# Domain selection
The domain selection section of the configuration file introduces all the parameters used to define the output file format and the working grid (spatial extension, horizontal and vertical description) in which emissions will be calculated.
Currently, HERMESv3_BU can calculate emissions on user-specified grids with the following coordinate systems: regular lat-lon, rotated lat-lon, lambert conformal conic and mercator.
Other coordinate systems could be added to the model upon request. This section is also used to define the the polygon feature that will be used to perform the clipping operation during the general initialization process. If no polygon is defined, HERMESv3_BU will use by default the outline of the user-defined working domain.
A further description of each parameter is presented below.
## Example
# domain_type=[lcc, rotated, mercator, regular]
domain_type = lcc
output_model = DEFAULT
output_attributes = <input_dir>/writing/global_attributes_WRF-Chem.csv
vertical_description = <input_dir>/profiles/vertical/MONARCH_Global_48layers_vertical_description.csv
# if domain_type == rotated:
centre_lat = 51
centre_lon = 10
west_boundary = -35
south_boundary = -27
inc_rlat = 0.2
inc_rlon = 0.2
# if domain_type == lcc:
lat_1 = 37
lat_2 = 43
lon_0 = -3
lat_0 = 40
nx = 397
ny = 397
inc_x = 4000
inc_y = 4000
x_0 = -807847.688
y_0 = -797137.125
# if domain_type == mercator:
lat_ts = -1.5
lon_0 = -18.0
nx = 210
ny = 236
inc_x = 50000
inc_y = 50000
x_0 = -126017.5
y_0 = -5407460.0
# if domain_type == regular:
lat_orig = 41.1
lon_orig = 1.8
inc_lat = 0.1
inc_lon = 0.1
n_lat = 10
n_lon = 10
# clipping = <input_dir>/shapefiles/barcelona/barcelona_munic.shp
# clipping = 2.2 41.41, 2.15 41.41, 2.2 41.42, 2.15 41.42
## Options description
| **Option** | **Details** |
| :--------: | :---------- |
| _output_model_ | **MONARCH**: Emission output files are writen following the requirements of [NMMB-MONARCH](https://www.geosci-model-dev.net/10/609/2017/). |
| | **CMAQ**: Emission output files are writen following the requirements of [CMAQ](https://www.epa.gov/cmaq). |
| | **WRF_CHEM**: Emission output files are writen following the requirements of [WRF-Chem](https://www2.acom.ucar.edu/wrf-chem). |
| | **DEFAULT**: Emission output files are writen following the [CF-1.6_conventions](http://cfconventions.org/). |
| _output_attributes_ |Path to the file that contains the global attributes to be set by the user. It is used only for CMAQ and WRF_CHEM output model types. |
| _domain_type_ | **regular**: Emission calculations are performed in a regular lat-lon grid. More information below. |
| | **rotated**: Emission calculations are performed in a rotated lat-lon grid. More information below. |
| | **lcc**: Emission calculations are performed in a Lambert Conformal Conic grid. More information below. |
| | **mercator**: Emission calculations are performed in a Mercator grid. More information below. |
| _vertical_description_ | Path to the file that contains the vertical description of the working domain. [(examples)](examples_vertical_description) |
| _lat_orig_ | **[_domain_type_ = regular]** Y-coordinate origin of grid (lower left corner of the cell at column=row=1) (degrees). |
| _lon_orig_ | **[_domain_type_ = regular]** X-coordinate origin of grid (lower left corner of the cell at column=row=1) (degrees). |
| _inc_lat_ | **[_domain_type_ = regular]** Latitudinal grid resolution (degrees). |
| _inc_lon_ | **[_domain_type_ = regular]** Longitudinal grid resolution (degrees). |
| _n_lat_ | **[_domain_type_ = regular]** Number of grid rows. |
