NcReadVarNames.Rd 1.2 KB
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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/NcReadVarNames.R
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
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\title{Read Names of Variables in a NetCDF File}
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
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\item{file_to_read}{Path to the file to be read or a NetCDF object as returned by \code{easyNCDF::NcOpen} or \code{ncdf4::nc_open}.}
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
Vector of character strings with the names of the variables in the NetCDF file.
nperez's avatar
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Reads the names of the variables in a NetCDF file and returns them as a vector of character strings.
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
# Create an array from R
file_path <- tempfile(fileext = '.nc')
a <- array(1:9, dim = c(member = 3, time = 3))
# Store into a NetCDF twice, as two different variables
ArrayToNc(list(var_1 = a, var_2 = a + 1), file_path)
# Read the dimensions and variables in the created file
fnc <- NcOpen(file_path)
fnc_dims <- NcReadDims(fnc)
var_names <- NcReadVarNames(fnc)
# Read the two variables from the file into an R array
a_from_file <- NcToArray(fnc, vars_to_read = var_names)
# Check the obtained array matches the original array
print(a_from_file[1, , ])
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N. Manubens \email{nicolau.manubens at}