utils.py 25 KB
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# coding=utf-8
import hashlib
import shutil
import tarfile
import netCDF4
import re
import tempfile
from bscearth.utils.log import Log
from cfunits import Units
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from earthdiagnostics.constants import Basins
from contextlib import contextmanager
import sys
def suppress_stdout():
    with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull:
        old_stdout = sys.stdout
        sys.stdout = devnull
            sys.stdout = old_stdout

    Container class for miscellaneous utility methods
    """An instance of Nco class ready to be used"""
    """An instance of Cdo class ready to be used"""
    def get_mask(basin):
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        Returns a numpy array containing the mask for the given basin

        :param basin: basin to retrieve
        :type basin: Basin
        :return: mask
        :rtype: numpy.array
        basin = Basins.parse(basin)
        if basin != Basins.Global:
            mask_handler = Utils.openCdf('mask_regions.nc')
            mask = mask_handler.variables[basin.fullname][:, 0, :]
            mask_handler = Utils.openCdf('mask.nc')
            mask = np.asfortranarray(mask_handler.variables['tmask'][0, 0, :])
        return mask

    def setminmax(filename, variable_list):
        Sets the valid_max and valid_min values to the current max and min values on the file
        :param filename: path to file
        :type filename: str
        :param variable_list: list of variables in which valid_min and valid_max will be set
        :type variable_list: str | list
        if isinstance(variable_list, basestring):
            variable_list = variable_list.split()

        Log.info('Getting max and min values for {0}', ' '.join(variable_list))
        handler = Utils.openCdf(filename)
            var = handler.variables[variable]
            values = [np.max(var), np.min(var)]
            Utils.nco.ncatted(input=filename, output=filename,
                              options='-h -a valid_max,{0},m,f,{1}'.format(variable, values[0]))
            Utils.nco.ncatted(input=filename, output=filename,
                              options='-h -a valid_min,{0},m,f,{1}'.format(variable, values[1]))
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    def rename_variable(filepath, old_name, new_name, must_exist=True, rename_dimension=False):
        Rename multiple variables from a NetCDF file
        :param filepath: path to file
        :type filepath: str
        :param old_name: variable's name to change
        :type old_name: str
        :param new_name: new name
        :type new_name: str
        :param must_exist: if True, the function will raise an exception if the variable name does not exist
        :type must_exist: bool
        :param rename_dimension: if True, also rename dimensions with the same name
        :type rename_dimension: bool
        Utils.rename_variables(filepath, {old_name: new_name}, must_exist, rename_dimension)
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    def rename_variables(filepath, dic_names, must_exist=True, rename_dimension=False):
        Rename multiple variables from a NetCDF file
        :param filepath: path to file
        :type filepath: str
        :param dic_names: dictionary containing old names as keys and new names as values
        :type dic_names: dict
        :param must_exist: if True, the function will raise an exception if the variable name does not exist
        :type must_exist: bool
        :param rename_dimension: if True, also rename dimensions with the same name
        :type rename_dimension: bool
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        for old, new in dic_names.iteritems():
            if old == new:
                raise ValueError('{0} original name is the same as the new')
        handler = Utils.openCdf(filepath)
        original_names = set(handler.variables.keys()).union(handler.dimensions.keys())
        if not any((True for x in dic_names.keys() if x in original_names)):
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            if must_exist:
                raise Exception("Variables {0} does not exist in file {1}".format(','.join(dic_names.keys()), filepath))

        temp = TempFile.get()
        shutil.copyfile(filepath, temp)

        handler = Utils.openCdf(temp)
            Utils._rename_vars_directly(dic_names, filepath, handler, must_exist, rename_dimension)
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        except RuntimeError:

        if not Utils.check_netcdf_file(temp):
            Log.debug('First attemp to rename failed. Using secondary rename method for netCDF')
            Utils._rename_vars_by_creating_new_file(dic_names, filepath, temp)
            Log.debug('Rename done')
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    def check_netcdf_file(filepath):
        with suppress_stdout():
            except CDOException:
                return False
            return True
    def get_file_variables(filename):
        handler = Utils.openCdf(filename)
        variables = handler.variables.keys()
        return variables

    def _rename_vars_by_creating_new_file(dic_names, filepath, temp):
        original_handler = Utils.openCdf(filepath)
        new_handler = Utils.openCdf(temp, 'w')
        for attribute in original_handler.ncattrs():
            original = getattr(original_handler, attribute)
            setattr(new_handler, attribute, Utils.convert_to_ASCII_if_possible(original))
        for dimension in original_handler.dimensions.keys():
            Utils.copy_dimension(original_handler, new_handler, dimension, new_names=dic_names)
        for variable in original_handler.variables.keys():
            Utils.copy_variable(original_handler, new_handler, variable, new_names=dic_names)

