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# C3S-512 CDS Data Checker
Joan Sala Calero's avatar
Joan Sala Calero committed

The main function of this Gitlab Project is to join all the efforts done in the data evaluation of the **C**limate **D**ata **S**tore (**CDS**).<br></br>
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## Install & Run

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conda create -y -n dqc python=3
conda activate dqc
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git clone
cd c3s512-wp1-datachecker
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd dqc_chekcer

python <config_file>
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**Note**: In the following section you will find information on how to write your own **config_file**.

## Configure

- In order to run the checker you must write a simple config (ConfigParser ini format)
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- There is a general section where general dataset and path options are specified
- Each config section represents a check/test (ex: file_format or temporal_completeness)
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- Each config section might have specific parameters related to the specific check (see example below)
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**Note 1**: Config examples for **ALL** available checks can be found in the **dqc_wrapper/conf** folder.<br></br>
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**Note 2**: The following config checks for temporal consistency. Multiple checks can be stacked in one file.
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input = /shared/cds_downloads/seasonal/seasonal-original-single-levels/2m_temperature
fpattern = ecmwf-5-*.grib
log_dir = /tmp/dqc_logs
res_dir = /tmp/dqc_res
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type = grib
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forms_dir = /data/cds-forms-c3s
dataset = seasonal-original-single-levels
variable = 2m_temperature
origin = ecmwf
system = 5

## Config options (detailed)

The **config** is defined in the .ini format compatible with the python ConfigParser package.<br></br>
Each section represents an independent data **check**. The following example is for **ALL** available tests:<br></br>
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# Directory or file to be checked.
input = /path/to/files
# If a directory is provided the pattern can be used to filter the files. Can be empty, then every file is taken
pattern = ecmwf-5*.grib 
# Directory where DQC logs are stored
log_dir = 
# Directory where DQC test results are stored (will be created if it does not exist)
res_dir = /tmp/dqc_res
# Type of files
type = grib or CF
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# No parameters required
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# No parameters required
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# No parameters required

# Directory with constrains.json per product (a.k.a c3sforms)
forms_dir = /data/cds-forms-c3s
# Dataset (as available in c3s catalogue form)
dataset = reanalysis-era5-single-levels
# Variable (form variable)
variable = sea_surface_temperature
# Origin (for seasonal products, otherwise optional)
origin =
# System (for seasonal products, otherwise optional)
system =
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# Resolution of the grid (positive value), typically xinc
grid_interval = 0.5
# Type of Grid (gaussian, lonlat, ...)
grid_type = lonlat

# Time step, positive integer value
time_step = 1
# Time unit (Hour, Day, Month, Year)
time_granularity = hour

# Variable to focus the analysis (typically shortname, see grib_ls)
variable = sst
# Type of data (used for GRIB filtering) -> can be ''
datatype = em
# In case the valid minimum for the data is known (Otherwise, thresholds are set statistically)
valid_min =
# In case the valid maximum for the data is known (Otherwise, thresholds are set statistically)
valid_max =
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## Result 

Each test run produces a result inside the **res_dir** specified in the **general** section.<br></br>
The result file contains the configuration of the test to keep track and make the tests reproduceable.<br></br>
The section _result contains (ok/err) indicating sucess and a short message and log location.<br></br>
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grid_interval = 0.25
grid_type = lonlat

res = ok
msg = Files are spatially consistent
log = /tmp/dqc_logs/LOG_conf_test04_1.ini_20191113_.txt
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## Recent updates

You can find an updated LOG to track new major modifications here:<br>
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## Other information
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* [Summary of Avalable Data Checkers](
* [Fist dataset inventory of the CDS](
* [First CF check LOG using existing cfchecker for NetCDF files](CF_checker_log/)
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