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# A brief tutorial on Ecological Niche Modelling
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[Bruno M. Carvalho](
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Global Health Resilience | Barcelona Supercomputing Center
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e-mail: [](
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ORCID: [0000-0002-0009-5770](
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The objective of this short tutorial is to run ecological niche models aimed at predicting the climatic suitability of a given species in a given country. We will be running three types of models: a climate envelope (bioclim), a statistical method (logistic regression), and a machine learning method (random forest). You can optionally run a maxent model, but it requires additional instalation steps that are described below. 
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Before running the scripts, you are encouraged to choose a species and a country to run the models, and download data from the [GBIF]( by following the steps below. If you want to skip this, you can use the example data for _Aedes albopictus_ in Spain, which is available at the data folder.
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The tutorial is divided in three scripts, that should be run in the following order:
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1. R/00_GHR_tutorial_gbif.R: Explore the species records and clean the database that was previously downloaded from GBIF.
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2. R/01_data_harmonization.R: Prepare the climate variables, sample pseudoasences, and harmonize a single table for modelling.
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3. R/02_modelling.R: Run the ecological niche models, evaluate against out-of-sample data, and map predictions.
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### Required R packages
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- [CoordinateCleaner](
- [leaflet](
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- [sf](
- [raster](
- [dismo](
- [randomForest](
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- [readr](
- [dplyr](
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Note: In linux machines you might need to install the gdal library from the terminal before installing the R packages. To do that, type the following in the terminal:

sudo apt install libgdal-dev

Run the following R code to install all required packages from CRAN:

install.packages(c("sf", "raster", "dismo", "randomForest", "readr", "dplyr"))

Optional steps, for running maxent models:

- Install [dismo]( and [java](
- Make sure that java, R, and your OS are all either 32-bit or 64-bit
- Download maxent from [this page](
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- Move the maxent.jar file into the java folder of the dismo package. If you can't find this folder on your local machine, run the following on R:
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system.file("java", package = "dismo")
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### Before running the scripts
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1. Choose a species and country that you want to use in this tutorial ([Google]( can help)
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2. Navigate to [GBIF]( and register a username and password
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3. Login and use the search engine to find the records for your chosen species:
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![](./figs/readme1.png "Click on the species page")
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4. Open the occurrence dataset:
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![](./figs/readme2.png "Click on occurrences")
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5. Filter results to your chosen country and go to the download page:
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![](./figs/readme3.png "Filter to country of choice")
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6. Download as a simple csv file:
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![](./figs/readme4.png "Click on Simple")
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Accept the Terms of Responsibility and proceed. Wait some minutes until the data finishes processing.  
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You will receive an automatic email from GBIF when the data is ready for download. At this point, your dataset has a unique DOI which you can use to cite and re-download the data if you need it.  

When the data is ready for download, you can click on the button to download it:

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![](./figs/readme5.png "Click on Download")
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7. Unzip the downloaded csv file and move it to the folder "data/gbif/yourspeciesdata.csv"
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8. You are ready to run the first script of this tutorial! You can find them in the "R" folder.
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### Data in this repo
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- Species occurrence records: Aedes albopictus in Spain ([GBIF](
- World country borders ([Esri](
- Bioclimatic indicators, averaged for 1970-2000, resolution 10 minutes (~340 km2) ([WorldClim](
  - Annual mean temperature (bio01)
  - Temperature seasonality (bio04)
  - Annual precipitation (bio12)
  - Precipitation seasonality (bio15)
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