    # noinspection PyPep8Naming
    def convert_to_ASCII_if_possible(string, encoding='ascii'):
        if isinstance(string, basestring):
                return string.encode(encoding)
            except UnicodeEncodeError:
                if u'Bretonnière' in string:
                    string = string.replace(u'Bretonnière', 'Bretonniere')
                    return Utils.convert_to_ASCII_if_possible(string, encoding)
    def _rename_vars_directly(dic_names, filepath, handler, must_exist, rename_dimension):
        for old_name, new_name in dic_names.items():
            if rename_dimension:
                if old_name in handler.dimensions:
                    handler.renameDimension(old_name, new_name)
                elif must_exist:
                    raise Exception("Dimension {0} does not exist in file {1}".format(old_name, filepath))

            if old_name in handler.variables:
                if new_name not in handler.variables:
                    handler.renameVariable(old_name, new_name)
            elif must_exist:
                raise Exception("Variable {0} does not exist in file {1}".format(old_name, filepath))

    def copy_file(source, destiny):
        Copies a file from source to destiny, creating dirs if necessary

        :param source: path to source
        :type source: str
        :param destiny:  path to destiny
        :type destiny: str
        dirname_path = os.path.dirname(destiny)
        if dirname_path and not os.path.exists(dirname_path):
            except OSError as ex:
                # This can be due to a race condition. If directory already exists, we don have to do nothing
                if not os.path.exists(dirname_path):
        hash_destiny = None
        hash_original = Utils.get_file_hash(source)

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        retrials = 3
        while hash_original != hash_destiny:
            if retrials == 0:
                raise Exception('Can not copy {0} to {1}'.format(source, destiny))
            shutil.copyfile(source, destiny)
            hash_destiny = Utils.get_file_hash(destiny)
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            retrials -= 1

    def move_file(source, destiny):
        Moves a file from source to destiny, creating dirs if necessary

        :param source: path to source
        :type source: str
        :param destiny:  path to destiny
        :type destiny: str
        Utils.copy_file(source, destiny)

    def remove_file(path):
        Removes a file, checking before if its exists

        :param path: path to file
        :type path: str
        if os.path.isfile(path):

    def copy_tree(source, destiny):
        if not os.path.exists(destiny):
            shutil.copystat(source, destiny)
        lst = os.listdir(source)
        for item in lst:
            item_source = os.path.join(source, item)
            item_destiny = os.path.join(destiny, item)
            if os.path.isdir(item_source):
                Utils.copy_tree(item_source, item_destiny)
                shutil.copy2(item_source, item_destiny)

    def move_tree(source, destiny):
        Utils.copy_tree(source, destiny)

    def get_file_hash(filepath):
        Returns the MD5 hash for the given filepath
        :param filepath: path to the file to compute hash on
        :type filepath:str
        :return: file's MD5 hash
        :rtype: str
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        blocksize = 65536
        hasher = hashlib.md5()
        with open(filepath, 'rb') as afile:
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            buf = afile.read(blocksize)
            while len(buf) > 0:
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                buf = afile.read(blocksize)
        return hasher.hexdigest()
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    def execute_shell_command(command, log_level=Log.DEBUG):
        Executes a sheel command
        :param command: command to execute

        Log.info('Detailed time for diagnostic class')
        :param log_level: log level to use for command output
        :type log_level: int
        :return: command output
        :rtype: list
        if isinstance(command, basestring):
            command = command.split()
        process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        output = list()
        comunicate = process.communicate()
        for line in comunicate:
            if not line:
            if log_level != Log.NO_LOG:
                Log.log.log(log_level, line)
            raise Utils.ExecutionError('Error executing {0}\n Return code: {1}'.format(' '.join(command),
        return output
    _cpu_count = None

    def available_cpu_count():
        Number of available virtual or physical CPUs on this systemx
        if Utils._cpu_count is None:
                m = re.search(r'(?m)^Cpus_allowed:\s*(.*)$',
                if m:
                    res = bin(int(m.group(1).replace(',', ''), 16)).count('1')
                    if res > 0:
                        Utils._cpu_count = res
            except IOError:
                    import multiprocessing
                    Utils._cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
                    return Utils._cpu_count
                except (ImportError, NotImplementedError):
                    Utils._cpu_count = -1
        return Utils._cpu_count

    def convert2netcdf4(filetoconvert):
        Checks if a file is in netCDF4 format and converts to netCDF4 if not

