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Carles Tena's avatar
Carles Tena committed
* Release date: Unknown
* Changes and new features:
  * Porting to MareNostrum5 (`#97 <>`_)
Carles Tena's avatar
Carles Tena committed
  * Removed cf_units python library dependence
  * Bugfix with random deadlocks when creating a directory
  * Rank 0 log now in the sys.stdout with prints.
  * MPI Abort when some process fails. It stops the execution now.

* Release date: 2023/08/22
* Changes and new features:
  * Fugitive fossil fuel sector added

* Release date: 2023/06/02
* Changes and new features:
  * Shipping port emissions hardcoded to 2nd layer (layer = 1)

* Release date: 2022/03/09
* Changes and new features:
  * Point Source plume rise output as CSV added

* Release date: 2022/02/18
* Changes and new features:
  * Add traffic scenario shapefile

* Release date: 2020/12/09
* Changes and new features:
  * Added Climatic meteorology

* Release date: 2020/07/17
* Changes and new features:
  * Fixed bug on WRF-Chem writer

* Release date: 2020/07/06
* Changes and new features:
  * NetCDF read: Added capability to try to read 'lat' instead of 'latitude' and 'lon' instead of 'longitude'
  * Corrected bug on NetCDF compression
  * Corrected bug on emission summary
  * Added CHUNK capability on
  * R-LINE output bug solved

* Release date: 2020/05/04
* Changes and new features:
  * Point source height increment from 1.2 to 1.8
  * MONARCH writer from 64 bits to 32
  * Corrected bug on rotated nested domains

* Release date: 2020/04/09
* Changes and new features:
  * Solved bug on road traffic cold emissions
  * Improved memory usage on hot & cold emission calculation
  * Added (option inside the script) to downcast from 64 bits to 32 bits

* Release date: 2020/03/12
* Changes and new features:
  * First beta version:
    * Grid options:

      * Regular Lat-Lon
      * Rotated
      * Mercator
      * Lambert conformal conic

    * Clip options:

      * Shapefile clip: path to a shapefile
      * Custom clip: list of lat-lon points
      * Default clip: unary union of the desired output grid

    * Sector Manager:

      * Aviation sector
      * Shipping port sector
      * Livestock sector
      * Crop operations sector
      * Crop fertilizers sector
      * Agricultural machinery sector
      * Residential combustion sector
      * Recreational boats sector
      * Point sources sector
      * Road traffic sector
      * Traffic area (evaporative & small cities) sector
      * Solvents sector
      * Return emissions on memory

      * Default writer
      * CMAQ writer
      * MONARCH writer
      * WRF-Chem writer