES|HERMESv2]], [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/hermesv3_gr|HERMESv3_GR]], [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/hermesv3_bu|HERMESv3_BU]], [[models:caliope:caliope#CMAQ|CMAQ]], Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing\\ Contact: [[carles.tena@bsc.es|carles.tena@bsc.es]]\\ Short bio: Bachelor on computer science by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and finalizing the master on computational mathematics by Rovira i Virgili University (URV). His main experience is in the development of models and workflows for the daily (emissions, meteorological and air quality) forecast mainly developed in the objected oriented programming language Python. He coordinates the technical development of the emission model HERMESv3. He has technically coordinated the air quality forecast for the Mexico City, he has maintained the CALIOPE system and supervised the daily forecast related with air quality for the Spanish ministry. He is part of the Computational Earth Science group of the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC) that has into him tasks to provide help and orientation to the scientists with technical problems related with their job and to develop an optimized framework to use more efficiently the high performance computation resources. His work has produced tree papers on scientist’s publications and the supervision of one master student final thesis. ---- ==== Xavier Yepes ==== {{:working_groups:members:xavier_yepes.jpg?100 |}} Computer engineer specialized in computer architecture and HPC - [[https://es.linkedin.com/in/xavieryepes|LinkedIn]]\\ \\ Position: Research engineer\\ \\ Interests: Earth Sciences Modelling, computer architecture and High Performance Computing\\ \\ Short bio: Xavier Yepes-Arbós is a research engineer from the Computational Earth Sciences Group of the Earth Sciences Department at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). He joined BSC in 2015 to work on applying High Performance Computing (HPC) to Earth system models (ESMs). His main research lines include topics on scalability and performance analysis of ESMs, characterization of ESM workflows to improve their throughput, and optimization of the I/O process of ESMs by adopting scalable parallel I/O solutions. He holds a bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering with specialization in computer architecture and a master’s degree in Innovation and Research in Informatics (MIRI) with specialization in HPC from the Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelona (FIB) at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). He was awarded the BSC Severo Ochoa Scholarship for his master’s degree. ---- ==== Iria Ayan ==== {{:working_groups:foto2.jpg?100 |}} **Position:** Junior Research Engineer\\ **Contact:** [[iria.ayan@bsc.es|iria.ayan@bsc.es]]\\ **Short bio:** Iria Ayan is a physicist from University of Barcelona (UB) with a Master in Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology from the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona (ICCUB). Her main experience has been related to high energy astrophysics and, in particular, she has focused on the study of gamma-ray binary systems. She has published in Proceeding of Science her research on searching for new gamma-ray binaries in order to be detected by new future telescopes such as the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). Since 2019, she works at BSC in the Computation Earth Sciences group developing new features in the land-use model (H-TESSEL) embedded in the IFS weather model. ---- ==== Albert Vila ==== {{:working_groups:foto_dni_original_2_edit_edit.jpg?100 |}} \\ Position: IT Technician\\ Contact: [[albert.vilamiro@bsc.es|albert.vilamiro@bsc.es]] \\ Short bio: Albert Vila Miró is the IT Technician of Earth Sciences Department at Barcelona Supercomputing Center. He study a formative cycle of Microcomputer Systems and Networks in La Salle Girona. He was in practice in La Salle Cassà de la Selva, making maintenance of laptops, PC’s, creation of working areas for users, creation and management users with Windows Server, clone and format disks, computer assembly, installation of operating systems, software and drivers… When finishes the practice, he works in “Consell Comarcal del Gironès” with creation of multimedia products, assembly, installation, management and maintenance of equipment and peripherals of the Consell Comarcal del Gironès. Software installation and drivers. Help all users of Consell Comarcal del Gironès with any problem related with computer equipment, programs, services, printers… Now, he works in BSC to support all users in Earth Sciences Department with creation of manuals, clone and format disks, installation of operating systems, management and maintenance of equipment and peripherals, software installation and drivers, preparation of new equipment, help all users with any problem related with computer equipment, programs, peripherals… ---- ==== Christian Guzman Ruiz ==== {{:working_groups:christian_guzman_2022.jpg?100 |}} \\ Position: Research Student\\ Interests: HPC performance, Scientific Models, Computer Architecture \\ Contact:[[christian.guzman@bsc.es|christian.guzman@bsc.es]] \\ Short bio: PhD Student in Computer Science for High-Performance Computing at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB), collaborating with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). Developed a GPU chemical solver for Earth System Models, using as a test-bed the chemistry Across Multiple Phases (CAMP) module alongside the Multiscale Online Nonhydrostatic Atmosphere Chemistry Model (MONARCH) and contributing to the most computational and logic part from a performance point of view. ---- ==== Francesca Macchia ==== {{:working_groups:fmacchia.jpg?100 |}} \\ Position: Research Engineer\\ Interests: Workflows, Earth system models, High Performance Computing\\ Contact: [[francesca.macchia@bsc.es|francesca.macchia@bsc.es]] \\ Short Bio: MSc degree cum laude in Computer Engineering at the University of Salento (Italy), Francesca starts her research activity in the field of high-performance computing working in the Department of Engineering for Innovation of the same university. From 2013 to 2017 she worked at the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Changes (Italy), focusing on optimization and parallelization of hydrodynamic models and the design and development of a system to handle ensemble simulations and perform data assimilation in oceanic models. Since 2017, she is a Research Engineer in the Computational Earth Science (CES) group at the Earth Sciences department in the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), developing the workflow of the Multiscale Online Non-hydrostatic AtmospheRe CHemistry model (MONARCH) in collaboration with Atmospheric Composition group. ---- ==== Margarida Samsó ==== {{:working_groups:margarida_samso_cabre.jpg?100 |}} \\ Position: Junior Data Manager\\ Interests: Data management, Big Data\\ Contact: [[margarida.samso@bsc.es|margarida.samso_cabre@bsc.es]] - [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/stella-valentina-paronuzzi-ticco-5a839a95/|Linkedin]] \\ Short Bio: Margarida is a Research software engineer in the Data and Diagnostics team from the Computational Earth Sciences group. She has a Bachelor's degree in Telecomuncations Engineering (Universitat Ramon Llull), a Master in Project Management (Universitat Ramon Llull) and now is studying a Master in Bioinformatics and Bio-statistics (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya). She worked as a government consultant at La Generalitat and l'Ajuntament de Barcelona, as a project management assistant at Caixa Capital Risk and as an IT Technician at ESADE. \\ \\ ---- ==== Daniel Beltrán Mora ==== {{:working_groups:daniel_beltran.jpg?100 |}} \\ Position: Workflow Management Software Engineer\\ Interests: High Performance Computing, computer architecture , Workflows\\ Contact: [[daniel.beltran@bsc.es|daniel.beltran@bsc.es]] \\ ---- ==== Saskia Loosveldt Tomas ==== Position: Junior research engineer\\ Contact: [[saskia.loosveldt@bsc.es|saskia.loosveldt@bsc.es]] \\ Short Bio: Saskia has an undergraduate degree in Physics from the Universitat de Barcelona and a master degree in Numerical Methods for Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. During her undergrad, she got introduced to the field of High Performance Computing while being an intern at HPCNow!, a consultancy company for supercomputing services. After finishing her master degree, she started to work at the Data and Diagnostics team. Her work focuses on the post-process of climate model output variables. ---- ==== Sergi Palomas Martinez ==== {{:working_groups:sergi_palomas.jpg?100|}} **Position**: Research Engineer\\ **Contact**: [[sergi.palomas@bsc.es|sergi.palomas@bsc.es]] \\ **Short Bio**: Sergi is a Research Engineer in the Performance Team. He's got a bachelor in Computer Science from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and he is finishing the MSc in HPC at the Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona. Currently, he is in charge of the performance analysis of coupled experiments. Assessing Climate prediction and Atmospheric composition members to run their coupled experiments more efficiently by balancing multiple components (number of cores, mapping, scalability, etc.). ---- ==== Eric Ferrer ==== {{:working_groups:eferre1.jpg?100 |}} **Position:** Junior Research Engineer\\ **Interests**: Computer Sciences, Artificial Inteligence, Big Data \\ **Contact:** [[eric.ferrer@bsc.es]]\\ **Short bio:** Eric Ferrer is a Computer Science's graduate for the university Jaume I of Castellón and has a master in robotics by the Ecole Centrale Nantes and Jaume I of Castellón. Joined the CES department in January 2021 to work in the workflows team. ---- ==== Genis Bonet ==== {{:working_groups:genis.jpg?100|}} **Position:** Junior Workflow Development Engineer\\ **Interests**: Computational Sciences, Artificial Inteligence, Study and Simulation of Physical Systems, Robotics, Rendering \\ **Contact:** [[genis.bonet@bsc.es]]\\ **Short bio:** Genis Bonet is a Computer Science & Engineering graduate from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). He has previosuly worked in full stack web development and specialized in computing during his degree. Genis joined CES' Models and workflows team in november 2022. ---- ==== Victòria Agudetse Roures ==== {{:working_groups:victoria_agudetse.jpg?100|}} \\ **Position:** Junior research engineer\\ **Interests:** Climate modeling and forecasting, statistical analysis, computational science.\\ **Contact:** [[victoria.agudetse@bsc.es]]\\ **Short bio:** Victòria Agudetse holds a Bachelor's degree in Physics and a Master's degree in Meteorology, both earned at Universitat de Barcelona (UB). She joined the Computational Earth Sciences department in January 2022 to work on operational climate services. ---- ==== Leo Arriola Meikle ==== {{:working_groups:leo_arriola.jpg?100 |}}\\ **Position:** Junior Research Engineer\\ **Interests:** Climate crisis and adaptation, Earth system models, HPC, Machine Learning, Data Science, Open Science, Open source \\ **Contact:** [[leo.arriola@bsc.es|leo.arriola@bsc.es]] \\ \\ \\ Leo Arriola is a Junior Research Engineer in the performance and workflows team, he is also a Computer Scientist from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). He'll work on the European project Destination Earth. He joined the CES department in September 2022 to work in the model and workflows team. ---- ==== Alba Vilanova Cortezón ==== {{:working_groups:alba_vilanova.jpg?100|}} \\ **Position:** Research Engineer\\ **Interests:** Software Development, Environmental Chemistry, Remote Sensing, Geospatial Data Management and Renewable Energies\\ **Contact:** [[alba.vilanova@bsc.es]]\\ Alba Vilanova Cortezón holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, earned at University of Lleida and Inha University, and obtained the Master's degree in Geospatial Technologies from NOVA University of Lisbon, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster and Jaume I University. Before joining the Computational Earth Sciences department in March 2022, she did an internship at Korea Institute of Energy Research and assessed the energy potential of the photovoltaic power plants located in South Korea using satellite-derived irradiance data. Following this and before starting her master’s degree, she worked as a software developer at Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems and contributed to the Open Energy Modelling Framework, a collection of Python libraries for the modelling of energy systems. In 2021 she participated in ECMWF Summer of Weather Code, an innovation programme run by ECMWF and Copernicus with the aim to drive innovation and open-source developments in the earth science community. Within this framework, she developed the Atmospheric Datasets Comparison Toolbox to facilitate the comparison of satellite- and model-based data on atmospheric composition, such as data from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS), from TROPOMI and from the GOME-2 and IASI instruments onboard the polar-orbiting Metop-ABC satellites, providing a set of functions regarding the file interoperability, binning and regridding, computation of levels pressure, units conversion, application of the averaging kernels, datasets merge, geostatistical comparison and trend analysis. Currently, her work at Barcelona Supercomputing Center is focused on the implementation of new features in Providentia, a Python-based software used to evaluate air quality models given data from different observation networks. In addition to this, she is working on the development of an I/O library called NES (NetCDF for Earth Science) to read, write and manipulate atmospheric models in different geographical projections for the operational workflows. ---- ==== Alejandro García López ==== {{:working_groups:alejandro_garcia.jpg?100 |}} **Position:** Junior Research Engineer\\ **Interests**: Earth Sciences, Computational Sciences \\ **Contact:** [[alejandro.garcia@bsc.es]]\\ **Short bio:** Alejandro García López holds a Bachelor's degree in Physics, earned at University of Murcia, and obtained the Master's degree in Earth Sciences at Saint Francis Xavier University. Before joining the CES department, he worked at University of Murcia within the Regional Atmospheric Modelling (MAR) Group. Joined the CES department in May 2022 to work in the model and workflows team. ---- ==== Carlos Peña de Pedro ==== {{:working_groups:carlos-peña.jpeg?100|}} \\ **Position:** Junior Research Engineer\\ **Interests**: High performance computers, parallel computing \\ **Contact:** [[carlos.penadepedro@bsc.es]]\\ **Short bio:** Carlos Peña de Pedro has a Computer Science's degree, granted at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). He is currently working in improving the Nucleus for European Modeling of the Ocean (Nemo). ---- ==== Iker Gonzalez Yeregui==== {{:working_groups:iker_gonzalez.jpg?100|}} \\ **Position:** Junior Research Engineer\\ **Interests**: Earth Science, Data Analysis \\ **Contact:** [[iker.gonzalez@bsc.es]]\\ **Short bio:** Iker Gonzalez Yeregui has a Bachelor's degree in Physics from Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU) in Bilbao and a Master's degree in Astrophysics, Cosmology and High Energy Physics from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). He is currently working on the Destination Earth project. ---- ==== Ginka Van Thielen ==== {{:working_groups:ginka_van_thielen.jpg?100|}} **Position:** Technical Coordinator\\ **Interests**: Computer Sciences, Artificial Inteligence, Big Data \\ **Contact:** [[ginka.vanthielengeb@bsc.es]]\\ **Short bio:** Ginka Van Thielen holds a degree in Computer Schience earned at Mannheim University of Applied Sciences. She has worked as a software and test developer, and also as a configuration, change and release manager in the healthcare industry. She joined the Computational Earth Sciences department in September 2022 to work as a Technical Coordinator on the Destination Earth project. ---- ==== Kai Keller ==== {{:working_groups:at_bsc.jpg?100|}} **Position:** Postdoctoral Researcher \\ **Interests**: Numerical Climate Prediction \\ **Contact:** [[kai.keller@bsc.es]]\\ **Short bio:** Kai Keller received an MSc in Physics at the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) and obtained a Ph.D. in computer science at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain). In the past few years, he worked on resiliency for applications in high-performance computing, where his focus has been on resilience for large ensemble data assimilation frameworks. He is currently working on the Destination Earth project. ---- ==== Bruno de Paula Kinoshita ==== {{:working_groups:bruno_de_paula_kinoshita.png?nolink&100 |}} **Position:** Research Engineer \\ **Interests**: Open Source, NLP, Linked Data, Ontologies, Reasoners, Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Software Development, Data Journalism, SciArt \\ **Contact:** [[bruno.depaulakinoshita@bsc.es]]\\ **Short bio:** Bruno has a Bachelor degree in Information Systems from the Mackenzie University in São Paulo, Brazil. Prior to joining the BSC he was working on the Common Workflow Language (CWL) project hired by Curii (USA) but working from Auckland, New Zealand. Before that he worked on the Cylc workflow manager with the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) in New Zealand, in a project funded by the UK-Met Office/Unified Model. At NIWA he also worked on other projects such as EcoConnect Java web, THREDDS/NetCDF data serving, OGC API's and ArcGIS for gridded data, Air Quality R shiny