UPC DOI access hack - Getting access to literature when normal access fails

Here is a quick and dirty hack to access non-open-access articles in case they are included in the journals that the UPC has subscriptions for and supposing that you have UPC credentials. This method is particularly useful for DOI searches (That the UPC Library tries to keep a secret it seemed to me…):

Try this first:

1) Visit: UPC Library DOI search portal (https://doi-org.recursos.biblioteca.upc.edu/) (You may need to login first.)

2) Then grab the DOI of interest as in this example “https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14917” and paste it into the search field from step 1 and hit Enter. Heureka! (hopefully).

If that fails, then try this:

A) Open a new tab in your browser and paste this address


into the address bar WITHOUT hitting enter. Then

B) grab the tail of your DOI html address like “10.1111/gcb.14917” from


or directly from (restrictive) publisher site like this one


C) and paste it into the same new tab's address bar to obtain something like this (from our example):


and hit enter. If you are lucky your publication may be found and accessed that way as in this example….