ChangeLog 85.1 KB
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Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2016-08-18  Uwe Schulzweida

	* using CDI library version 1.8.0rc2
	* Version 1.8.0rc2 released

2016-08-16  Uwe Schulzweida

	* setzaxis: added support for internal zaxis name height_<value>_<units>

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2016-08-11  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Changed handling of rotated lon/lat grids
Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed

2016-08-10  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Changed default of option -f nc to netCDF2

2016-07-29  Uwe Schulzweida

	* New operator selindex - Select grid indices

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2016-07-18  Uwe Schulzweida

	* setgrid: added parameter regularnn

2016-07-15  Uwe Schulzweida

	* masklonlatbox: added support for unstructured grids

2016-07-02  Uwe Schulzweida

	* pstreamOpenAppend: added call to set_comp() (bug fix)

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2016-06-28  Uwe Schulzweida

	* using CDI library version 1.7.2
	* Version 1.7.2 released

	* replace option -Q by --sort
	* delete, delcode, delname: wrong variable check (bug fix)

2016-06-27  Uwe Schulzweida

	* round doesn't work as expected, replaced by lround()
	* nint, expr(nint()): replace round by lround() (bug fix)

2016-06-21  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Renamed operator setpartab to setcodetab
	* Renamed operator pardes to codetab
2016-06-13  Uwe Schulzweida

	* mul: wrong result for missval*0 (bug fix)
	* expr: nmiss lost for time constant fields (bug fix)

	* select: file structure may change with time constant variables (bug fix)
	* select: wrong result with time constant 3D variables (bug fix)

2016-06-02  Uwe Schulzweida

	* input: added optional zaxis parameter

2016-05-27   Asela Rajapakse

	* New operator verifygrid - Verify grids

2016-05-25  Uwe Schulzweida

	* CDO_CommandLine: changed from fixed size of 1024 to dynamic size
	* uv2dv: ignore GRIB2 parameter id

2016-05-20  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Select: check level only if no vars selected

2016-04-28  Uwe Schulzweida

	* readline: added support for DOS text files (\r\n)

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2016-04-26  Uwe Schulzweida

	* New operator: smooth - Smooth grid points

2016-04-25  Uwe Schulzweida

	* New operator: ap2hl - Air pressure to height level interpolation
	* Added option --cmor to write CMOR conform NetCDF output
	* setpartabn - added support for character # and ! deactivate line in table file
	* Adjust date/time by -1 second if the verification time is equal to upper time bound
2016-04-13  Uwe Schulzweida

	* gridsearch_qnearest: removed range check (bug fix)
	* grid_search_nbr: set range0 to SQR(search_radius) (bug fix)

2016-04-11  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Magplot: set NAN missvals to -9e33 [Bug: #6677]

2016-04-08  Uwe Schulzweida

	* afterburner: seg. fault with data on half level (bug fix) [report: Monika Esch]

2016-04-04  Ralf Mueller
        * New operators: ngrids, ngridpoints - Show number of grids/gridpoints per variable

2016-04-02  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Fix typo in eca_sdii code [Bug #6655]

2016-03-27  Uwe Schulzweida

 	* clipping/geometry.h::get_angle: replace round() by lround()

2016-03-25  Uwe Schulzweida/Ralf Mueller

	* OpenMP installation error [Bug #6523]
	* New operator: reducegrid - Select gridpoints wrt. given mask
2016-03-18  Uwe Schulzweida

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
	* New operator: settbounds - Set time bounds settbounds - Set time bounds
	* expr: renamed function log() to ln()
	* eca_cdd, eca_cwd: Added support to choose the amount of days

2016-03-05  Uwe Schulzweida

	* merge, mergetime: option -s doesn't work correctly (bug fix)

