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tools:diagnostics [2015/05/26 11:25] (current)
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 +{{file:outdated.png}} **The information on this page is badly out-of-date.** It describes a system that is no longer in production or has drastically changed, //Please see// [[tools:s2dverification]]
 +=== Description of the set of R functions ===
 +As a new user, please register to this mailing list:
 +You'll then have access to the history of all the emails sent to the users and presenting the
 +functions and their available options.
 +To use the R common diagnostic functions, open a R session and type:
 +The list of available functions will be printed. For more information about any function, type 
 +info_cd('function name'), you'll see a quick description of the aim of this function, the input
 +arguments, the output variables and the contact in case of questions. Please, feel free to update
 +the help if the explanations are not clear, and to add any option you feel helpful for the
 +other users
 +For a quick overview of the functionalities available, please have a look at this presentation :
 +For an example about the use of the R common diagnostics, you can try plot_timeseries.R
 +== Style guide ==
 +For practices that ensure a long-term sustainable development look at this presentation: {{file:longtermdev.pdf}}
 +The style guidelines that we will apply to develop with R are from the [[|Google's R Style Guide]], with the following modifications agreed by the development team:
 +  *  Do not use dots in variable names.
 +  *  You can use underscores in variable names.
 +  *  There are two levels of comments. The first, of general purpose, starts with a single hash and a space. Comments in this level should explain what the code is doing. The second, for stuff members, starts with two hashes and a space. Comments in this level should explain details not needed to understand the general procedure but useful to make note of more technical aspects that might take time to find out later. 
 +  *  A history of edition will be kept at the end of the comment that documents each function below its header. The format of the history is as follows:
 +  # History:
 +   #   1.0  #  2011-03  (E. User,  #  What has been done
 +   #        #  2013-03  (A. User,  #  What has been changed    
 +   #        #                                            #  or added.
 +=== List of functions ===
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_load|CFU_load]] For a full documentation of CFU_load, please have a look at this document: {{file:cfu_load.pdf}}
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_histo2hindcast|CFU_histo2hindcast]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_season|CFU_season]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_clim|CFU_clim]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_ano|CFU_ano]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_ano_crossvalid|CFU_anocrossvalid]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_smoothing|CFU_smoothing]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_plotano|CFU_plotano]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_plotclim|CFU_plotclim]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_spread|CFU_spread]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_plotvsltime|CFU_plotvsltime]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_corr|CFU_corr]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_rms|CFU_RMS]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_rmsss|CFU_RMSSS]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_ratio_rms|CFU_ratioRMS]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_ratio_sdrms|CFU_ratioSDRMS]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_trend|CFU_trend]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_consist_trend|CFU_consist_trend]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_plotequimap|CFU_plotequimap]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_plotsection|CFU_plotsection]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_colorbar|CFU_colorbar]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_animvsltime|CFU_animvsltime]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_eno|CFU_eno]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_enlarge|CFU_enlarge]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_insertdim|CFU_insertdim]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_mean1dim|CFU_mean1dim]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_meanlistdim|CFU_meanlistdim]]
 +  *  [[tools:diagnostics:cfu_inilistdims|CFU_inilistdims]]
 +=== Contact ===
tools/diagnostics.txt ยท Last modified: 2015/05/26 11:25 (external edit)