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Traces of the largest functions

In this section there are some traces that shows the largest and more important functions of EC-Earth in terms of execution time. First, it is necessary to get the functions with gprof and then, trace these functions using Extrae. Because of the huge size of detailed traces, we used burst mode in order to generate light traces that are easier to analyze. The trace is available on /gpfs/projects/bsc32/share/traces/EC-Earth_3.2beta/burst_largest_user_functions_no_northfold_opt_1day_ifs-128_nemo-128 (MareNostrum).

Generic configuration:

  • Coupled EC-Earth 3.2beta: IFS, NEMO 3.6, LIM3, XIOS, Runoff-mapper, OASIS3-MCT
  • 1 Runoff-Mapper task
  • 1 xios task
  • MareNostrum III, 16 tasks/node
  • T255L91-ORCA1L46

Configuration for gprof:

  • 288 NEMO tasks
  • 320 IFS tasks
  • 6 months of simulation

Configuration for Extrae:

  • 128 NEMO tasks
  • 128 IFS tasks
  • 1 day of simulation

Trace of the whole execution

Trace of the whole execution

Trace of 8 coupling iterations (1 day)

Trace of 8 coupling iterations (1 day)

Trace of 2 coupling iterations

Trace of 2 coupling iterations

Trace of 1 coupling iteration (4 steps)

Trace of 1 coupling iteration (4 steps)

profiling/traces_largest_functions.txt · Last modified: 2015/11/25 15:10 by xyepes