====== Earth System Services ====== ===== Description of the area ===== Knowledge and technology transfer, via tailored services, is essential to bridge the gap between science and its end users in key sectors of society (energy, urban development, infrastructure, transport, health and agriculture) via tailored services. Non-profit services are developed in-house (weather and atmospheric composition forecasting, and climate predictions) via projects in collaboration with public administrations, private contracts with companies or funding agencies, and spin-off companies that could exploit operational opportunities. The overall aim of the Earth System Services Group is to demonstrate the ongoing value of climate prediction services, atmospheric composition and weather forecasting to society and the economy. The group actively works in identifying user needs that will partly guide research in the BSC-ES Department and aims to quantify the impact of weather, climate, aerosols and gaseous pollutants upon socio-economic sectors through the development of user-oriented services that ensure the transfer of the technology developed and the adaptation to a rapidly changing environment, especially of those highly vulnerable. The Earth System Services Group has an interdisciplinary approach closely collaborating with all research groups within the department (Climate predictions, Atmospheric compositions and Computational Earth Sciences) and support groups at the BSC (technology transfer, communications, visualisation, education and outreach). * {{https://ess.bsc.es/|Earth System Services Group webpage}} =====Internal group information===== * [[ess_people|Who we are]] * [[ess_meetings|ESS Group Meetings]] * [[ess_source_info|ESS Group Source Information]] * [[technology_transfer|Technology transfer meetings]] * [[climate_services|Climate services meetings]] * [[climate_services_team| Climate services Team]] * [[ESS_weekly_reporting | Individual weekly reporting]] =====Graph ESS initiative===== {{ :working_groups:ess_initiative.png?600 |}} {{https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qBOKpKz6M7WH3W36KWpp4blIYQaTkGLTIuOUw0fXk2s/edit#slide=id.p|Source file}}