Daystat migration for ESS
Milestone ID: 39
Hi @jvegas
From @ess we would need the Earth diagnostics to be capable of fetching 6-hourly sfcWind and temperature data from different forecast models (particularly, the ECMWF System 4, Meteofrance System 3 and Meteofrance system 4) and reanalysis (e.g. ERA-Interim and JRA-55) to perform the following processes (in order of priority): 1.- Computation of arbitrary percentiles for each of the monthly files (only from the data within each file and for a user defined period) 2.- Computation of the monthly climatological percentiles taking into account a user defined period (e.g. percentile 10 and 90 for January considering all the Januaries of the period defined). 3.- Count the number of days for each monthly file that are above or below a percentile (e.g. climatological percentiles from point 2). 4.- The same as in points 2 and 3 but for meteorological seasons (DJF, MAM, JJA and SON) We need that all the data generated through these processes to be available in netCDF format to be loaded in R. Thank you,