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# coding=utf-8
import numpy as np
from bscearth.utils.log import Log
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from earthdiagnostics import cdftools
from earthdiagnostics.constants import Basins
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from earthdiagnostics.diagnostic import Diagnostic
from earthdiagnostics.utils import Utils, TempFile
from earthdiagnostics.modelingrealm import ModelingRealms

class Moc(Diagnostic):
    Compute the MOC for oceanic basins
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    :original author: Virginie Guemas <>
    :contributor: Javier Vegas-Regidor<>

    :created: March 2012
    :last modified: June 2016

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    :param data_manager: data management object
    :type data_manager: DataManager
    :param startdate: startdate
    :type startdate: str
    :param member: member number
    :type member: int
    :param chunk: chunk's number
    :type chunk: int
    alias = 'moc'
    "Diagnostic alias for the configuration file"

    def __init__(self, data_manager, startdate, member, chunk):
        Diagnostic.__init__(self, data_manager)
        self.startdate = startdate
        self.member = member
        self.chunk = chunk
        self.required_vars = ['vo']
        self.generated_vars = ['vsftmyz']

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    def __str__(self):
        return 'MOC Startdate: {0} Member: {1} Chunk: {2}'.format(self.startdate, self.member, self.chunk)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.startdate == other.startdate and self.member == other.member and self.chunk == other.chunk

    def generate_jobs(cls, diags, options):
        Creates a job for each chunk to compute the diagnostic

        :param diags: Diagnostics manager class
        :type diags: Diags
        :param options: None
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        :type options: list[str]
        if len(options) > 1:
            raise Exception('The MOC diagnostic has no options')
        job_list = list()
        for startdate, member, chunk in diags.config.experiment.get_chunk_list():
            job_list.append(Moc(diags.data_manager, startdate, member, chunk))
        return job_list

    def compute(self):
        Runs the diagnostic
        temp = TempFile.get()

        input_file = self.data_manager.get_file(ModelingRealms.ocean, 'vo', self.startdate, self.member, self.chunk)

        Log.debug('Computing MOC')'cdfmoc', input=input_file, output=temp)
        Utils.nco.ncks(input=input_file, output=temp, options='-A -v lev')

        Log.debug('Reformatting variables')
        handler = Utils.openCdf(temp)

        basins_list = [Basins.Global.fullname]
        if 'zomsfatl' in handler.variables:
            basins_list += [Basins.Atlantic.fullname, Basins.Pacific.fullname, Basins.IndoPacific.fullname,

        handler.createDimension('basin', len(basins_list))
        handler.createVariable('basin', str, 'basin')
        handler.variables['basin'][:] = np.array(basins_list, dtype=object)
        example = handler.variables['zomsfglo']
        # noinspection PyProtectedMember
        moc = handler.createVariable('vsftmyz', example.datatype,
                                     ('time', 'lev', 'i', 'j', 'basin'),

        moc.units = Utils.convert_to_ASCII_if_possible(example.units)
        moc.add_offset = example.add_offset
        moc.scale_factor = example.scale_factor

        moc[:, :, :, :, 0] = handler.variables['zomsfglo'][:]

        if 'zomsfatl' in handler.variables:
            moc[:, :, :, :, 1] = handler.variables['zomsfatl'][:]
            moc[:, :, :, :, 2] = handler.variables['zomsfpac'][:]
            moc[:, :, :, :, 3] = handler.variables['zomsfinp'][:]
            moc[:, :, :, :, 4] = handler.variables['zomsfind'][:]


        Utils.nco.ncks(input=temp, output=temp,
                       options='-O -x -v zomsfglo,zomsfatl,zomsfpac,zomsfinp,zomsfind,zomsfinp0')
        Utils.setminmax(temp, 'vsftmyz')

        self.send_file(temp, ModelingRealms.ocean, 'vsftmyz', self.startdate, self.member, self.chunk)