The options available for current stable version (0.1.4) are:
| name | meaning | default value |
| --------- | ------- | ------------- |
| config | specifies the config file to read | None |
| section | config file section to read | None |
| srcfiles | main source netCDF file(s) | None |
| srcvars | main variable(s) | None |
| indir | directory where is/are stored input file(s) | current dir |
| outdir | directory where is/are to be stored output file(s) | current dir |
| file_format | format of the output file(s) | png |
| timesteps | timesteps to plot (list of numbers or 'all') | [0] |
| bounds | values bounds list | None (automatic) |
| ticks | colorbar ticks list | None (automatic) |
| colors | colors list or colormap name | 'jet', for a list check [here](https://matplotlib.org/users/colormaps.html) |
| lon | longitude list | None |
| lat | latitude list | None |
| smooth | plot with smoothing | False |
| subsetting | subset according to given lat/lon | False |
| colorbar | toggle colorbar | True |
| extend | extend colormap extremes (values = {both,max,min,neither}) | 'neither' |
| resolution | details level of coastlines/coutries (values = {c,l,i,h,f}) | automatic |
| dpi | output image dot-per-inch | 200 |
| fontsize | title fontsize | 12 |
| continents | color to fill continents | None |
| coordsopts | coordinates linewidth, fontsize, color | 0.3,10,grey |
| coastsopts | coastlines linewidth, color | 0.5,grey |
| countropts | countries linewidth, color | 0.3,grey |
| anim | Toggle Animation | False |
| scatter | data file for additional scatter plot (csv file) | None |
| contours | additional contour variable | None |
| contours_int | interval between contours | |
| contours_color | contours color | |
| contours_label | contours label | |
| shapefiles | additional shape files | None |
| wind | wind source file | None |
| windopts | wind options | None |
| keep_aspect | preserve map aspect ratio when drawing | False |
| xsize | proportion of X dimension (between 0 and 1) | 1 |
| ysize | proportion of Y dimension (between 0 and 1) | 1 |
| projection | map projection to draw | 'cyl' |
| area_thresh | area threshold in surface drawing (including lakes) | |
| title | title of the figure | None |
| dimension | dimension name and operation in the form DIMENSION,OPERATION (mean, max, min, ...) as documented in the numpy reference guide. If OPERATION is a number it will extract the correspondent element | |
| alpha | alpha value for colormap (between 0 and 1) | 1 |
| img_template | Image template | same name of src file with format extension |
| joint_template | Joint template | |
| nomap | hide map | False |
| kmz | generate KMZ | False |
| overwrite | overwrite outputs | True |
| background | background orography (values = {bluemarble,shadedrelief,etopo,GIS}) | None |
| logo | put a logo (image path, x, y) | None | |
\ No newline at end of file |