| _n_lon_ | **[_domain_type_ = regular]** Number of grid columns. |
| _centre_lat_ | **[_domain_type_ = rotated]** Central geographic latitude of grid (non-rotated degrees). Corresponds to the TPH0D parameter in NMMB-MONARCH. |
| _centre_lon_ | **[_domain_type_ = rotated]** Central geographic longitude of grid (non-rotated degrees, positive east). Corresponds to the TLM0D parameter in NMMB-MONARCH. |
| _west_boundary_ | **[_domain_type_ = rotated]** Grid's western boundary from center point (rotated degrees). Corresponds to the WBD parameter in NMMB-MONARCH.|
| _south_boundary_ | **[_domain_type_ = rotated]** Grid's southern boundary from center point (rotated degrees). Corresponds to the SBD parameter in NMMB-MONARCH. |
| _inc_rlat_ | **[_domain_type_ = rotated]** Latitudinal grid resolution (rotated degrees). Corresponds to the DPHD parameter in NMMB-MONARCH. |
| _inc_rlon_ | **[_domain_type_ = rotated]** Longitudinal grid resolution (rotated degrees). Corresponds to the DLMD parameter in NMMB-MONARCH. |
| _lat_1_ | **[_domain_type_ = lcc]** Standard parallel 1 (in deg). Corresponds to the P_ALP parameter of the [GRIDDESC file](https://www.cmascenter.org/ioapi/documentation/all_versions/html/GRIDDESC.html). |
| _lat_2_ | **[_domain_type_ = lcc]** Standard parallel 2 (in deg). Corresponds to the P_BET parameter of the [GRIDDESC file](https://www.cmascenter.org/ioapi/documentation/all_versions/html/GRIDDESC.html).|
| _lon_0_ | **[_domain_type_ = lcc]** Longitude of the central meridian (degrees). Corresponds to the P_GAM parameter of the [GRIDDESC file](https://www.cmascenter.org/ioapi/documentation/all_versions/html/GRIDDESC.html). |
| _lat_0_ | **[_domain_type_ = lcc]** Latitude of the origin of the projection (degrees). Corresponds to the Y_CENT parameter of the [GRIDDESC file](https://www.cmascenter.org/ioapi/documentation/all_versions/html/GRIDDESC.html).|
| _nx_ | **[_domain_type_ = lcc and mercator]** Number of grid columns. Corresponds to the NCOLS parameter of the [GRIDDESC file](https://www.cmascenter.org/ioapi/documentation/all_versions/html/GRIDDESC.html).|
| _ny_ | **[_domain_type_ = lcc and mercator]** Number of grid rows. Corresponds to the NROWS parameter of the [GRIDDESC file](https://www.cmascenter.org/ioapi/documentation/all_versions/html/GRIDDESC.html).|
| _inc_x_ | **[_domain_type_ = lcc and mercator]** X-coordinate cell dimension (meters). Corresponds to the XCELL parameter of the [GRIDDESC file](https://www.cmascenter.org/ioapi/documentation/all_versions/html/GRIDDESC.html). |
| _inc_y_ | **[_domain_type_ = lcc and mercator]** Y-coordinate cell dimension (meters). Corresponds to the YCELL parameter of the [GRIDDESC file](https://www.cmascenter.org/ioapi/documentation/all_versions/html/GRIDDESC.html). |
| _x_0_ | **[_domain_type_ = lcc and mercator]** X-coordinate origin of grid (lower left corner of the cell at column=row=1) (meters). Corresponds to the XORIG parameter of the [GRIDDESC file](https://www.cmascenter.org/ioapi/documentation/all_versions/html/GRIDDESC.html).|
| _y_0_ | **[_domain_type_ = lcc and mercator]** Y-coordinate origin of grid (lower left corner of the cell at column=row=1) (meters). Corresponds to the YORIG parameter of the [GRIDDESC file](https://www.cmascenter.org/ioapi/documentation/all_versions/html/GRIDDESC.html).|
| _lat_ts_ | **[_domain_type_ = mercator]** Latitude of true scale (degrees).|
| _clipping_ | [**OPTIONAL**] Defines the path to the shapefile or collection of long-lat points used to define a polygon for the clipping function. If used, emissions will be calculated only within the defined polygon|
[Go to User guide page](user_guide) |