# General section
The general section of the configuration file is used to define the main paths (input, output, data), name of the output file, time step configuration and output units.
A further description of each parameter is presented below.
## Example
log_level = 3
input_dir = /home/user/HERMESv3_BU_IN
data_path = /home/user/HERMESv3_BU_data
output_dir = /home/user/HERMESv3_BU_OUT
output_name = HERMESv3_<date>.nc
start_date = 2010/01/01 00:00:00
# end_date = 2010/01/01 00:00:00
emission_summary = True
output_timestep_num = 25
auxiliary_files_path = <input_path>/auxiliary_files/<domain_type>_<resolution>
erase_auxiliary_files = False
## Options description
| **Option** | **Details** |
| :--------: | :---------- |
| _log_level_ | **1**: Low log |
| | **2**: Medium Log |
| | **3**: Complete Log |
|_input_dir_|```<HERMES_PATH>/IN```[^1]. The next paths that contains ```<input_dir>``` will be completed with the _input_dir_ value placed here.|
|_data_path_|Path to the folder that contains all the needed data as inputs. More details below.|
|_output_name_|Name of the output file. You can add the string ```<date>``` that will be replaced by the starting date of the simulation day. The complete path to the output file is the combination of _output_path_ and _output_name_.|
|_start_date_|Starting Date to simulate (UTC). Date formats accepted by HERMESv3_BU are detailed below.|
|_end_date_|[**OPTIONAL**] If you want to simulate more than one day you have to specify the ending date of simulation in this parameter. If it is not set then end_date = start_date. |
|_emission_summary_| Boolean[^2] that indicates if you want to make the summary files. It will do a summary by pollutant; by pollytant and hour; by pollutant, hour and level |
|_output_timestep_num_| Number of hours to simulate. |
|_auxiliary_files_path_| Path to the file where save or read the auxiliary files. |
|_erase_auxiliary_files_| Boolean[^2] to indicate if you want to start from scratch the simulation or use the already created auxiliary files.|
[^1]: \<HERMES_PATH> is the path where you have the cloned the HERMESv3_BU project.
[^2]: The accepted options for a True value are: 'True', 'true', 'T', 't', 'Yes', 'yes', 'Y', 'y' and '1'.
The accepted options for a False value are: 'False', 'false', 'F', 'f', 'No', 'no', 'N', 'n' and '0'
#### Log levels
* **1**: Low information of the execution progress.
* **2**: Medium information of the execution progress.
* **3**: Detailed log with the information of each step performed by the model to process the emissions (recommended for debugging).
### data_path
Path where is allocated all the external data like the meteorological data or global rasters.
### Date formats
HERMESv3_BU accepts the following date formats:
+ YYYYMMDD: ```20150101```
+ YYYYMMDDhh: ```2015010100```
+ YYYYYMMDD.hh: ```20150101.00```
+ YYYY/MM/DD: ```2015/01/01```
+ YYYY/MM/DD_hh: ```2015/01/01_00```
+ YYYY/MM/DD_hh:mm:ss: ```2015/01/01_00:00:00```
+ YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss: ```2015/01/01 00:00:00```
+ YYYY-MM-DD_hh: ```2015-01-01_00```
+ YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss: ```2015-01-01_00:00:00```
+ YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss: ```2015-01-01 00:00:00```
[Go to User guide page](user_guide) |
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