2016-02-25  Uwe Schulzweida

	* using CDI library version 1.7.1
	* Version 1.7.1 released

	* cat: skip time constant fields for nfile>1 (bug fix) [report: Ralf Mller]
	* copy: skip time constant fields for nfile>1 (bug fix)
	* mergetime: skip time constant fields for nfile>1 (bug fix)
	* select: skip time constant fields for nfile>1 (bug fix)
	* select: search key timestep doesn't work with nfiles>1 (bug fix)
2016-02-22  Uwe Schulzweida

	* settaxis: set default increment to 1hour

2016-02-08  Uwe Schulzweida

	* expr: added support for function clon(), clat() and clev()

2016-02-04  Uwe Schulzweida

	* selmon: renamed to selmonth
	* selseas: renamed to selseason

2016-02-03  Uwe Schulzweida

	* select: added search key season to select seasons
	* selseas: added support for season ANN
2016-01-13  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Expr: added support for temporary variables (starting with underscore)

2016-01-11  Uwe Schulzweida

	* grfill: removed unused plot parameter: resolution

2016-01-08  Uwe Schulzweida

	* ydaypctl: check of verification date failed (bug fix)

2016-01-07  Uwe Schulzweida

	* setpartab: added support to combine setpartab operators (bug fix) [report: Karl-Hermann Wieners]

2016-01-06  Uwe Schulzweida

	* genbil: generate weight file also for num_links=0
2016-01-05  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Select: added search key steptype

	* select/delete: added full support for time constant fields (bug fix) [report: Ralf Mller]
	* delete: don't abort if variables are available (bug fix) [report: Renate Brokopf]

2015-12-28  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Exprf: init nmiss (bug fix)

2015-12-15  Uwe Schulzweida

	* after: added optional parameter to read VCT from file

2015-12-14  Uwe Schulzweida

	* grfill: changed contour_shade_technique from cell_shading to grid_shading

2015-12-10  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Select: added search key gridnum and gridname
	* Select: added search key zaxisnum and zaxisname
2015-11-26  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Timstat: added frequency attribute for day, mon and year

2015-11-25  Uwe Schulzweida

	* selname: select also ps for variables on hybrid sigma pressure levels

2015-11-18  Modali Kameswarrao

	* Magplot: added support for projections and regions

2015-11-16  Uwe Schulzweida

	* seldate: stop reading if data date is greater than end date

2015-11-16  Uwe Schulzweida

	* timcor: set data range -1 to 1

2015-10-28  Uwe Schulzweida

	* using CDI library version 1.7.0
	* Version 1.7.0 released

2015-10-23  Uwe Schulzweida

	* New operator: setmisstodis - Set missing value to the distance-weighted average of the nearest neighbors

2015-10-17  Uwe Schulzweida

	* diff: set checkrel=TRUE

2015-10-11  Uwe Schulzweida

	* removed obsolate  option -p

2015-10-08  Uwe Schulzweida

	* rotuvb: fix parameter parse error for var names starting with a digit

2015-09-30  Uwe Schulzweida

	* usvs_to_uv: if ( rla < 0.0 ) rla += 360.0  (bug fix) [report: Laura Niederdrenk]

2015-09-25  Uwe Schulzweida

        * added operator sortparam to sort all variables by there parameter number

2015-09-15  Uwe Schulzweida

        * merge: search for first time variing stream

2015-09-06  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Select: set default time of enddate to 23:59:59

2015-08-22  Uwe Schulzweida

	* src/ removed -lstd++ (bug fix)

2015-08-19  Uwe Schulzweida

	* expr: added support for calculations with var1[n] and var2[1]

2015-08-18  Uwe Schulzweida

        * ap2pl: use upper level of air_pressure if surface pressure not found

2015-08-14  Uwe Schulzweida

	* select: select also ps for variables on hybrid sigma pressure levels

2015-08-12  Uwe Schulzweida

	* selmon: does not work with negative years (bug fix) [report: Tim Brcher]

        * replaced farcmul(array, 1./nsets) by farcdiv(array, (double)nsets) to get exactly the same result with and without missvals
Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2015-08-05  Uwe Schulzweida

