Table of Contents

Production of real time predictions (updated for Nov 2021)

Atmospheric ICs:

1. Download all the ICs until the 31st October ICs when available

Ocean/Sea Ice ICs:

1. Download the latest ORAS5 and EN4 data up to October/November 2021
  1. Regridding/reformatting the newly downloaded surface/3D fields (cdo/sosie) → The scripts to do it for EN4 are: ?? (task performed by Vladimir); The scripts to do it for ORAS5 are: ?? (task performed by Juan)
2. Downloading the atmospheric forcing files from ERA5 real time dataset up to October
3. Post-process the atmospheric forcing files
4. Applying the random perturbations to the forcings
5. Producing the ocean-sea ice reconstruction

Vegetation/Land ICs

Production of the real-time predictions