====== AC Post-Process Working Group Meetings ====== ===== 20230502 ===== Attendants: **NES**: * Alba requested **Pypi** to remove the current NES package. Stattus? * **Unit changing** (Dene's package) * Pending to provide examples to Dene. [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/ac/unit-converter/-/issues/1|unit-converter #1]] * **Rotated-Nested** create. Pending to merge [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/NES/-/issues/46|#46]] * **MONARCH** output type * Pending: **CMAQ** and **WRF-Chem** [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/NES/-/issues/63|#63]] * **Tutorial** date selected: [[https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/bmY89D3b|Tuesday 2023/05/16 from 15:00 to 17:00]] * 23/28 people * **TODO**: Check & refactor Jupyther Notebooks [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/NES/-/issues/65|#65]] * **Pending**: * **Unmapped** horizontal interpolation regions [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/NES/-/issues/64|#64]] **SNES**: * Added **daily** input type form ESARCHIVE * Added **conservative** horizontal interpolation * TODO: agree and implement flux to mass (and mass to flux) for conservative remapping. * We have suggested some options and the chosen one from Oriol is to add a new column in the CSV indicating if you want to apply that transformation. [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/SNES/-/issues/38|#38]] **auto-SNES**: * Oriol is **testing the conservative** remapping with auto-SNES & AS/4. * Dani Beltran suggest to remove the current AS/4 to point to the new tag, but I rejected the idea until auto-SNES is adapted to the new tag changes. [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/autosubmit/-/issues/1022|Autosubmit #1022]] * **Pending**: * Testing suite [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/auto-SNES/-/issues/8|#8]] **Other stuff** * **Output-checker**: interpolated data stattus? CAMS2_40 check? [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/auto-monarch/-/issues/532|auto-MONARCH #532]] * Slow multi-day statistics (Miriam) * Maria's monthly outputs [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/ac/nmmb-monarch/-/issues/224|MONARCH #224]] * Providentia Interpolation [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/SNES/-/issues/17|SNES #17]] ===== 20230404 ===== Attendants: **NES** * Alba suggests opening the NES library with PyPi: * Readthedocs documentation * Change the name to one not picked in the PyPi repository * **PIOLES**: **P**arallel **I**nput **O**utput **L**ibrary for **E**arth **S**cience * PIOLib * PIOLIbES * **APIO**: **A**utomatic **P**arallel **I**nput **O**utput * **PIOESlib**: **P**arallel **IO** for **E**arth **S**cience **Lib**rary * **MIOPES**: **M**ulti **IO** **P**arallel for **E**arth **S**cience * Unit changing (Dene's package) * Alba is going to lead that task. * **SNES** * No news **auto-SNES** * No news **Other stuff** * Slow multi-day statistics (Miriam) * Maria's monthly outputs * Providentia Interpolation ===== 20230321 ===== Attendants: **NES** * DONE: * Bugfix on cell_methods serial write * Write 2D string data (timezones) * Sum Nes objects (sum variables) * Write by time step * Concatenation improved times * Working on: * Spin-up bug * TODO: * Nested-Rotated domain (needed for HERMES) * Spatial Join: Improve time & memory for large datasets (needed for HERMES) * Training requested. **SNES** * No news **Auto-SNES** * Testing suite experiments created. * Next steps: * Fix the benchmark experiments (waiting for auto-MONARCH validation) **Auto-MONARCH** * Testing Suite. Output checker fails for NES_master **Other stuff** * ===== 20230307 ===== Attendants: **NES** * v1.1.0 release done: * Improve Lat-Lon to Cartesian coordinates method (used in Providentia). * Horizontal Interpolation: Conservative * Shapefile: * Function **to_shapefile()** to create shapefiles from a NES object without losing data from the original grid and being able to select the time and level. * Function **from_shapefile()** to create a new grid with data from a shapefile after doing a spatial join. * Function **create_shapefile()** can now be used in parallel. * Function **calculate_grid_area()** to calculate the area of each cell in a grid. * Function **calculate_geometry_area()** to calculate the area of each cell given a set of geometries. * Function **get_spatial_bounds_mesh_format()** to get the lon-lat