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# coding=utf-8
"""Diagnostic to compute regional averages"""
import iris.util
import iris.analysis
import iris.exceptions
import numpy as np

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import netCDF4

from import Box
from earthdiagnostics.constants import Basins
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from earthdiagnostics.diagnostic import Diagnostic, DiagnosticOption, \
    DiagnosticIntOption, DiagnosticDomainOption, \
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    DiagnosticBoolOption, DiagnosticBasinListOption, DiagnosticVariableOption
from earthdiagnostics.modelingrealm import ModelingRealms
from earthdiagnostics.utils import Utils, TempFile
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import diagonals.regmean as regmean
from diagonals.mesh_helpers.nemo import Nemo

class RegionMean(Diagnostic):
    Computes the mean value of the field (3D, weighted).

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    For 3D fields, a horizontal mean for each level is also given.
    If a spatial window is specified, the mean value is computed
    only in this window.

    :original author: Javier Vegas-Regidor <>

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    :created: March 2017

    :param data_manager: data management object
    :type data_manager: DataManager
    :param startdate: startdate
    :type startdate: str
    :param member: member number
    :type member: int
    :param chunk: chunk's number
    :type chunk: int
    :param variable: variable to average
    :type variable: str
    :param box: box used to restrict the vertical mean
    :type box: Box

    alias = 'regmean'
    "Diagnostic alias for the configuration file"

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    def __init__(self, data_manager, startdate, member, chunk, domain,
                 variable, box, save3d, variance, basins, grid_point):
        Diagnostic.__init__(self, data_manager)
        self.startdate = startdate
        self.member = member
        self.chunk = chunk
        self.domain = domain
        self.variable = variable = box
        self.save3d = save3d
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        self.variance = variance
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        self.basins = basins
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        self.grid_point = grid_point
        self.declared = {}
        self.lat_name = 'lat'
        self.lon_name = 'lon'

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if self._different_type(other):
            return False
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        return self.startdate == other.startdate and \
            self.member == other.member and self.chunk == other.chunk and \
   == and self.variable == other.variable

    def __str__(self):
        return ('Region mean Startdate: {0.startdate} Member: {0.member} '
                'Chunk: {0.chunk} Variable: {0.variable} '
                'Box: {} Save 3D: {0.save3d} Save variance: {0.variance} '
                'Grid point: {0.grid_point}'.format(self))

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(str(self))

    def generate_jobs(cls, diags, options):
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        Create a job for each chunk to compute the diagnostic

        :param diags: Diagnostics manager class
        :type diags: Diags
        :param options: variable, minimum depth (level), maximum depth (level)
        :type options: list[str]
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        options_available = (DiagnosticDomainOption(),
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                             DiagnosticOption('grid_point', 'T'),
                             DiagnosticBasinListOption('basins', 'global'),
                             DiagnosticIntOption('min_depth', -1),
                             DiagnosticIntOption('max_depth', -1),
                             DiagnosticIntOption('min_lat', -1),
                             DiagnosticIntOption('max_lat', -1),
                             DiagnosticIntOption('min_lon', -1),
                             DiagnosticIntOption('max_lon', -1),
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                             DiagnosticBoolOption('save3D', True),
                             DiagnosticBoolOption('variance', False),
                             DiagnosticOption('grid', ''))
        options = cls.process_options(options, options_available)

        box = Box()
        box.min_depth = options['min_depth']
        box.max_depth = options['max_depth']
        if options['min_lat'] != -1:
            box.min_lat = options['min_lat']
            box.max_lat = options['max_lat']
        if options['min_lon'] != -1 or options['max_lon'] != -1:
            box.min_lon = options['min_lon']
            box.max_lon = options['max_lon']
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        basins = options['basins']
        if not basins:
            Log.error('Basins not recognized')

        job_list = list()
        for startdate, member, chunk in diags.config.experiment.get_chunk_list():
            job = RegionMean(diags.data_manager, startdate, member, chunk,
                             options['domain'], options['variable'], box,
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                             options['save3D'], options['variance'],
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        return job_list

    def request_data(self):
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        """Request data required by the diagnostic"""
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        self.variable_file = self.request_chunk(self.domain, self.variable,
                                                self.startdate, self.member,
    def declare_data_generated(self):
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        """Declare data to be generated by the diagnostic"""
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        if == -1 and == -1:
            box_save = None
            box_save =

        self._declare_var('mean', False, box_save)
        self._declare_var('mean', True, box_save)
    def compute(self):
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        """Run the diagnostic"""
        has_levels = self._fix_file_metadata()
        data = self._load_data()
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        masks = {}
        for basin in self.basins:
            masks[basin] = Utils.get_mask(basin)

        mesh = Nemo('', '')
        if (
   is not -1 and is not -1 and
   is not -1 and is not -1
            name = '{0}_{1}'.format(
                Box.get_lat_str(, Box.get_lon_str(
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            masks[name] = mesh.get_region_mask(,
        if has_levels:
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            self._meand_3d_variable(data, mesh, masks)
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            self._mean_2d_var(data, mesh, masks)

    def _mean_2d_var(self, data, mesh, masks):
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        areacello = mesh.get_areacello(cell_point=self.grid_point)
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        mean = regmean.compute_regmean_2D(, masks, areacello)
        self._save_result_2D('mean', mean, data)