	* ap2pl: changed to generalized height

2015-07-27  Uwe Schulzweida

	* removed configure option --with-jasper
	* remapnn/dis: replaced scrip search by kdtree

2015-07-23  Uwe Schulzweida

	* changed option --history to --no_history

2015-07-21  Uwe Schulzweida

	* tinfo: optimize calculation of monthly and yearly increment

2015-07-16  Uwe Schulzweida
	* collgrid: added support for curvilinear grids
2015-06-27  Uwe Schulzweida

	* New operator: setmisstonn - Set missing value to nearest neightbour

2015-06-26  Uwe Schulzweida

	* remapdis: fixed seg fault on blizzard with large target grid (possibly compiler bug)

2015-06-21  Uwe Schulzweida

	* topo, temp, mask: added optional parameter for target grid

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2015-06-19  Uwe Schulzweida

        * for: added docu

	* Ydrunstat: don't set the year to the minimum of years found on output timestep
	* Ydaystat: set the year to the minimum of years found on output timestep

2015-06-17  Uwe Schulzweida

	* bug fix if table filename is a directory [Bug #5891]

2015-06-12  Uwe Schulzweida
Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed

	* diff: disable checkrel

2015-06-10  Karl-Hermann Wieners

	* expr: operators return 0 for arithmetics on constants [Bug #5875]

2015-06-03  Uwe Schulzweida

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
	* removed flag CMP_CODE
	* replace: compare only parameter name; removed check of parameter number
	* setpartabn: replace vlistDefVarCode() by vlistDefVarParam()

2015-06-01  Uwe Schulzweida

	* vertvar, vertstd: changed to weighted var/std if layer bounds are available

2015-05-29  Uwe Schulzweida

	* yseaspctl: check of verification date failed [Bug #5810]

2015-05-28  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Remap: fixed memory leak for r=max_remaps-1

	* New operator: vertstd1  - Vertical standard deviation [Divisor is (n-1)]
	* New operator: vertvar1  - Vertical variance [Divisor is (n-1)]
	* New operator: gridboxstd1 - Gridbox standard deviation [Divisor is (n-1)]
	* New operator: gridboxvar1 - Gridbox variance [Divisor is (n-1)]
	* New operator: merstd1  - Meridional standard deviation [Divisor is (n-1)]
	* New operator: mervar1  - Meridional variance [Divisor is (n-1)]
	* New operator: zonstd1  - Zonal standard deviation [Divisor is (n-1)]
	* New operator: zonvar1  - Zonal variance [Divisor is (n-1)]

	* New operator: yseasvar1  - Multi-year seasonally variance [Divisor is (n-1)]
	* New operator: yseasstd1  - Multi-year seasonally standard deviation [Divisor is (n-1)]
	* New operator: seasvar1  - Seasonal variance [Divisor is (n-1)]
	* New operator: seasstd1  - Seasonal standard deviation [Divisor is (n-1)]

	* after: extent incomming GEOPOTHEIGHT on full 3d hybrid levels to half 3d hybrid levels (bug fix)
2015-05-19  Uwe Schulzweida

        * Fldstat2: added support for option --reduce_dim

2015-05-18  Uwe Schulzweida

        * splityear*: support for constant fields is missing [Bug #5759]

2015-05-17  Uwe Schulzweida

	* env. CDO_TIMESTAT_DATE does not work [Bug #5758]

2015-05-02  Uwe Schulzweida

	* sqr: added support for complex numbers

2015-05-01  Uwe Schulzweida

	* masklonlatbox: added support for curvilinear grids

2015-04-29  Uwe Schulzweida

	* remapbil: optimized version without weights

2015-04-28  Uwe Schulzweida

	* selgrid: added parameter type var=varname to select all variables with the same grid as varname

2015-04-28  Uwe Schulzweida

	* using CDI library version 1.6.9
	* Version 1.6.9 released
	* clipping: update to YAC version 1.0.3

