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# Data-driven emission quantification

Gerrit Kuhlmann's avatar
Gerrit Kuhlmann committed
ddeq is Python library for data-driven emission quantification of emission hot
spots such as cities, power plants and industrial facilities.
# Installation in local Linux machines 

ayarce's avatar
ayarce committed
- create Python environment:\
`conda create -n ddeq-test python=3.9`\
`conda activate ddeq-test`\
- install additional packages\
`conda install jupyterlab`\
`conda install pycurl`\
- unzip tar.gz file in the Supplement and install using pip\
`tar -xzvf ddeq-1.0.tar.gz`\
`python -m pip install ddeq-1.0/`\

**Next step important for Linux machines**\
`pip install --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir -v "diplib==3.4.3"`\

-  start JupyterLab\
 `cd ddeq-1.0`;`jupyter lab --notebook-dir`\
Gerrit Kuhlmann's avatar
Gerrit Kuhlmann committed
## Documentation
The full documentation is hosted at