boundaries in a mesh format (used in pcolormesh). * Bugs fixing: * Correct the dimensions of the resulting points datasets from any interpolation. * Amend the interpolation method to take into account the cases in which the distance among points equals zero. * Correct the way we retrieve the level positive value. * Correct how to calculate the spatial bounds of LCC and Mercator grids: the dimensions were flipped. * Correct how to calculate the spatial bounds for all grids: use read axis limits instead of write axis limits. * Calculate centroids from coordinates in creating shapefiles, instead of using the geopandas function 'centroid', which raises a warning for possible errors. * Enable selection of variables on the creation of shapefiles. * Correct read and write parallel limits. * Correct data type in the parallelization of points datasets. * Correct errors that appear when trying to select coordinates and write the file. * Working on: * Pending to merge: * Bug on cell_methods serial write * Next steps: * Sum Nes objects (sum variables) * Write 2D string data (timezones) * Nested-Rotated domain * Training requested. **SNES** * v1.1.0 release done: * Correct way to use level.positive NetCDF metadata. * Added sum_levels new options in the CSV. * Added the option to choose if you want to enable (or not) the sum_levels option by variable with the 'sum_levels' column. * Added the option to choose if you want to write (or not) the sum_levels option by variable with the 'sum_levels_path' column * Added NES conservative horizontal interpolation. * NES update to v1.1.0 (see NESv1.1.0 release notes) * Next steps: * run an auto-MONARCH testing suite **Auto-SNES** * Next steps: * Testing suite: * Create a testing suite with operational runs (at least) **Auto-MONARCH** * Everything OK? **Other stuff** * ===== 20230207 ===== Attendants: **NES** * Done: * Bugfixing: * Correct the dimensions of the resulting points datasets from any interpolation. * Amend the interpolation method to account for cases in which the distance among points equals zero. * Correct the way we retrieve the level positive value. * Correct how to calculate the spatial bounds of LCC and Mercator grids: the dimensions were flipped. * **Pending to merge-request**: * Correct how to calculate the spatial bounds for all grids: use read axis limits instead of write axis limits. * Calculate centroids from coordinates in the creation of shapefiles, instead of using the geopandas function 'centroid', which raises a warning for possible errors. * Enable selection of variables on the creation of shapefiles * New Features: * Improve Lat-Lon to Cartesian coordinates method (used in Providentia). * Function to_shapefile() to create shapefiles from a NES object without losing data from the original grid and being able to select the time and level. * Function from_shapefile() to create a new grid with data from a shapefile after doing a spatial join. * Function create_shapefile() can now be used in parallel. * **Pending to merge**: * Function calculate_grid_area() to calculate the area of each cell in a grid. * Function calculate_geometry_area() to calculate the area of each cell given a set of geometries. * Working on: * Horizontal Interpolation: Conservative * Todo: * Release v1.1.0: * Finish Conservative remapping * Add Tests. * HERMES's needs: * Write by adding timesteps **SNES** * Waiting for **NES** release. **Auto-SNES** * Waiting for **SNES** release. **Auto-MONARCH** * HERMES on CIRRUS: * geopandas version <0.11 **Other stuff** * CALIOPE_CAT: * Barnes cross-validation. * Code adapted to achieve the cross-validation but with Errors that I've not been able to solve. * It cannot run in a loop of stations. * Single station works fine. Then concatenate the results. * Miriam is testing the one-month execution (I've only tested one day) ===== 20230124 ===== Attendants: **NES** * Working on conservative horizontal interpolation * New: to_shapefile & from_fhapefile * TODO: * Tests for merging **SNES** * Vertical direction set * Only interpolation **Auto-Monarch** * **Auto-SNES** * Waiting for SNES release **Other stuff** * ===== 20221213 ===== Attendants: **NES** * Solved some bugs but this does not affect any operational operation. * Vertical direction hardcoded in NES **SNES** * How do we threat the vertical dimension? **Auto-Monarch** * CAMS RA workflow? **Auto-SNES** * Working on documentation and test cases **BDRC** * It should be working before February 2023 * New needs. 