        :param filetoconvert: file to convert
        :type filetoconvert: str

        if Utils._is_compressed_netcdf4(filetoconvert):

        Log.debug('Reformatting to netCDF-4')
        Utils.execute_shell_command(["nccopy", "-4", "-d4", "-s", filetoconvert, temp])
    def _is_compressed_netcdf4(cls, filetoconvert):
        is_compressed = True
        handler = Utils.openCdf(filetoconvert)
        if not handler.file_format == 'NETCDF4':
            is_compressed = False
            ncdump_result = Utils.execute_shell_command('ncdump -hs {0}'.format(filetoconvert), Log.NO_LOG)
            ncdump_result = ncdump_result[0].replace('\t', '').split('\n')
            for var in handler.variables:
                if not '{0}:_DeflateLevel = 4 ;'.format(var) in ncdump_result:
                    is_compressed = False
                if not '{0}:_Shuffle = "true" ;'.format(var) in ncdump_result:
                    is_compressed = False

        return is_compressed

# noinspection PyPep8Naming
    def openCdf(filepath, mode='a'):
        Opens a netCDF file and returns a handler to it

        :param filepath: path to the file
        :type filepath: str
        :param mode: mode to open the file. By default, a (append)
        :type mode: str
        :return: handler to the file
        :rtype: netCDF4.Dataset
        return netCDF4.Dataset(filepath, mode)

    def get_datetime_from_netcdf(handler, time_variable='time'):
        Gets a datetime array from a netCDF file

        :param handler: file to read
        :type handler: netCDF4.Dataset
        :param time_variable: variable to read, by default 'time'
        :type time_variable: str
        :return: Datetime numpy array created from the values stored at the netCDF file
        :rtype: np.array
        var_time = handler.variables[time_variable]
        nctime = var_time[:]  # get values
        units = var_time.units
            cal_temps = var_time.calendar
        except AttributeError:
            cal_temps = u"standard"
        return netCDF4.num2date(nctime, units=units, calendar=cal_temps)

    def copy_variable(source, destiny, variable, must_exist=True, add_dimensions=False, new_names=None):
        Copies the given variable from source to destiny

        :param add_dimensions: if it's true, dimensions required by the variable will be automatically added to the
                               file. It will also add the dimension variable
        :type add_dimensions: bool
        :param source: origin file
        :type source: netCDF4.Dataset
        :param destiny: destiny file
        :type destiny: netCDF4.Dataset
        :param variable: variable to copy
        :type variable: str
        :param must_exist: if false, does not raise an error uf variable does not exist
        :type must_exist: bool
        :param new_names: dictionary containing variables to rename and new name as key-value pairs
        :type new_names: dict
        if not must_exist and variable not in source.variables.keys():

        if not new_names:
            new_names = dict()
        if variable in new_names:
            new_name = new_names[variable]
            new_name = variable

        if new_name in destiny.variables.keys():

        translated_dimensions = Utils._translate(source.variables[variable].dimensions, new_names)
        if not set(translated_dimensions).issubset(destiny.dimensions):
            if not add_dimensions:
                raise Exception('Variable {0} can not be added because dimensions does not match: '
                                '{1} {2}'.format(variable, translated_dimensions, destiny.dimensions))
            for dimension in source.variables[variable].dimensions:
                Utils.copy_dimension(source, destiny, dimension, must_exist, new_names)
            if new_name in destiny.variables.keys():
                # Just in case the variable we are copying match a dimension name
        original_var = source.variables[variable]
        new_var = destiny.createVariable(new_name, original_var.datatype, translated_dimensions)
        Utils.copy_attributes(new_var, original_var)
        new_var[:] = original_var[:]

    def copy_attributes(new_var, original_var):
        new_var.setncatts({k: Utils.convert_to_ASCII_if_possible(original_var.getncattr(k))
                           for k in original_var.ncattrs()})
    def copy_dimension(source, destiny, dimension, must_exist=True, new_names=None):
        Copies the given dimension from source to destiny, including dimension variables if present

