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title: "Agricultural Indicators"
author: "Earth Sciences department, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
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```{r, echo = FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = FALSE)

## Introduction

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Apart from forecasts of Essential Climate Vaiables, Climate Services also provides a variety of the sectoral indicators are often required for Climate Services people, including researchers, decision-makers and farmers, etc.
In the project MEDGOLD, 10 indicators which were identified as critical indices for the three agricultural sectors - grape/wine, olive/olive oil and wheat/pasta - have been considered in this package CSIndicators.
The computing functions and the corresponding indicators are listed as follows:
1. **PeriodAccumulation.R -** Spring Total Precipitation (SprR) and Harvest Total Precipitation (HarvestR) 
2. **PeriodMean.R -** Growing Season Temperature (GST) and Spring Mean Temperature Maximum (SPRTX) 
3. **TotalTimeExceedingThreshold.R -** Number of Heat Stress Days - 35°C (SU35), 36°C (SU36), 40°C (SU40) and Spring Heat Stress Days - 32°C (Spr32)
4. **AccumulationExceedingThreshold.R -** Growing Degree Days (GDD)
5. **TotalSpellTimeExceedingThreshold.R -** Warm Spell Duration Index (WSDI)
The above functions can take both multidimensional arrays and the s2dv_cube objects (see note below). Taking PeriodAccumulation an example, **CST_**PeriodAccumulation handles the latter and PeriodAccumulation without the prefix can compute multidimensional arrays.
*Note: s2dv_cube and array classes can be handle by the functions in CSIndicators. See section 2 in vignette [Data retrieval and storage]( from CSTools package for more information.*
There are some supplementary functions which must be called to smoothly run the above functions.
1. **SelectPeriodOnData.R -** to select the data in the requested period
2. **SelectPeriodOnDates.R -** to select the time dimension in the requested period
When period selection is needed, the `start` and `end` parameters have to be provided to cut out the portion in `time_dim`. Otherwise, the function will take the entire `time_dim`.
The examples of computing the aforementioned indicators are given by functions as follows.
### 1. PeriodAccumulation.R
Load the required libraries, CSIndicators and CSTools, by running
Here, we load the daily precipitation (**prlr** given in `var`) data sets of ECMWF SEAS5 seasonal forecast and ERA5 reanalysis for the four starting dates 20130401-20160401 with the entire 7-month forecast time, April-October.
The pathways of SEAS5 and ERA5 are given in the lists with some **whitecards** used to replace the variable name and iterative items such as year and month. See details of requirements in section 4 in vignette [Data retrieval and storage]( from CSTools package.

The spatial domain covers parts of Douro Valley of Northern Portugal lon=[352.25, 353], lat=[41, 41.75]. These four values are provided in `lonmin`, `lonmax`, `latmin` and `latmax`.
With `grid` set to **r1440x721**, the SEAS5 forecast would be interpolated to the 0.25-degree ERA5 grid by using the **bicubic** method given in `method`.
var <- 'prlr'; lonmax <- 353; lonmin <- 352.25; latmax <- 41.75; latmin <- 41
cdoMethod <- 'bicubic'; leadtimemin <- 1; leadtimemax <- 214
S5path_prlr <- list(path = '/esarchive/exp/ecmwf/system5c3s/original_files/chou/daily_mean/$VAR_NAME$_s0-24h/$VAR_NAME$_$YEAR$$MONTH$')
path_ERA5prlr_CDS <- list(path = '/esarchive/recon/ecmwf/era5/daily_mean/$VAR_NAME$_f1h-r1440x721cds/$VAR_NAME$_$YEAR$$MONTH$.nc')
sdates <- paste0(2013:2016, '04', '01')
prlr_dv <- CST_Load(var = var, exp = list(S5path_prlr), obs = list(path_ERA5prlr_CDS), sdates = sdates, lonmax = lonmax, lonmin = lonmin, latmax = latmax, latmin = latmin, storefreq = 'daily', leadtimemin = leadtimemin, leadtimemax = leadtimemax, nmember = 3, output = "lonlat", grid = "r1440x721", method = cdoMethod)
The output contains elements `prlr_dv$exp$data` and `prlr_dv$obs$data` with dimensions:

dataset  member   sdate   ftime     lat     lon
      1       3       4     214       4       4
dataset  member   sdate   ftime     lat     lon
      1       1       4     214       4       4

To compute **SprR** of forecast and observation, we can run:
SprR_exp <- CST_PeriodAccumulation(prlr_dv$exp, start = list(21, 4), end = list(21, 6))
SprR_obs <- CST_PeriodAccumulation(prlr_dv$obs, start = list(21, 4), end = list(21, 6))

The `start` and `end` are the initial and final dates and the day must be given before the month as above. They will be applied along the dimension `time_dim` (it is set to 'ftime' by default).

