Commit 1b91c7f6 authored by Virginie Guemas's avatar Virginie Guemas
Browse files

The new version (version 20) of the common diagnostics includes 2 new

functions and CFU_load handles all the CMIP5 data stored in /cfunas.
Furthermore, as no definite conclusion has yet been taken about the
assessment of the number of independent data in a time series, I put
back in v20, the CFU_eno function of v18 which relies on the VonStorch
and Zwiers formula and which I bounded the output by the actual number
of data. This avoids your playing with the different versions.
    I also put some default values to a number of parameters in all the
functions to make easier your use of the functions and to avoid any
mistake. If you strictly follows the common diagnostic structure for
using all the functions, send the ensemble means to CFU_corr, CFU_RMS,
CFU_trend and CFU_consist_trend and select only 1 experiment and 1
observational dataset for CFU_ratioRMS, the default parameters should
be correct. Of course, when you know well the function, you can play
with the parameters.

1) CFU_load : The options to load the new CMIP5 experiments on /cfunas are

2) CFU_ratioSDRMS : The input should be var_exp and var_obs with
dimensions : c(nexp/nobs, nmemb/nparam, nsdates, nltime) to c(nmod/nexp,
nmemb/nparam, nsdates, nltime, nlevel, nlat, nlon). The output is the
ratio of the spread of the members around the ensemble-mean over the RMSE
of the ensemble-mean together with the p-value (Ho : SD/RMSE = 1)

3) CFU_ano_crossvalid : The input should be var_exp and var_obs with
dimensions : c(nexp/nobs, nmemb/nparam, nsdates, nltime) to c(nmod/nexp,
nmemb/nparam, nsdates, nltime, nlevel, nlat, nlon). The output are ano_exp
and ano_obs which are the anomalies obtained by subtracting the
climatologies computed in a cross-validation mode and with the per-pair
method. ano_exp/ano_obs have the same dimensions as var_exp/var_obs.

--These lines, and those below, will be ignored--

M    trunk/R/common_diagnostics.txt
A    tags/R/v20
AM   tags/R/v20/common_diagnostics.txt
parent f1b8823a
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