12h more. * SNES in serial. * To speedup an intermediate parallelization strategy has to be applied. This is the [[http://example.com|SNES issue]] to follow up on this improvement. * CIRRUS installation. * This week **Other stuff** * Providentia interpolation: * Bug solved. * Release 1.0.0 * [[https://nextcloud.bsc.es/index.php/apps/onlyoffice/27916485?filePath=%2FAC-PostProcess%2FProvidentiaInterpolation_2_SNES.xlsx|Roadmap of auto-SNES transition]] done. ===== 20221129 ===== Attendants: Francesca, Francesco, Carles, Alba, Alejandro, Gilbert, Miriam **NES** * CAMS RA format has been validated by INERIS. * v1.0.0 version has been released. * NESv1.0.0 is installed as a nord3v2 module **SNES** * **production** branch updated with CAMS_RA format * Created v1.0.0 version release. **Auto-Monarch** * Alejandro will start the CAMS RA workflow * SNES branch should be updated to tag v.1.0.0 * SNES modules should be updated in order to use the installed module **Auto-SNES** * Working on documentation and test cases **Other stuff** * Providentia interpolation: * Alba is going to start the climatology on Providentia Interpolation project. * In parallel she will analyze the functionalities in order to get all the Providentia Interpolation current features * That current features will be used as a requirement for SNES future release. * Miriam will help to get the requirements list with their experiences using it. * She will also add suggestions for improvements. * If the priority list does not change, SNES with Providentia Interpolation features will be postponed till MN5 arrive. ===== 20221018 ===== Attendants: Francesca, Francesco, Carles, Alba, Alejandro, Gilbert, Miriam **NES** * Horizontal interpolation differences comes from normalization of weights. * Tests on coordinates bounds in parallel. **Auto-Monarch** * implemented in the workflow * TODO: remove split_method from the template ===== 20221004 ===== Attendants: Francesca, Francesco, Carles, Alba, Alejandro, Gilbert, Miriam **NES** * Changing labels related to AC-CES to CES to avoid discussion on AC-CES group (Alba) **SNES** * BDRC [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/SNES/-/issues/18|#18]] * Grib2 does not accept NaN. If FillFirstHour fails I'm substituting NaN by zero * Current Grib2 contains negative values grib_dump /esarchive/scratch/fbeninca/SNES/2022091212_3H_SDSWAS_NMMB-BSC-v2_OPER.grb2 >> /gpfs/scratch/bsc32/bsc32538/SNES_tests/OUT/monarch/BDRC_AEMET/grib2/orig_dump.txt cat /gpfs/scratch/bsc32/bsc32538/SNES_tests/OUT/monarch/BDRC_AEMET/grib2/orig_dump.txt | grep minimum [bsc32538@login4 grib2]$ cat orig_dump.txt | grep minimum #-READ ONLY- minimum = -3.87477e-33; #-READ ONLY- minimum = -6.30957e-19; #-READ ONLY- minimum = -1.63499e-30; #-READ ONLY- minimum = -3.06059e-29; ... * SNES implementation done. Pending tasks: * Testing * Auto-MONARCH: * File gathering * NetCDF * Grib2 *md5sum * Move project from ES group to AC group in Gitlab (Alba) **Auto-Monarch** * Memory issue running SNES in a real case of CAMS2_40 forecast. Split in 2 jobs? **Auto-SNES** **Other stuff** ===== 20220920 ===== Attendants: Francesca, Francesco, Carles, Alba, Alejandro, Gilbert, Miriam **NES** * Installation MN4 * Selection function (FillFirstHour & GFAS-Hourly) **SNES** * fill_first_hour_from [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/SNES/-/issues/20|#20]] * Select write by variable [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/SNES/-/issues/21|#21]] * BDRC [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/SNES/-/issues/18|#18]] * YES: File per variable (netcdf & grib2) -> template gather them ? * NO: Or... Grib2 - One file with all variables [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/SNES/-/issues/19|#19]] **Auto-Monarch** * DUST OK * WIP CAMS2_40 **Auto-SNES** **Other stuff** * CES meeting presentation ===== 20220906 ===== Attendants: Francesca, Francesco, Carles, Alba, Alejandro, Gilbert **NES** * Providentia experiment format (Alba) * Create shapefile (Alba) * Adding shapefile info to NetCDF (Alba) * Selecting function WIP (GFAS-Hourly Carles) **SNES** * Enza ask for member implementation. **Auto-Monarch** * How it is going on? **Auto-SNES** * WIP: Pending issue to be resolved [[https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/autosubmit/-/issues/861|autosubmit #861]] **Other stuff** * BDRC: Outside BSC post-process * fill_first_hour