Pre-processing of HEMCO NOx soil emissions
@ctena , we have downloaded a new dataset of global NOx soil emissions for the year 2019 to perform some sensitivity tests in the framework of Plan O3 (we believe NOx soil emissions computed by MEGAN are underestimated as the model misses some important processes). The original files are in the following path and should be pre-processed to be used as input in HERMESv3_GR:
Original emissions are reported in fluxes kg/m2/s
at hourly resolution, 1 file per day with 24 time steps in each file. Emissions should be processed to obtain daily fluxes following these steps:
- for each day (each file) compute average hourly emissions considering all the 24 time steps
- Emissions are reported for two parameters:
. These parameters should be renamed to nox_no_fert and nox_no_soil
At the end of the process you should have 1 file per day, with daily emission fluxes (same units as original files: kg/m2/s
In the script you create, you can mention that the original emissions are downloaded from the following link:
Let me know if you have any doubt. Thanks!