As mentioned, these paramters are optional, the function will take the entire timeseries when the period is not specified in `start` and `end`.

The dimensions of SprR forecasts and observations are:
dataset  member   sdate     lat     lon
      1       3       4       4       4
dataset  member   sdate     lat     lon 
      1       1       4       4       4 
The forecast SprR for the 1st member from 2013-2016 of the 1st grid point in mm are:
#SprR_exp$data[1,1,,1,1] * 86400 * 1000
#[1]  93.23205 230.41904 194.01412 226.52614

To compute **HarvestR**, run the following lines
HarvestR_exp <- CST_PeriodAccumulation(prlr_dv$exp, start = list(21, 8), end = list(21, 10))
HarvestR_obs <- CST_PeriodAccumulation(prlr_dv$obs, start = list(21, 8), end = list(21, 10))

The forecast HarvestR for the 1st member from 2013-2016 of the 1st grid poinnt in mm are:

HarvestR_exp$data[1,1,,1,1] * 86400 * 1000
#[1]  52.30026  42.88068 156.87961  32.18579

To compute the 2013-2016 ensemble-mean bias of forecast HarvestR, run

fcst <- drop(HarvestR_exp$data) * 86400 * 1000
obs <- drop(HarvestR_obs$data) * 86400 * 1000

Bias <- MeanDims((fcst - InsertDim(obs, 1, dim(fcst)['member'])), 'member')
To plot the map of ensemble-mean bias of HarvestR forecast, run

lon <- prlr_dv$obs$lon; lat <- prlr_dv$obs$lat

pname_root <- "/esarchive/scratch/cchou/MEDGOLD/"
# Load Douro Valley boundary
load(file = paste0(pname_root, "demo/input/DV_boundary.RData"))
douro$x <- douro$x - 360
cols <- c('#b2182b', '#d6604d', '#f4a582', '#fddbc7', '#d1e5f0', '#92c5de', '#4393c3', '#2166ac')
brks <- seq(-60, 60, by = 20)
toptitle <- 'Ensemble-mean bias of HarvestR in 2013'

PlotEquiMap(Bias[1,,], lon = lon, lat = lat, intylat = 1, intxlon = 1, width = 6, height = 6, filled.continents = FALSE, units = 'mm', title_scale = .8, axes_label_scale = 1, axes_tick_scale = 1, col_inf = cols[1], margin_scale = c(1, 1, 1, 1), cols = cols[2:7], col_sup = cols[8], brks = brks, toptitle = toptitle, colNA = 'white', bar_label_scale = 1.5, bar_extra_margin = c(0, 0, 0, 0), units_scale = 2, file = '/esarchive/scratch/cchou/MEDGOLD/grape/output/HarvestR_Bias_2013.pdf')
You will see the following maps of HarvestR bias in 2013.


### 2. PeriodMean.R

For the function PeriodMean, we use Growing Season Temperature (**GST**) as an example.

Firstly, we prepare a sample data of daily mean temperature by running

var <- 'tas'; lonmax <- 353; lonmin <- 352.25; latmax <- 41.75; latmin <- 41
cdoMethod <- 'bicubic'; leadtimemin <- 1; leadtimemax <- 214
S5path <- list(path = '/esarchive/exp/ecmwf/system5c3s/daily_mean/$VAR_NAME$_f6h/$VAR_NAME$_$YEAR$$MONTH$')
ERA5path <- list(path = '/esarchive/recon/ecmwf/era5/daily_mean/$VAR_NAME$_f1h-r1440x721cds/$VAR_NAME$_$YEAR$$MONTH$.nc')
sdates <- paste0(2013:2016, '04', '01')
tas_dv <- CST_Load(var = var, exp = list(S5path), obs = list(ERA5path), sdates = sdates, lonmax = lonmax, lonmin = lonmin, latmax = latmax, latmin = latmin, storefreq = 'daily', leadtimemin = leadtimemin, leadtimemax = leadtimemax, nmember = 3, output = "lonlat", grid = "r1440x721", method = cdoMethod)