2015-04-23  Uwe Schulzweida

	* ydrunpctl: does not work in combination with ydrunmin/ydrunmax (bug fix)

2015-04-21  Uwe Schulzweida

	* New operator: genlevelbounds - Generate level bounds
	* Added option --reduce_dim to reduce dimension (Timstat, Fldstat)
	* Ensstat: added support for different missing values (bug fix)
2015-04-17  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Select: added parameter date

2015-04-16  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Select: added parameter startdate, enddate

2015-04-13  Karl-Hermann Wieners

	* New operator: aexpr -  Evaluate expressions and append results
	* New operator: aexprf  - Evaluate expression script and append results
	* New operator: selzaxisname  - Select z-axes by name

2015-04-10  Uwe Schulzweida

	* New operator: after - ECHAM standard post processor
2015-04-02  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Seltime: abort if no timestep is seleced

	* Fldstat: added parameter noweights to use constant grid cell area weights
	* expr: added support for operator ?:,&&,||

2015-03-26  Uwe Schulzweida
Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
	* using CDI library version 1.6.8
Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
	* Version 1.6.8 released

	* expr: added support for operator ?: (short ifelse)
	* eof, eof3d: use area weights instead of no weights
	* vertmean, vertavg: changed to weighted means if layer bounds are available

2015-03-23  Uwe Schulzweida

	* expr: added support for operator ?: (short ifelse test version)

2015-03-22  Uwe Schulzweida

	* configure: check whether netCDF4/HDF5 is threadsafe

2015-03-21  Uwe Schulzweida

	* expr: added support for logical operator <=>

2015-03-20  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Remap: renamed env. variable CDO_REMAP_NORMALIZE_OPT to CDO_REMAP_NORM
	* Remap: renamed env. variable CDO_REMAP_SEARCH_RADIUS to CDO_REMAP_RADIUS
2015-03-19  Uwe Schulzweida

	* remapycon:  correct weights only for norm_opt=fracarea

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2015-03-18  Uwe Schulzweida

	* expr: added support for logical operators <, >, <=, >=, !=, ==

2015-03-17  Uwe Schulzweida

	* gradsdes: grib index file is empty (introduced in 1.6.7)

	* delname: added wildcard support
	* wildcardmatch(): use fnmatch() if available
	* eofspatial: removed scaling with grid cell area weights (bug fix)
	* eoftime: removed scaling with grid cell area weights (bug fix)

2015-03-10  Uwe Schulzweida

	* ensSTAT: added optional parameter count to count the number of valid values

2015-03-09  Uwe Schulzweida

	* setpartabp, setpartabn: added optional parameter convert to convert the units

2015-02-04  Uwe Schulzweida

	* select: added wildcard support for parameter name and param
	* selname: added wildcard support

2015-01-31  Uwe Schulzweida

	* changed remapnn test to remapdis

2015-01-30  Uwe Schulzweida

        * cdoGenFileSuffix: filter wildcard characters

	* remapnn: Segmentation fault for extrapolation of regular 2D source grids [Bug #5448]
2015-01-21  Uwe Schulzweida

	* New operator: splityearmon - Split in years and months
2015-01-20  Uwe Schulzweida

	* remap: replaced critical section with store_link() by store_weightlinks()

2015-01-06  Uwe Schulzweida

	* intersection: use function sqrt(x) if sqrtl(x) is missing

2015-01-05  Uwe Schulzweida

	* New operator: yseasadd - Add multi-year seasonal time series
	* New operator: yseassub - Subtract multi-year seasonal time series
	* New operator: yseasmul - Multiply multi-year seasonal time series
	* New operator: yseasdiv - Divide multi-year seasonal time series

2014-12-26  Uwe Schulzweida

	* sinfo: limit length of model and institute to CDI_MAX_NAME (bug fix)