applications, web applications for citizen science projects and for sensor data, configuration management, bruker solar tracker, software security reviews, metadata and data management, and others. He joined the BSC in September 2022 to work with Miguel Castrillo and his team on Autosubmit and related projects as a Workflow Engineer. He is involved with several Open Source projects and is an Apache Software Foundation member. ---- ==== Amanda Cardoso Duarte ==== {{:working_groups:amanda.jpg?100 |}} **Position:** Postdoctoral Researcher \\ **Interests**: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision and Image Processing, Data Science, Open Science \\ **Contact:** [[amanda.duarte@bsc.es|amanda.duarte@bsc.es]] [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/amanda-cardoso-duarte/|Linkedin]] [[http://amandaduarte.com.br//|Personal Website]]\\ **Short bio:** Amanda is currently part of the Computational Earth Sciences Group / Data and Diagnostics Team collaborating with the Climate Variability and Change Group. Her research aims at applying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning models for Earth Sciences. She holds a PhD in Computer Science from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), a Master's in Computer Engineering from Federal University of Rio Grande in Brazil, and a Bachelor's degree in Systems Analysis from the Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense. My past research projects span a wide variety of areas and involve multimodal data collection and annotation, sign language processing, speech-conditioned image generation, underwater robot localization and navigation and underwater image restoration. Besides research, she is a travel, photography, and art enthusiast. ---- ==== Elliott Rose ==== {{:research_groups_and_staff:photo.jpg?100|}} \\ Junior Research Engineer \\ Interests: Data Science and Visualization, Web Development, Climate Change Mitigation Elliott holds a BA in Philosophy from San Francisco State University and a MSc in Applied Computer Science from Frostburg State University. He has experience in data science, software engineering, databases, and web development. In 2022, Elliott joined the Data and Diagnostics team within the Computational Earth Sciences group at the BSC. ---- ==== Oscar Michel González==== {{:working_groups:oscar_michel.jpg?100|}} \\ **Position:** Junior Research Engineer\\ **Interests**: Computational physics, Climate science \\ **Contact:** [[oscar.michel@bsc.es]]\\ **Short bio:** Oscar Michel is a junior research engineer in the Performance Team from the Computational Earth Sciences Group. He holds a Master's degree in Astrophysics, Particle Physics, and Cosmology from the University of Barcelona (UB). He joined the Earth Sciences Group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC) in October 2022. ---- ==== Oriol Duran Abelló==== {{:working_groups:oriol_duran.jpg?100|}} \\ **Position:** Undergraduate student - HPC\\ **Interests**: High Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Data Science \\ **Contact:** [[oriol.duran@bsc.es]]\\ **Short bio:** Oriol Duran is an Undergraduate student in the Performance Team from the Computational Earth Sciences Group. He is currently elaborating his Bachelor's Thesis for the degree in Informatics Engineering at the Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (FIB-UPC). He joined the Earth Sciences group in the BSC in October 2022. ---- ==== Liam Brodie==== {{:working_groups:liam_brodie.jpg?100|}} **Position:** Research Engineer\\ **Interests**: Software Engineering, NLP, Data Management \\ **Contact:** [[liam.brodie@bsc.es]]\\ **Short bio:** Liam Brodie is a Research Engineer working in the Data and Diagnostics Team. He holds a BSc in Computing Science from the University of Glasgow. Liam holds experience in Natural Language Processing, Data Science, Android Application Development, and Web Development. ---- ==== Marvin Axness==== {{:working_groups:marvin_photo.jpg?100|}} **Position:** Junior Research Engineer\\ **Interests**: Earth Science, Data Analysis\\ **Contact:** [[marvin.axness@bsc.es]]\\ **Short bio:** Marvin Axness has a Bachelor's degree in Physics from the University of Valencia and an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degree in Nuclear Physics from the Universities of Sevilla (Spain), Catania (Italy), Caen (France) and Padova (Italy). He is currently working in the Destination Earth project, integrating the MultiIO library into climate models to generate model outputs. ---- ==== Aina Gaya i Àvila ==== {{:working_groups:aina_gaya.jpg?99|}} **Position:** Junior Research Engineer\\ **Interests:** Computational Physics, HPC **Contact:** [[aina.gayayavila@bsc.es]], [[https://at.linkedin.com/in/ainagaya|Linkedin]] **Short Bio:** Aina Gaya is a physicist in the Computational Earth Sciences group, Models & Workflows team. She holds a bachelor in Physics from the University of Barcelona. During her bachelor, she did internships at the Institute of Complex Systems and at the Soft Matter Laboratory Group. ---- ==== Francesc Roura Adserias ==== {{:working_groups:francesc_roura_new.png?125|}} **Position:** Junior Research Engineer\\ Physicist, Atmospheric scientist and a bit of a glaciologist with interest in coding. Keywords: Climate services, NWP, S2S, Open Source, meteorology, mountain meteorology, cryosphere. Contact: francesc.roura@bsc.es, [[https://twitter.com/elmeteoroleg|Twitter]], [[https://at.linkedin.com/in/francescroura|Linkedin]] Short Bio: Francesc Roura Adserias (him), physicist in the Computational Earth Sciences group, Models and Workflows team. Francesc holds a MSc in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Innsbruck, Austria. During the MSc he worked as software developer at the Open Global Glacier Model (OGGM) group at the same university. Previously he was enrolled in the ESS group in the Decathlon project (2019-2020), providing seasonal and subseasonal tailored