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## Autosubmit GUI: React App Documentation
### Introduction: 
Autosubmit GUI is a software made up of two separate components. A web ppplication based on ReactJS, and a web service API written on Python. This documentation is about the former: The ReactJS App.
We begin by emphasizing the fact the application is written using Javascript with some ReactJS flavored syntax, e.g. JSX. However, the developer familiar with Javascript should not have problems understanding the main code of this application. 
You can find more information about **React** in the following link: [](
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### Main development platform
The main development framework is **npm**, we are currently using version `6.9.0`. You can find the main **npm** dependencies in the file: [package.json](package.json).
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Refer to: [npm documentation]( for more information about installation and first steps on this platform.
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### Dependencies:
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Apart from that, there are other dependencies included mainly related to the Graphical Interface, these are:
* Bootstrap 4
* Font-awesome
* Vis-Network main css library
You can check the URL of these libraries in the file: [index.html](/public/index.html).
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It might be useful to mention that this software was developed using Visual Studio Code. I guess any other IDE should do it.
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### Requirements:
As mentioned before, this project includes some technology that might be unfamiliar. So, let me just mention some things that you should have some knowledge about to ease your period of adaptation:
* Javascript: asynchronous functions, promises, event handling, etc.
* Bootstrap 4 and CSS in general
* DOM manipulation
* ReactJS
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### Project Description:
Each folder includes a README file with the description of the main files and folders inside it, some of them might not include it because their content is trivially described or just plain obvious.