2014-12-19  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Seaspctl: changed timestat_date to mean
Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
	* Seaspctl: added support for env. CDO_TIMESTAT_DATE
	* Seasstat: changed timestat_date to mean
	* Timpctl: changed timestat_date to mean
Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
	* Timpctl: added support for env. CDO_TIMESTAT_DATE
	* Timstat: changed timestat_date to mean

2014-12-18  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Timselpctl: changed timestat_date to mean
Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
	* Timselpctl: added support for env. CDO_TIMESTAT_DATE
	* Timselpctl: last output time step is written two times (bug fix)
	* Timselstat: changed timestat_date to mean

2014-12-16  Uwe Schulzweida

	* intlevel3d: works only for regular grids, grid coordinate check disabled (bug fix)

2014-12-15  Uwe Schulzweida

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
	* Seasstat: added support for env. CDO_TIMESTAT_DATE
	* Timselstat: added support for env. CDO_TIMESTAT_DATE
2014-12-14  Uwe Schulzweida

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
	* Timstat: added support for env. CDO_TIMESTAT_DATE
Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2014-12-13  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Runstat: added time bounds

2014-12-12  Uwe Schulzweida
Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed

	* using CDI library version 1.6.7
	* Version 1.6.7 released

2014-12-11  Uwe Schulzweida

	* intlevel3d: does not work (bug fix)

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2014-12-03  Uwe Schulzweida

	* added to test all file formats

2014-12-02  Uwe Schulzweida

	* GRIB_API: segfaults when writing grib2 files [Bug #5351]

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2014-11-27  Uwe Schulzweida
Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed

	* using CDI library version 1.6.6
	* Version 1.6.6 released

2014-11-25  Uwe Schulzweida

	* merge: check number of timesteps [Bug #5338]

2014-11-24  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Seasstat: added support for time bounds
	* Timstat: added time bounds

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2014-11-21  Uwe Schulzweida

	* outputtab: added key nohead and docu

	* outputtab: added key timestep
	* selrec: abort if used in combination with other operators

2014-11-19  Uwe Schulzweida

	* remapycon: fix omp Race Condition

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2014-11-12  Uwe Schulzweida

	* using CDI library version
	* Version released

2014-11-11  Uwe Schulzweida

	* histcount: doesn't recognize missing values (bug fix)
	* filesdes: doesn't work for GRIB2 files [Bug #5307]

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2014-10-31  Uwe Schulzweida

	* using CDI library version
	* Version released

2014-10-30  Uwe Schulzweida

	* remapcon: reactivate normalize option destarea

2014-10-29  Uwe Schulzweida

	* remapcon: deactivate call to remap_normalize() (bug fix)

2014-10-26  Uwe Schulzweida

	* replace >#pragma omp atomic update< by >#include "pragma_omp_atomic_update.h"<

2014-10-23  Uwe Schulzweida

	* using CDI library version 1.6.5
	* Version 1.6.5 released

2014-10-21  Uwe Schulzweida

	* sortlevel: added optional parameter -1 to reverse the sorting

2014-10-16  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Ydrunstat: set the year of all output timesteps to the lowest year of the output timesteps

2014-10-15  Uwe Schulzweida

	* cdoAbort: close all open CDI streams

2014-10-06  Uwe Schulzweida

	* gather: renamed to collgrid
	* scatter: renamed to distgrid

2014-09-23  Uwe Schulzweida

	* cat: added support for option -O (overwrite existing output file)

2014-09-19  Uwe Schulzweida

	* --with-fftw3: changed default to no
	* expand gridfile name parameter [Bug #5196]

2014-09-18  Uwe Schulzweida

	* gradsdes: added support for option 365_day_calendar

2014-09-16  Uwe Schulzweida

	* remapnn::grid_search_nbr: removed wrong omp simd pragma (bug fix)