        :param new_names: dictionary containing variables to rename and new name as key-value pairs
        :type new_names: dict
        :param source: origin file
        :type source: netCDF4.Dataset
        :param destiny: destiny file
        :type destiny: netCDF4.Dataset
        :param dimension: variable to copy
        :type dimension: str
        :param must_exist: if false, does not raise an error uf variable does not exist
        :type must_exist: bool

        if not must_exist and dimension not in source.dimensions.keys():
        if not new_names:
            new_names = dict()
        if dimension in new_names:
            new_name = new_names[dimension]
            new_name = dimension
        if new_name in destiny.dimensions.keys():
        if not new_name:
            new_name = dimension
        destiny.createDimension(new_name, source.dimensions[dimension].size)
        if dimension in source.variables:
            Utils.copy_variable(source, destiny, dimension, new_names=new_names)

    def concat_variables(source, destiny, remove_source=False):
        Add variables from a nc file to another
        :param source: path to source file
        :type source: str
        :param destiny: path to destiny file
        :type destiny: str
        :param remove_source: if True, removes source file
        :type remove_source: bool
        if os.path.exists(destiny):
            handler_total = Utils.openCdf(destiny)
            handler_variable = Utils.openCdf(source)
            for var in handler_variable.variables:
                if var not in handler_total.variables:
                    Utils.copy_variable(handler_variable, handler_total, var, add_dimensions=True)
                    variable = handler_variable.variables[var]
                    if 'time' not in variable.dimensions:
                    concatenated[var] = np.concatenate((handler_total.variables[var][:], variable[:]),

            for var, array in concatenated.iteritems():
                handler_total.variables[var][:] = array
            if remove_source:
            if remove_source:
                Utils.move_file(source, destiny)
                shutil.copy(source, destiny)
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        Exception to raise when a command execution fails

    def _translate(cls, dimensions, new_names):
        translated = list()
        for dim in dimensions:
            if dim in new_names:
        return translated

    def create_folder_tree(path):
        Createas a fodle path will and parent directories if needed.
        :param path: folder's path
        :type path: str
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            # noinspection PyBroadException
                # Here we can have a race condition. Let's check again for existence and rethrow if still not exists
                if not os.path.isdir(path):
    def give_group_write_permissions(path):
        st = os.stat(path)
        if st.st_mode & stat.S_IWGRP:
        os.chmod(path, st.st_mode | stat.S_IWGRP)

    def convert_units(var_handler, new_units):
        if new_units == var_handler.units:
        new_unit = Units(new_units)
        old_unit = Units(var_handler.units)
        var_handler[:] = Units.conform(var_handler[:], old_unit, new_unit, inplace=True)
        if 'valid_min' in var_handler.ncattrs():
            var_handler.valid_min = Units.conform(float(var_handler.valid_min), old_unit, new_unit,
        if 'valid_max' in var_handler.ncattrs():
            var_handler.valid_max = Units.conform(float(var_handler.valid_max), old_unit, new_unit,
        var_handler.units = new_units

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    def untar(files, destiny_path):
        Untar files to a given destiny
        :param files: files to unzip
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        :param destiny_path: path to destination folder
        :type destiny_path: str
        for filepath in files:
            Log.debug('Unpacking {0}', filepath)
            tar = tarfile.open(filepath)
            for file_compressed in tar.getmembers():
                if file_compressed.isdir():
                    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(destiny_path, file_compressed.name)):
                    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(destiny_path, file_compressed.name)):
                        os.remove(os.path.join(destiny_path, file_compressed.name))
                tar.extract(file_compressed, destiny_path)

    def unzip(files, force=False):
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        Unzip a list of files
        :param files: files to unzip
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        :param force: if True, it will overwrite  unzipped files
        :type force: bool
        if isinstance(files, basestring):
            files = [files]
        for filepath in files:
            Log.debug('Unzipping {0}', filepath)
            if force:
                option = ' -f'
                option = ''
                Utils.execute_shell_command('gunzip{1} {0}'.format(filepath, option))
            except Exception as ex:
                raise Utils.UnzipException('Can not unzip {0}: {1}'.format(filepath, ex))

    class UnzipException(Exception):
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        Excpetion raised when unzip fails
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class TempFile(object):
    Class to manage temporal files
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    autoclean = True
    If True, new temporary files are added to the list for future cleaning
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    files = list()
    List of files to clean automatically
    Scratch folder to create temporary files on it
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    prefix = 'temp'
    Prefix for temporary filenames
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    def get(filename=None, clean=None, suffix='.nc'):
        Gets a new temporal filename, storing it for automated cleaning

        :param filename: if it is not none, the function will use this filename instead of a random one
        :type filename: str
        :param clean: if true, stores filename for cleaning
        :type clean: bool
        :return: path to the temporal file
        :rtype: str
        if clean is None:
            clean = TempFile.autoclean

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        if filename:
            path = os.path.join(TempFile.scratch_folder, filename)
            fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=TempFile.scratch_folder, prefix=TempFile.prefix, suffix=suffix)
            path = str(path)
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        if clean:

        return path

    def clean():
        Removes all temporary files created with Tempfile until now
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        for temp_file in TempFile.files:
            if os.path.exists(temp_file):
        TempFile.files = list()