forecasts. He holds a bachelor in Physics from the University of Barcelona. During the bachelor he did some internships: remote sensing in the Catalan Met office (Meteocat), data analist in GAMA group in UB and cloudiness analysis at the Meteorology group at the university of Girona (UdG). He is currently working at the Destination Earth project. He loves music and mountains. ---- ==== Victor Correal ==== {{::|}} **Position:** Junior Researcher engineer\\ **Interests:** High Performance Computing, Parallel computing, Software developing \\ **Contact:** [[victor.correal@bsc.es]]\\ **Short bio:** Victor Correal is a last year student of computer science degree (computer engineering mention). Victor has two years experience in the HPC field related with the drug discovery. He joined BSC in February 2023. ---- ==== Stamen Miroslavov Minkov ==== {{:working_groups:stamen_picture.jpg?120|}} \\ \\ **Position:** Junior Research Engineer (Junior IT Specialist) \\ **Interests:** Systems and Servers Administration, Computer Science, Software Engineering, High Performance Computing, Biomechanics, Cybersecurity, Mountains, Climbing\\ **Contact:** [[stamen.miroslavov@bsc.es|stamen.miroslavov@bsc.es]], [[https://es.linkedin.com/in/stamen-miroslavov-minkov|LinkedIn]] \\ \\ \\ **Short bio:** Stamen holds a BSc in Physics from the University of Barcelona (UB) and a MSc in Biomedical Engineering shared between UB and UPC (Polytechnic University of Catalonia). With over 4 years of professional experience in IT fields and System Administration (including an internship in the Systems-Servers department of Pavelló Rosa in UB (2018-2019)), Stamen is currently a member of the Data and Diagnostics Team (DDT) in the Computational Earth Sciences (CES) group in the Earth Sciences department of BSC. His main duties involve managing the virtual machines and the software installations relative to these, especially for the Bsceshub project, as well as helping the members of the department with the diverse IT issues they may encounter. Stamen joined BSC in March 2023. ---- ==== Supriyo Ghosh ==== {{:working_groups:supriyo_ghosh_photo.png?100 |}} \\ \\ **Position:** Junior Research Engineer (Python Developer) \\ **Contact:** [[supriyo.ghosh@bsc.es|supriyo.ghosh@bsc.es]], [[https://es.linkedin.com/in/ghossh|LinkedIn]] \\ \\ \\ **Short bio:** Supriyo is working on developing diagnostics for the Destination earth project and is responsible for data processing in ESMValTool. He joined BSC on Jan 2023. Before that, he was working as a research fellow at National Center for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR), Goa, India. He holds a masters degree in Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Hyderabad (IN) and bachelors degree in Physics from the University of Burdwan (IN). ---- ==== Amirpasha Mozaffari ==== {{:working_groups:amirpasha.png?125|}}\\ \\ **Position:** Research Engineer \\ **Interests:** Geosciences HPC, Workflow, FAIR and reproducibility\\ **Contact:** [[amirpasha.mozaffari@bsc.es|amirpasha.mozaffari@bsc.es]],[[https://amirpasha.me/|personal website]], [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/amirpasha-mozaffari/|LinkedIn]], [[https://twitter.com/apmozaffari|Twitter]] \\ \\ \\ **Short bio:**. Amirpasha is a research engineer in the Earth Sciences group and a Models and Workflow team member. He holds a PhD. in computational geophysics from RWTH Aachen University. Before joining the BSC, Amirpasha worked in the Earth System Data Exploration group at Juelich Supercomputing Centre (JSC). Amirpasha joined BSC in May 2023. ---- ==== Roc Salvador Andreazini ==== {{:working_groups:roc_salvador.jpg?125|}}\\ \\ **Position:** Junior Research Engineer (Performance Team) \\ **Interests:** HPC, Computational complexity \\ **Contact:** [[roc.salvador@bsc.es]] \\ \\ \\ **Short bio:**. Roc is a junior research engineer in the Earth Sciences group and a Performance team member. He holds a BSc in Computer Science from Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona (FIB). He will start the MSc in Research and Innovation in september 2023 at FIB. In the PT, he works in automatic profiling tools for the ESiWACE project. Roc joined BSC in June 2023. ---- ==== Pablo Goitia González ==== {{:working_groups:pablogoitia.jpg?nolink&125|}}\\ \\ **Position:** Undergraduate Student \\ **Interests:** High Performance Computing, Performance \\ **Contact:** [[pablo.goitia@bsc.es]] \\ \\ \\ **Short bio:**. Pablo Goitia is a BSc in Computer Engineering student from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Cantabria (UC), Spain. Before starting at BSC and during his degree, he worked as an IT support in the same Faculty he studied thanks to the Becas Santander Prácticas award, and he also actively participates in student representation activities, such as advising other students or working on a mental health project. Pablo joined BSC in June 2023. ---- ==== Alexey Medvedev ==== {{:working_groups:avm.jpg?nolink&125|}}\\ \\ **Position:** Senior Research Engineer \\ **Interests:** parallel programming, CUDA, MPI, HPC, generative programming, best practices in software design \\ **Contact:** [[alexey.medvedev@bsc.es]] [[https://es.linkedin.com/in/alexey-medvedev-53105b19|Linkedin]] \\ \\ \\ Alexey Medvedev is a Senior Research Engineer from the Performance Team of Computational Earth Sciences Group of the Earth Sciences Department at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). He joined BSC in 2023 to work on accelerator support implementation for Earth system models. His previous experience is related to complex software design in various fields of Math Modeling, including Fluid Dynamics, Solid Mechanics and others. The software packages he was working on are able to run on parallel scales up to 200 nodes equipped with NVIDIA accelerators. He has certain experience in design and implementation of such HPC components as linear algebra libraries and MPI standard