2014-09-04  Uwe Schulzweida

	* vlistCompare: check flag CMP_CODE only if nvars > 1

2014-08-20  Uwe Schulzweida

	* remapycon: added support for concave grid cells

2014-08-19  Uwe Schulzweida

	* remaplaf: changed weight calculation from SCRIP to YAC

2014-08-16  Uwe Schulzweida

	* import_binary: option 365_day_calendar does not work (big fix)

2014-08-13  Uwe Schulzweida

	* lock call to vlistCopyFlag() [Support #5079]

2014-08-11  Uwe Schulzweida

	* select: print progress status

2014-08-10  Uwe Schulzweida

	* gridarea: added support for concave grid cells

2014-08-06  Uwe Schulzweida

	* setpartab: not callable by this name (bug fix)

	* remap_weights_conserv: changed great_circle_type[8] to great_circle_type[32] (bug fix) 
	* remap_define_grid: bug fix for unstructured grids (ndims[1])

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2014-07-17  Yvonne Kstermann

	* Filter: OpenMP version

2014-07-12  Uwe Schulzweida

	* sellonlatbox: skip variables with only one grid point

2014-07-12  Uwe Schulzweida

	* select: wrong result when select only one timestep (bug fix)

2014-07-07  Uwe Schulzweida

	* cat: added progress status

2014-06-30  Uwe Schulzweida
Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed

	* using CDI library version 1.6.4
	* Version 1.6.4 released

2014-06-30  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Selbox: angle of rotated grid missing (bug fix)

2014-06-19  Uwe Schulzweida

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
	* Filter (operator: highpass,lowpass,bandpass): disable zero-padding
Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
	* Detrend: added test
	* added option --use_fftw: used in module filter

2014-06-18  Uwe Schulzweida

	* added option --netcdf_hdr_pad <nbr>: Pad netCDF output header with nbr bytes

2014-06-12  Uwe Schulzweida

	* remapeta: added support for standard name

2014-06-11  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Ymonstat: sorts output by month of year

2014-06-10  Uwe Schulzweida

	* eof3d: set sum weights to 1 (bug fix)
	* eofcoeff: remove scaling with grid cell area weights (bug fix)
	* eofcoeff3d: remove scaling with grid cell area weights (bug fix)

2014-06-02  Uwe Schulzweida

	* tinfo: added support for forecast time axis

2014-05-22  Uwe Schulzweida

	* remap.h: define M_PI [Bug #4845]

2014-05-16  Uwe Schulzweida

	* pstream.h: added include of sys/types [Bug #4810]

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2014-05-12  Uwe Schulzweida

	* diff: check NaNs

2014-05-09  Uwe Schulzweida
Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed

	* make option -W default

2014-04-24  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Filter: segmentation fault (bug fix)
	* Filter: filters only gridsize-1 grid cells (bug fix)
	* setltype, chltype: added support for GRIB2

	* select/delete: add support for negative timesteps
	* seltimestep: add support for negative timesteps [patch from: Etienne Tourigny]

2014-04-14  Uwe Schulzweida

	* New operator: sealevelpressure - sea level pressure

2014-03-14  Uwe Schulzweida

	* remapcon: check for missing values in normalisation

2014-03-10  Uwe Schulzweida

	* added Option -H to do not append to netCDF "history" global attribute

2014-03-03  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Zonstat: bug fix if input stream contains only zonal data

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2014-02-19  Uwe Schulzweida
Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed

	* Diff: added number of different values to output

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2014-02-18  Uwe Schulzweida

	* using CDI library version 1.6.3
	* Version 1.6.3 released

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2014-01-29  Uwe Schulzweida

	* gridFromH5file: skipped if attribute >bounds< is defined [Bug #4411]

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2014-01-24  Uwe Schulzweida

	* expr: select variables by name

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2014-01-09  Uwe Schulzweida

	* gradsdes: added support for GRIB files >2GB [request: Ingo Kirchner]

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2014-01-08  Uwe Schulzweida

	* gradsdes: added overloading of streamInqGinfo() (bug fix for GRIB1)

