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tools:ocean_nudging2 [2018/07/17 14:50]
vsicardi [3D Nudging]
tools:ocean_nudging2 [2018/07/25 12:57]
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-==== How to run a nudging experiment with EC-Earth 3.2====+==== How to run a nudging experiment with EC-Earth 3.2.3 ====
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 Both features are already part of NEMO code, nevertheless with auto-ecearth there are some parameters to activate in the configuration files and some variables to take care of in the namelist. This guide is mostly thought for AUTO-ECEARTH users. Both features are already part of NEMO code, nevertheless with auto-ecearth there are some parameters to activate in the configuration files and some variables to take care of in the namelist. This guide is mostly thought for AUTO-ECEARTH users.
-First of all, check that the reference files for your nudging experiments are available on the platform you would like to run+First of all, check that the nudging files you want to use are available on the platform you would like to run.
-in MN4, data for surface restoring are located here:  +
-Any new surface restoring files should be located in the above path  ocean/REFERENCE/RESOLUTION/MEMB,( where REFERENCE is the name of the ocean reanalysis you would like use and MEMB is the member). For example for oras4 surface restore data: /gpfs/projects/bsc32/repository/surface_restoring/ocean/s4/ORCA1L75/fc0. and should respect the name convention:  and They should be 12 month files starting in january where XXXX is the name of the year, according to the input data specification routine //fldread.F90//.+
-For 3d nudging, the location is : /gpfs/projects/bsc32/repository/nudging/REFERENCE/CONFIG/fcMEMB/ where REFERENCE is the name of the ocean reanalysis you would like to nudge to ( s4 / glorys2v1 ), CONFIG is the ocean model resolution ( ORCA1L75 / ORCA025L75 ) and MEMB is the member. +In MN4, data for surface restoring are located here: /gpfs/projects/bsc32/repository/surface_restoring.
-In MN4 for example is: /gpfs/projects/bsc32/repository/nudging/ocean/s4/ORCA1L75/fc0+
-If you would like to prepare new reference files, their naming should follow the convention : = one file containing 3-dimensional monthly mean temperature and salinity.+Any new surface restoring files should be located in the above path following this structure: ocean/REFERENCE/RESOLUTION/MEMB,( where REFERENCE is the name of the ocean reanalysis you would like use and MEMB is the member). For example for oras4 surface restore data: /gpfs/projects/bsc32/repository/surface_restoring/ocean/s4/ORCA1L75/fc0.  The data should be files with 12 month  starting in January with this name convention:  and where XXXX is the year, ( this is how nemo wants the files, see routine //fldread.F90// for more details).
-The 3D nudging files are yearly files containing the 3D fields for each month. For a given year the previous year and the following year are linked.+For 3d nudging, the location in MN4 is /gpfs/projects/bsc32/repository/nudging  and the convention, if the user want to add other nudging files is: /gpfs/projects/bsc32/repository/nudging/REFERENCE/CONFIG/fcMEMB/ where REFERENCE is the name of the ocean reanalysis you would like to nudge to ( s4 / glorys2v1 ), CONFIG is the ocean model resolution ( ORCA1L75 / ORCA025L75 ) and MEMB is the member.
-The managing of the nudging files is done in the auto-ecearth templatesecearth3.ini and nemo3.ini.+ 
 +If you would like to prepare new reference files, their naming should follow the convention : = one file containing 3-dimensional monthly mean temperature and salinity. For a given year the previous year and the following year are linked. So be sure you have all the files before you start. 
 +In theory the user should only specify the name of the file to be used, then auto-ecearth via templates (ecearth3.ini and nemo3.ini) will take care of creating the right link and put them in the right places. If not, then there is a bug to be fixed. No panic. We do it.
 ========Surface Restoring======== ========Surface Restoring========
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-**Proj.conf settings:**   +STEPS to activate surface restoring: 
-In proj.conf you activate the surface restoring option by putting to TRUE the parameter: SURF_RESTO. + 
-You should specify the data towards which you want to restore with : RESTO_DATA.+**1. Proj.conf settings:**   
 +  - Ordered List Item Activate the surface restoring  SURF_RESTO = TRUE 
 +  - Define the data restoring to be used: RESTO_DATA = s4/your_exp_ID 
 So far you can use oras4,  by specifying s4, or a climatology of an experiment you created, by specifying the ID of the experiment. So far you can use oras4,  by specifying s4, or a climatology of an experiment you created, by specifying the ID of the experiment.
 Please note that is responsibility of the user to be sure that the surface restoring data to be used are in the right format and in the right place. In case of doubts speak with Valentina or Yohan. Please note that is responsibility of the user to be sure that the surface restoring data to be used are in the right format and in the right place. In case of doubts speak with Valentina or Yohan.
-**Namelist settings**+**2.Namelist settings**
-You can use nemo-only or coupled version for your nudged experiments. +Note that, depending on the branch the user wants to use this part is already set-up. See section about available branches for available branchesThe following namelist refers to the branch: r5671-bsc_ocean_DA. some difference can be found when using a different branch. 
-Depending on this the namelist will be standalone or coupled (obvious, but important to remember)+
 +You can use nemo-only or coupled version for your nudged experiments. Depending on this option,  the namelist will be standalone or coupled (obvious, but important to remember)
-Here is an example to activate SST restoring : 
-    +Here is an example to activate SST restoring in ****. 
-     ln_ssr = .true. ! Sea Surface Restoring on T and/or S (T => fill namsbc_ssr)+ 
 +in section nambsrc you will find: 
 +       ln_ssr      ${ln_ssr}    Sea Surface Restoring on T and/or S       (T => fill namsbc_ssr) 
 +This is switched on from configuration file. So do not worry about it. If SURF_RESTO = TRUE in proj.conf,  then the surface restoring is activated       
 +Here there are some parameters that the user should check: 
       &namsbc_ssr    !   surface boundary condition : sea surface restoring       &namsbc_ssr    !   surface boundary condition : sea surface restoring
      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
      ! filename          ! freq  ! variable name  ! time     ! clim     ! year or   ! weights   ! rot     ! mask      ! filename          ! freq  ! variable name  ! time     ! clim     ! year or   ! weights   ! rot     ! mask
                                                         ! interp            ! monthly   ! filename  ! pair    ! filename                                                         ! interp            ! monthly   ! filename  ! pair    ! filename
Line 69: Line 84:
      rn_sssr_bnd = 4.e0    !  ABS(Max/Min) value of the damping erp term [mm/day]      rn_sssr_bnd = 4.e0    !  ABS(Max/Min) value of the damping erp term [mm/day]
      /      /
-!-----------------------------------------------------------------------+     !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Reference data Reference data
-Nudging files, as defined in fldread.F90. They can be one file per year (even if there are one record per month in it), or one separate file for each and every month. In the following example it's one file with 12 months, for each variable. 
 Note that the name of the file contains "_yXXXX" where XXXX are the 4 digit of the year. Note that the name of the file contains "_yXXXX" where XXXX are the 4 digit of the year. 
-SST parameters :+SST parameters to be set :
 nn_sstr nn_sstr
-sn_sst +sn_sst file name = name of the file, in the formatsst_restore_data. if you use s4 or one of your exp, do not modify it. auto-ecearth will do the job. The name of the nudging file, is defined in fldread.F90, without the year suffix and the .nc
- +
-file name : Name of the nudging file, as defined in fldread.F90, without the year suffix and the .nc+
 frequency : the frequency of the data, usually 1 month, i.e. -1 frequency : the frequency of the data, usually 1 month, i.e. -1
tools/ocean_nudging2.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/12 12:53 by vlapin