    def _meand_3d_variable(self, data, mesh, masks):
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        areacello = mesh.get_areacello(cell_point=self.grid_point)
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        e3 = self._try_load_cube(3)
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        e3 = self._rename_depth(e3)
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        e3.coord('depth').bounds = data.coord('depth').bounds
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        if is not -1 and is not -1:
            depth_constraint = iris.Constraint(depth=lambda c: <= c <=
            e3 = e3.extract(depth_constraint)
            data = data.extract(depth_constraint)
        volcello = areacello*
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        mean = regmean.compute_regmean_3D(, masks, volcello)
        self._save_result_2D('mean', mean, data)
        if self.save3d:
            mean3d = regmean.compute_regmean_levels(, masks, volcello)
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            self._save_result_3D('mean', mean3d, data)
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    def _try_load_cube(self, number):
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            cube = iris.load_cube('', 'e{0}{1}'.format(number,
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        except iris.exceptions.ConstraintMismatchError:
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            cube = iris.load_cube('', 'e{0}{1}_0'.format(number,
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        cube = iris.util.squeeze(cube)
        dims = len(cube.shape)
        except iris.exceptions.CoordinateNotFoundError:
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            cube.add_dim_coord(iris.coords.DimCoord(np.arange(cube.shape[dims - 1]),
                                                    var_name='i'), dims - 1)
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        except iris.exceptions.CoordinateNotFoundError:
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            cube.add_dim_coord(iris.coords.DimCoord(np.arange(cube.shape[dims - 2]),
                                                    var_name='j'), dims - 2)
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        return cube
    def _load_data(self):
        coords = []
        handler = Utils.open_cdf(self.variable_file.local_file)
        for variable in handler.variables:
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            if variable in ('time', 'lev', 'lat', 'lon', 'latitude',
                            'longitude', 'leadtime', 'time_centered'):
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            if variable == 'time_centered':
                handler.variables[variable].standard_name = ''

        handler.variables[self.variable].coordinates = ' '.join(coords)

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        data = iris.load_cube(self.variable_file.local_file)
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        return self._rename_depth(data)

    def _rename_depth(self, data):
        for coord_name in ('model_level_number', 'Vertical T levels', 'lev'):
            if data.coords(coord_name):
                coord = data.coord(coord_name)
                coord.standard_name = 'depth'
                coord.long_name = 'depth'
        return data
    def _fix_file_metadata(self):
        handler = Utils.open_cdf(self.variable_file.local_file)
        var = handler.variables[self.variable]
        coordinates = ''
        has_levels = False
        for dimension in handler.variables.keys():
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            if dimension in ['time', 'lev', 'lat', 'latitude',
                             'lon', 'longitude', 'i', 'j']:
                coordinates += ' {0}'.format(dimension)
            if dimension == 'lev':
                has_levels = True
        var.coordinates = coordinates
        return has_levels
    def _declare_var(self, var, threed, box_save):
        if threed:
            if not self.save3d:
                return False
            final_name = '{1}3d{0}'.format(var, self.variable)
            final_name = '{1}{0}'.format(var, self.variable)
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        self.declared[final_name] = self.declare_chunk(ModelingRealms.ocean,
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    def _save_result_2D(self, var, result, data):
        final_name = '{1}{0}'.format(var, self.variable)
        temp = TempFile.get()
        handler_source = Utils.open_cdf(self.variable_file.local_file)
        handler_temp = Utils.open_cdf(temp, 'w')
        Utils.copy_variable(handler_source, handler_temp, 'time', True, True)
        handler_temp.createDimension('region', len(result))
        handler_temp.createDimension('region_length', 50)
        var_region = handler_temp.createVariable('region', 'S1',
                                                 ('region', 'region_length'))
        var = handler_temp.createVariable('{1}{0}'.format(var, self.variable),
                                          float, ('time', 'region',),)
        var.units = '{0}'.format(data.units)
        for i, basin in enumerate(result):
            var_region[i, ...] = netCDF4.stringtoarr(str(basin), 50)
            var[..., i] = result[basin]
        self.declared[final_name].set_local_file(temp, diagnostic=self)

    def _save_result_3D(self, var, result, data):
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        final_name = '{1}3d{0}'.format(var, self.variable)
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        temp = TempFile.get()
        handler_source = Utils.open_cdf(self.variable_file.local_file)
        handler_temp = Utils.open_cdf(temp, 'w')
        Utils.copy_variable(handler_source, handler_temp, 'time', True, True)
        handler_temp.createDimension('region', len(result))
        handler_temp.createDimension('region_length', 50)
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        handler_temp.createDimension('lev', data.shape[1])
        var_level = handler_temp.createVariable('lev', float, 'lev')
        var_level[...] = data.coord('depth').points
        var_level.units = 'm'
        var_level.axis = 'Z'
        var_level.positive = 'down'
        var_level.long_name = 'ocean depth coordinate'
        var_level.standard_name = 'depth'
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        var_region = handler_temp.createVariable('region', 'S1',
                                                 ('region', 'region_length'))
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        var = handler_temp.createVariable('{1}3d{0}'.format(var, self.variable),
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                                          float, ('time', 'lev', 'region',),)
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        var.units = '{0}'.format(data.units)
        for i, basin in enumerate(result):
            var_region[i, ...] = netCDF4.stringtoarr(str(basin), 50)
            var[..., i] = result[basin]
        self.declared[final_name].set_local_file(temp, diagnostic=self)