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# C3S-512 CDS Data Checker
You can find an Update LOG to track new major modifications im the project:<br>
The main function of this Gitlab Project is to join all the efforts done in the evaluation of the **C**limate **D**ata **S**tore (**CDS**).<br><br>
You can find these things:
* [Summary of Avalable Data Checkers](
* [Fist dataset inventory of the CDS](
* [Download and Format LOGs for Files from the CDS](LOG_download_format/
* [Download scripts used for the first assesment](download_scripts/)
* [First CF check LOG using existing cfchecker for NetCDF files](CF_checker_log/)
* [CDS API Scrapping for metadata and variables](cds_metadata/)
* [Grib Files Checker](grib_checker)