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Example [Hugo]( website using [GitLab Pages](

Learn more about GitLab Pages at the [official documentation](

## GitLab CI/CD

This project's static Pages are built by [GitLab CI/CD](,
following the steps defined in [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](.gitlab-ci.yml).

## Building locally

To work locally with this project, you'll have to follow the steps below:

1. Fork, clone or download this project.
1. Install `git` and `go`.
1. [Install]( Hugo.
1. Install the theme as a Hugo module:

   hugo mod init
   hugo mod get -u

1. Preview your project:

   hugo server

1. Add content.
1. Optional. Generate the website:


Read more at Hugo's [documentation](

## Use a custom theme

Hugo supports a variety of themes.

Visit <> and pick the theme you want to use. In the
Pages example, we use <>.

### Use a custom theme using a Hugo module

The example [`.gitlab-ci.yml`](.gitlab-ci.yml) uses Hugo modules to import the theme.

To use your own theme:

1. Edit `.gitlab-ci.yml`, and replace the URL in the `hugo mod get` line with the URL of your theme:

   - hugo mod get -u

1. Edit `config.toml` and add the theme:

   theme = [""]

## `hugo` vs `hugo_extended`

The [Container Registry](
contains two kinds of Hugo Docker images, `hugo` and
`hugo_extended`. Their main difference is that `hugo_extended` comes with
Sass/SCSS support. If you don't know if your theme supports it, it's safe to
use `hugo_extended` since it's a superset of `hugo`.

The Container Registry contains three repositories:

- ``
- ``
- ``

`pages/hugo:<version>` and `pages/hugo/hugo:<version>` are effectively the same.
`hugo_extended` was created afterwards, so we had to create the `pages/hugo/` namespace.

See [how the images are built and deployed](

## GitLab User or Group Pages

To use this project as your user/group website, you will need to perform
some additional steps:

1. Rename your project to ``, where `namespace` is
   your `username` or `groupname`. This can be done by navigating to your
   project's **Settings > General (Advanced)**.
1. Change the `baseurl` setting in your `config.toml`, from `""` to `baseurl = ""`.
   Proceed equally if you are using a custom domain: `baseurl = ""`.

Read more about [GitLab Pages for projects and user/group websites](

## Did you fork this project?

If you forked this project for your own use, please go to your project's
**Settings** and remove the forking relationship, which won't be necessary
unless you want to contribute back to the upstream project.

## Troubleshooting

### CSS is missing! That means two things:

- Either that you have wrongly set up the CSS URL in your templates.
- Or your static generator has a configuration option that needs to be explicitly
  set in order to serve static assets under a relative URL.

### Hugo fails to build the website

If the version of `hugo` or `hugo_extended` is 0.92.2 or later, you may have problems building the website.

Generics were introduced in [Go 1.18](, and they broke some features in the newer versions of Hugo. For now, if you use `hugo` or `hugo_extended` versions 0.92.2 or later, you might encounter problems building the website. To resolve the problem:

1. Edit your `.gitlab-ci.yaml` file.
1. Identify the line that declares the Hugo version.
1. Change the value to `:0.92.2`.
1. Save your changes

For more information about this issue:

- This issue is tracked in [Gitlab Hugo template fails CI/CD build with "latest" docker version](
- For discussions about fixing the problem in Hugo, and proposals to potentially resolve these issues, read [proposal: spec: allow type parameters in methods](