The output contains observations `tas_dv$obs$data` and forecast `tas_dv$exp$data`, and their dimensions and summaries are like

dataset  member   sdate   ftime     lat     lon 
      1       1       4     214       4       4 

dataset  member   sdate   ftime     lat     lon 
      1       3       4     214       4       4 

summary(tas_dv$obs$data - 273.15)
 Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 3.63   14.38   17.89   17.65   21.24   30.21 

summary(tas_dv$exp$data - 273.15)
 Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 0.54   11.65   16.56   16.50   21.25   31.41 

To compute the GST for both observation and forecast, run the following lines

tas_dv$exp$data <- tas_dv$exp$data - 273.15
tas_dv$obs$data <- tas_dv$obs$data - 273.15

GST_exp <- CST_PeriodMean(tas_dv$exp, start = list(1, 4), end = list(31, 10))
GST_obs <- CST_PeriodMean(tas_dv$obs, start = list(1, 4), end = list(31, 10))
The summaries and dimensions of the output are as follows:

  Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 14.23   15.78   16.50   16.50   17.17   18.70 

  Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 15.34   16.85   17.72   17.65   18.41   19.60 

dataset  member   sdate     lat     lon 
      1       3       4       4       4 

dataset  member   sdate     lat     lon 
      1       1       4       4       4 

Here, we plot the 2013-2016 mean climatology of ERA5 GST by running 

# compute ERA5 GST climatology
GST_Clim <- MeanDims(drop(GST_obs$data), 'sdate')

# plot the map of climatology
cols <- c('#ffffd4','#fee391','#fec44f','#fe9929','#ec7014','#cc4c02','#8c2d04')
brks <- seq(16, 18.5, by = 0.5)
toptitle <- '2013-2016 mean ERA5 GST'

PlotEquiMap(GST_Clim, lon = lon, lat = lat, intylat = 1, intxlon = 1, width = 6, height = 6, filled.continents = FALSE, units = '°C', title_scale = .8, axes_label_scale = 1, axes_tick_scale = 1, col_inf = cols[1], margin_scale = c(1, 1, 1, 1), cols = cols[2:6], col_sup = cols[7], , brks = brks, toptitle = toptitle, colNA = 'white', bar_label_scale = 1.5, bar_extra_margin = c(0, 0, 0, 0), units_scale = 2, file = '/esarchive/scratch/cchou/MEDGOLD/grape/output/GST_ERA5_Climatology.pdf')

The GST map is shown as below.


### 3. TotalTimeExceedingThreshold.R

For this function, **SU35** (Number of Heat Stress Days - 35°C) is taken as an example here.

The daily temperature maximum of the entire 7-month forecast period is needed for this indicator.

var <- 'tasmax'; lonmax <- 353; lonmin <- 352.25; latmax <- 41.75; latmin <- 41
cdoMethod <- 'bicubic'; leadtimemin <- 1; leadtimemax <- 214
S5path <- list(path = '/esarchive/exp/ecmwf/system5c3s/daily/$VAR_NAME$/$VAR_NAME$_$YEAR$$MONTH$')
ERA5path <- list(path = '/esarchive/recon/ecmwf/era5/daily/$VAR_NAME$-r1440x721cds/$VAR_NAME$_$YEAR$$MONTH$.nc')
sdates <- paste0(2013:2016, '04', '01')
tasmax_dv <- CST_Load(var = var, exp = list(S5path), obs = list(ERA5path), sdates = sdates, lonmax = lonmax, lonmin = lonmin, latmax = latmax, latmin = latmin, storefreq = 'daily', leadtimemin = leadtimemin, leadtimemax = leadtimemax, nmember = 3, output = "lonlat", grid = "r1440x721", method = cdoMethod)

Change the unit of temperature to from °C to K for the comparison with the threshold defined.

After that, we can compute the SU35 by running

tasmax_dv$exp$data <- tasmax_dv$exp$data - 273.15
tasmax_dv$obs$data <- tasmax_dv$obs$data - 273.15

threshold <- 35

SU35_exp <- CST_TotalTimeExceedingThreshold(tasmax_dv$exp, threshold = threshold, start = list(1, 4), end = list(31, 10))
SU35_obs <- CST_TotalTimeExceedingThreshold(tasmax_dv$obs, threshold = threshold, start = list(1, 4), end = list(31, 10))