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2014-01-07  Uwe Schulzweida

	* settaxis: added support for negativ time increment

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2014-01-03  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Added test/

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2014-01-02 Uwe Schulzweida

	* gradsdes: changed LCC to LCCR in PDEF definition [Bug #4344]

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-12-09 Uwe Schulzweida

	* cat: "Segmentation fault" if the output file already exist [Bug #4291]

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-12-04 Uwe Schulzweida

	* gridFromH5file: set fclose degree to H5F_CLOSE_STRONG [Bug #4272]
	* cdoDefineGrid: first call gridFromH5file() for HDF tags
Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-11-29 Uwe Schulzweida

	* eca_csu: added number of csu periods with more than 5days per time period [request: Moritz Maneke]
	* eca_cfd: added number of cfd periods with more than 5days per time period  [request: Moritz Maneke]

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-11-29 Uwe Schulzweida

	* remapdis: optimization for regular 2D source grids

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-11-28 Uwe Schulzweida

	* remapbic: optimization for regular 2D source grids

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-11-27 Uwe Schulzweida

	* remapbil: optimization for regular 2D source grids

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-11-25  Uwe Schulzweida

	* remapbil: skip explicitly call to sort_add() (weights are sorted implicitly)

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-11-18  Uwe Schulzweida

	* remaplib: cleanup and preparation for opt. reg2d grids

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-11-13  Uwe Schulzweida

	* delete: parameter level does not work [Bug #4216]

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-11-12  Uwe Schulzweida

	* using CDI library version 1.6.2
	* Version 1.6.2 released

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-11-06  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Added test/

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-10-25  Uwe Schulzweida

	* eca_gsl: start date of growing season is wrong if the length of growing season is zero (bug fix) 

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-10-21  Uwe Schulzweida
	* splitmon: added optional parameter to set the format string for the month [Feature #4131]
	* Sort: added support for multi level variables (bug fix) [report: Irina Fast]

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-10-18  Uwe Schulzweida

	* gridarea: replace cell_area_tri() by huiliers_area()
	* outputf: make second parameter (nelem) optional
Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-10-06  Uwe Schulzweida

	* gridarea: numeric inaccuracy for triangles located directly on the pole (bug fix)

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-09-02  Uwe Schulzweida
	* Consecstat: init vars with 0 (bug fix)
	* Seascount: added support for complex numbers
	* Timcount: added support for complex numbers

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-08-26  Uwe Schulzweida

	* Timstat: added support for complex numbers

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-08-09  Uwe Schulzweida

	* setgridtype: parameter regular: added support for reduced grids on sub area

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-08-07  Uwe Schulzweida

	* mastrfu: added missing value support

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-08-05  Uwe Schulzweida
	* select: added support for key >timestep_of_year<
Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-08-02  Uwe Schulzweida

	* selyear: fixed wrong result for negative years [Bug #3836]

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-08-01  Uwe Schulzweida

	* added support of ASCII grid description for GRID_LAEA

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-07-29  Uwe Schulzweida
	* gridGenArea: added warning message if grid cell corner not available
	* gp2sp: added warning message if gp data not found

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-07-08  Uwe Schulzweida

	* split*: use filename extension from input file

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-06-28  Uwe Schulzweida

	* gridCurvilinearToRegular: set tolerance to 1.e-6

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-06-28  Uwe Schulzweida
	* using CDI library version 1.6.1
	* Version 1.6.1 released

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-06-10  Uwe Schulzweida

	* select: added support for key >minute< [request: Beate Gayer]

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-06-03  Uwe Schulzweida

	* inttime: removes last time step [Bug #3611]

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-05-24  Uwe Schulzweida

	* mrotuvb: added option >noint< to disable the interpolation to the grid cell centre

Uwe Schulzweida's avatar
Uwe Schulzweida committed
2013-05-14  Uwe Schulzweida

	* scatter: fails with missing values [Bug #3492]