implementation libraries. His scientific interests include various practical aspects of parallel computing, he is a co-author and author of 8 papers in Scopus-indexed journals, author of 1 seminar course. He received his Master Degree from Cybernetics Faculty of Tula State University (Russia) in 2001. ---- ==== Rommel Quintanilla ==== {{:working_groups:rommel_quintanilla.jpg?nolink&125|}}\\ \\ **Position:** Research Engineer \\ **Interests:** GPU computing, HPC \\ **Contact:** [[rommel.quintanilla@bsc.es]] [[https://es.linkedin.com/in/rommelqc|Linkedin]] \\ \\ \\ **Short bio:** Rommel holds a Master's degree in Computer Science from the Universidad Federal Fluminense, Brazil. He has experience in parallel and distributed software development. Professionally, he worked as a software intern at the Computational and Dimensional Metrology Laboratory, associated with the Fluminense Federal University and the Brazilian state-owned Petrobras, where he automated a process of detecting geological features in oil well drilling images. Also, he was a C++ software engineer at BlazingDB Inc., where he was in charge of the development of new functionalities for the distributed SQL database engine on NVIDIA GPUs called BlazingSQL. Afterwards, he worked as a C++ software engineer for Voltron Data Inc., a startup around the in-memory format Apache Arrow that develops an ecosystem of portable tools to support high-performance computing for columnar data analysis. He joined the Computational Earth Sciences department in August 2023. ---- ==== Okke van Eck ==== {{:working_groups:foto_okke.jpg?nolink&125|}}\\ \\ **Position:** Research Engineer \\ **Interests:** Complexity Theory, HPC \\ **Contact:** [[okke.vaneck@bsc.es]] [[https://linkedin.com/in/okkevaneck|Linkedin]] \\ \\ \\ **Short bio:** Okke finished his bachelor's Computer Science at the University of Amsterdam in 2020, and master's Parallel and Distributed Computer Systems at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam in 2023. His interests are mainly in complexity theory and high performance computing. This resulted in some published papers during his masters into the complexity behind protein folding within the HP-model. From September 2023 onwards, he will work on the Destination Earth project for BSC where he will port the digital twins to GPUs. ---- ==== Mayssa Kchaou ==== {{:working_groups:Mayssa_kchaou.jpg?nolink&125|}}\\ \\ **Position:** Junior Research Engineer \\ **Interests:** Machine Learning, AI, NLP\\ **Contact:** [[mayssa.kchaou@bsc.es]] [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/mayssa-kchaou/|Linkedin]] \\ \\ \\ Mayssa Kchaou joined the Computational Earth Sciences Group of the Earth Sciences Department at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) on September 2023 as a Junior Research ML Engineer. She holds a Software Engineering Degree from the University of Arts and Multimedia, Tunisia. Before starting at BSC and during her education, she worked as an Undergraduate Natural Language Processing Engineer and published research scientific papers. ---- ==== Luiggi Tenorio Ku ==== {{:working_groups:luiggitenorio.jpeg?nolink&125|}}\\ \\ **Position:** Research Engineer \\ **Interests:** Software Development, HPC, Big Data, Data Science, Best Practices\\ **Contact:** [[luiggi.tenorio@bsc.es]] [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/ltenoriok/|Linkedin]] \\ \\ **Short bio:** Luiggi is a Research Engineer on the Autosubmit Team. He holds a Master's Degree in Computer Engineering: High Performance and Big Data Computing from the University of Padua (Italy). Additionally, he has prior experience in full-stack software development and data engineering, gained through work in healthcare startups and later in a bioinformatics lab within the ELIXIR network. ---- ==== Santiago Ramírez A. ==== {{:working_groups:sramirez.jpeg?125 |}} **Position:** Research Engineer \\ **Interests:** FullStack Web Development, Data Management, UI/UX\\ **Contact:** [[santiago.ramirez@bsc.es]] \\ \\ **Short bio:** Santiago is a Research Engineer on the Data and Diagnostics Team. He holds a Posgraduate Degree in FullStack Web Development from Universitat Politecnic of Catalunya (UPC). Additionally, he has prior experience in FullStack software development. He also studied philosophy in Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia). ---- ==== Carmen Piñero Megías ==== {{:working_groups:carmen_pinero.jpeg?nolink&125|}}\\ \\ **Position:** Junior Research Engineer \\ **Interests:** Software Development, HPC, Computational Physics, Earth Sciences, Physics of Complex Systems\\ **Contact:** [[carmen.pinero@bsc.es]] \\ \\ **Short bio:** Carmen is a Junior Research Engineer in the Models and Workflows Team. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Physics from the University of Barcelona (UB). She joined the Computational Earth Sciences group in February 2024. ---- ==== Paula Serrano Sierra ==== {{:working_groups:paula_serrano.jpg?nolink&125|}}\\ \\ **Position:** Junior Research Engineer \\ **Interests:** HPC, Data Science, Computer Vision, ML, Software development\\ **Contact:** [[paula.serrano@bsc.es|paula.serrano@bsc.es]], [[http://linkedin.com/in/paula-serrano-sierra|LinkedIn]] \\ \\ **Short bio:** Paula is a Junior Research Engineer in the Data and Diagnostics Team. She holds a Bachelors's degree in Data Engineering from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Previously, she was a research intern in Port d'Informació Científica where she collaborated in a research project related to the CMS experiment at CERN. She joined the Computational Earth Sciences group in March 2024. ---- ==== Ariadna Batalla Ferrés ==== {{:working_groups:ariadnabatallaferres.jpg?nolink&125|}}\\ \\ **Position:** Junior Research Engineer \\ **Interests:** Data Science, Statistics, HPC, Earth Sciences\\ **Contact:** [[ariadna.batalla@bsc.es|ariadna.batalla@bsc.es]], [[http://linkedin.com/in/ariadna-batalla-ferres|LinkedIn]] \\ \\ **Short bio:** Ariadna is a Junior Research Engineer in the Data and Diagnostics Team. She holds a double Bachelors's degree in Statistics and Sociology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She has experience in research and health data analysis. She joined the Computational Earth Sciences group in March 2024. ---- ==== Marta Alerany Solé ==== {{:working_groups:martaalerany.jpg?nolink&125|}}\\ \\ **Position:** Junior Research Engineer \\ **Interests:** Computational Physics, HPC, Earth Sciences\\ **Contact:** [[marta.alerany@bsc.es|marta.alerany@bsc.es]], [[http://www.linkedin.com/in/maleranysolé|LinkedIn]] \\ \\ **Short bio:** Marta joined the Performance Team of the Computational Earth Sciences group on April 2024 as a Junior Research Engineer. She holds a double Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Barcelona (UB), as well as a Master's in Applied Physics from the Technical University of Eindhoven (TUe). ---- ==== Maitane Fariñas Argoitia ==== {{:working_groups:maitane_farinas.jpg?140|}} \\ **Position:** Junior Research Engineer \\ **Interests:** Computational Physics, Computational Modelling, Earth Sciences\\ **Contact:** [[maitane.farinas@bsc.es|maitane.farinas@bsc.es]], [[http://www.linkedin.com/in/maitane-fariñas-argoitia|LinkedIn]] \\ \\ **Short bio:** Maitane has a Bachelor's degree in Physics from Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU) and a Master's degree in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB). She joined the Performance Team of the Computational Earth Sciences group on April 2024 as a Junior Research Engineer. [[working_groups:ces:former_members|Former members]] ---- ==== H. Andres Gonzalez Gongora==== {{:working_groups:andres-gonzalez-profile-pic.jpeg?nolink&125|}}\\ \\ **Position:** Research Machine Learning Engineer \\ **Interests:** Machine Learning, AI, NLP\\ **Contact:** [[andres.gonzalez@bsc.es]] [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/andres-gonzalez-gongora-4b428613b/|Linkedin]] \\ \\ \\ Andres Gonzalez joined the Computational Earth Sciences Group of the Earth Sciences Department at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) in April 2024 as a Research ML Engineer. He holds an Erasmus M.Sc. in Natural Language Processing and Language Technology from University of Malta and University of Lorraine from which he graduated in Fall of 2023. Prior to joining the BSC, Andres worked at Orange Innovation Labs as an R&D NLP Engineer where he focused on tasked-oriented dialogue systems. Besides his interests in NLP and AI, he loves working out, traveling, reading, dancing and music. ---- ==== Marcel Cases Freixenet ==== {{:working_groups:marcel_cases.jpg?100|}} \\ \\ **Position**: Junior Research Engineer\\ **Interests:** computer languages, computational modeling, optimization, HPC, ML, computer networks, logic synthesis (FPGA) \\ **Contact**: [[marcel.cases@bsc.es|marcel.cases@bsc.es]] [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcelcases|LinkedIn]] [[https://marcelcases.com|Personal Website]] \\ \\ **Short bio**: Marcel is a Research Engineer in the Performance Team. He is an Electronics Engineering graduate (UPC) and has a Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics (MIRI, FIB-UPC). He joined BSC in May 2024 after having gained experience in software developement, modeling, mathematical optimization and forecasting for the energy and transportation industries in different research and innovation teams. ---- ==== Artur Viñas Ferran ==== {{:working_groups:artur_vinas.jpg?200|}} \\ **Position:** Junior Research Engineer \\ **Interests:** Software Development, Computational Physics, Earth Sciences\\ **Contact:** [[artur.vinas@bsc.es]] \\ \\ **Short bio:** Artur is a Junior Research Engineer in the Models and Workflows Team. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Physics from the University of Barcelona (UB). He joined the Computational Earth Sciences group in May 2024. ---- ==== Edgar Garriga Nogales==== {{:working_groups:edgar_garriga.jpeg?nolink&150|}} **Position:** Workflow Management Software Engineer \\ **Interests:** HPC, Cloud Computing, Parallel Computing, Software Developing, Reproducibility \\ **Contact:** [[edgar.garriga@bsc.es]] [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/edgargarriga/|LinkedIn]] [[https://edgargarriga.com/|Personal Website]]\\ **Short bio:** Edgar (he, him) has a Bachelor degree in Computer Science from Universidad de Murcia and a MSc in Bioinformatics from the UAB. He did a PhD in Bioinformatics at the CRG on the Notredame's lab (Comparative bioinformatics group). During his studies he studied in Poland (Lodz), USA (Iowa) and Brazil (Porto Alegre). He is an passionate of containers and workflows managers (mainly Nextflow). After the PhD he moved has Senior Bioinformatician at Sanger (Hixton, UK). Another face of his life has been human rights and he has been involved in multiple task supporting people on the move. ---- ==== Lorena Gallardo Carbonell==== {{:working_groups:lorena_gallardo.png?150|}} **Position:** Junior Research Engineer \\ **Interests:** Software development, Computational Chemistry, 3D Modelling, Quantum mechanics, Logics \\ **Contact:** [[lorena.gallardo@bsc.es]]\\ **Short bio:** Lorena is a Visualization Developer in the Data and Diagnostics team of the Computational Earth Sciences group. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry (UB), a Master’s degree in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (UB and UAM), and is currently studying for a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy (UB). She completed various internships with diverse groups at the University of Barcelona and at the ALBA Synchrotron. During her master's, she contributed to the Crystallographic Methods Group of IBMB – CSIC by developing software for the validation of ligands in Macromolecular X-ray Crystallography. ---- ==== Naiara Alonso Montes==== {{:working_groups:naiara_alonso.png?150|}} **Position:** Undergraduate Student \\ **Interests:** Cybersecurity, HPC, Parallel Computing \\ **Contact:** [[naiara.alonso@bsc.es]] [[https://es.linkedin.com/in/naiara-alonso/|LinkedIn]]\\ **Short bio:** Naiara Alonso joined the Computational Earth Sciences group thanks to BSC International Summer HPC Internship Programme in the 2024 edition. She is currently a BSc Computer Science student at the University of Cantabria (UC), on her last year. Before that, she has been studying abroad for one year in the University of Maribor, in Slovenia, and actively participating as volunteer in student organizations. ---- ==== Enric Millán Iglesias==== {{:working_groups:photo_resized_small.jpg?150|}} **Position:** Undergraduate Student \\ **Interests:** Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence\\ **Contact:** [[enric.millan@bsc.es]] [[enric.millan.iglesias@estudiantat.upc.edu]]\\ **Short bio:** Enric Millán joined the Models and Workflows team, of the Computational Earth Sciences group, through the BSC International Summer HPC Internship Programme in June 2024. He is currently a Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering student at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), just having finished his third year. In his free time he enjoys watching films and series as well as playing videogames and practising sport. ---- ==== Manuel Giménez de Castro Marciani==== {{:working_groups:manuel_gimenez.jpg?150|}} **Position:** PhD Student \\ **Interests:** Workflows, Provenance, Workflow Instrumentation\\ **Contact:** [[manuel.gimenez@bsc.es]] [[manuel.gimenez.de.castro@upc.edu]]\\ **Short bio:** Manuel holds a bachelor in Applied Mathematics by the University of //São Paulo// and a Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics by the //Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya//. His interests revolve around workflow optimization, intrumentation, and provenance. He joined the CES team in July 2022 to develop his Master Thesis and has continued for a PhD. ---- ==== Andrew Forembski ==== {{:working_groups:andrew_forembski.jpg?150|}}\\ \\ **Position:** RE2 Recognised Researcher \\ **Interests:** parallel programming, heterogeneous computing, CUDA/HIP, HPC, numerical algorithms, quantum mechanics \\ **Contact:** [[andrew.forembski@bsc.es]] [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-forembski-phd-612a15126/|LinkedIn]] \\ **Short bio:** Andrew holds a Bachelor's degree in Applied Physics and a PhD in Computational Quantum Mechanics, both from Dublin City University. His doctoral project involved the development of a Configuration Interaction Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation solver for the simulation of ultra-short laser pulse interactions with He. Beyond academia he has also worked as an embedded software engineer at Intel Movidius and Ubotica Technologies. He joined the Performance Team in September 2024. His focus is on GPU programming. \\ \\ ---- ==== Razvan Aguridan ==== {{:working_groups:razvan_aguridan.jpeg?150|}}\\ \\ **Position:** Research Software Engineer \\ **Interests:** parallel programming, heterogeneous computing, CUDA, FPGA, numerical computing, game development \\ **Contact:** [[razvan.aguridan@bsc.es]] **Short bio:** Razvan has worked as a software engineer developing Linux kernel drivers and various user-space applications for embedded systems, as a systems architect developing automotive gateways and as a software research engineer developing multio, ECMWF's IO server. \\ \\ ---- ==== Johanna Gehlen ==== {{:working_groups:johanna_gehlen.jpg?150|}}\\ \\ **Position:** Junior Research Engineer \\ **Interests:** Complex System Simulation, Earth Science, Scientific Computing \\ **Contact:** [[johanna.gehlen@bsc.es]] **Short bio:** Johanna is a Junior Research Engineer in the Computational Earth Sciences group. She holds a Master's of Computational Science from the University of Amsterdam (UvA), specialising in complex system simulations. She joined the BSC in September 2024. \\ \\ ==== Shane Hearne ==== {{:working_groups:Shane_Hearne.jpg?150|}}\\ \\ **Position:** Technical Coordinator \\ **Interests:** Earth Science, Quantum Technologies, Satellite Communications, Computational Physics \\ **Contact:** [[shane.hearne@bsc.es]] **Short bio:** Shane is a technical coordinator in the Computational Earth Sciences group coordinating the Destination Earth project. He holds an undergraduate degree in Applied Physics and a research master's from the Walton Institute, focused on Quantum Satellite Communications. He has worked as a Research Engineer at onsemi, as a Software R&D Consultant at KPMG and as a Primary Research Manager at PreScouter. \\ \\ ==== Irene Simó Muñoz ==== {{:working_groups:irene_simo.jpg?150|}}\\ \\ **Position:** Junior Research Engineer \\ **Interests:** HPC, workflow management, graph theory \\ **Contact:** [[isimomun@bsc.es]] **Short bio:** Irene completed her undergraduate studies in aerospace engineering (2022) in UPC, and earned her degree in Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics (2024) from the same institution. Her eight-month visit at Georgia Institute of Technology in 2024 prompted her interest for task management in supercomputers. \\ \\ ==== Alba Martínez Marimon ==== {{:working_groups:alba_martinez.jpg?150|}}\\ \\ **Position:** Junior Research Engineer \\ **Interests:** Computational Physics, Quantum Technologies, Machine Learning \\ **Contact:** [[alba.martinez@bsc.es]] **Short bio:** Alba holds a Bachelor's Degree in Fundamental Physics and a Postgraduate Degree in Data Science and Machine Learning from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB). In 2023, she completed an internship with the Hadronic, Nuclear and Atomic Physics Group, focusing on machine learning for many-body quantum systems. She is currently part of the Models and Workflows Team in the Computational Earth Sciences group. \\ \\ ----