NetCDFReadDims.Rd 1.68 KB
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Computes Seasonal Means
Computes seasonal means on timeseries organized in a array of any number of dimensions up to 10 dimensions where the time dimension is one of those 10 dimensions.
Season(var, posdim = 4, monini, moninf, monsup)
Array containing the timeseries along one of its dimensions.
Dimension along which to compute seasonal means = Time dimension
First month of the time series: 1 to 12.
Month when to start the seasonal means: 1 to 12.
Month when to stop the seasonal means: 1 to 12.
Array with the same dimensions as var except along the posdim dimension whose length corresponds to the number of seasons. Partial seasons are not accounted for.
# Load sample data as in Load() example:
leadtimes_dimension <- 4
initial_month <- 11
mean_start_month <- 12
mean_stop_month <- 2
season_means_mod <- Season(sampleData$mod, leadtimes_dimension, initial_month,
                           mean_start_month, mean_stop_month)
season_means_obs <- Season(sampleData$obs, leadtimes_dimension, initial_month,
                           mean_start_month, mean_stop_month)
PlotAno(season_means_mod, season_means_obs, startDates, 
        toptitle = paste('winter (DJF) temperatures'), ytitle = c('K'), 
        legends = 'ERSST', biglab = FALSE, fileout = 'tos_season_means.eps')
0.1  -  2011-03  (V. Guemas, \email{virginie.guemas at})  -  Original code\cr
1.0  -  2013-09  (N. Manubens, \email{nicolau.manubens at})  -  Formatting to CRAN