If you are interested in run HERMESv3_BU for a specific domain without a coastline (e.g Madrid City, Valladolid Province, or Aragón Autonomous Community, please:
Disconnect both sectors, shipping port and recreational boats in the **Sector Management section** of the [general configuration file](https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/hermesv3_bu/-/blob/production/conf/hermes.conf) of HERMES as follows:
writing_processors = 1
aviation_processors = 1
# shipping_port_processors = 1
livestock_processors = 4
crop_operations_processors = 1
crop_fertilizers_processors = 4
agricultural_machinery_processors = 1
residential_processors = 4
# recreational_boats_processors = 1
point_sources_processors = 1
traffic_processors = 1
traffic_area_processors = 1
This will avoid that HERMESv3_BU crashes at moment to distribute emissions that do not exist inside of the working domain. |
\ No newline at end of file |