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# coding=utf-8
import os
from earthdiagnostics.datamanager import DataManager
from earthdiagnostics.utils import TempFile, Utils
import urllib

class THREDDSManager(DataManager):
    Data manager class for CMORized experiments
    def __init__(self, config, server_url):
        super(THREDDSManager, self).__init__(config)
        self.server_url = server_url

    def get_file(self, domain, var, startdate, member, chunk, grid=None, box=None, frequency=None):
        Copies a given file from the CMOR repository to the scratch folder and returns the path to the scratch's copy

        :param domain: CMOR domain
        :type domain: str
        :param var: variable name
        :type var: str
        :param startdate: file's startdate
        :type startdate: str
        :param member: file's member
        :type member: int
        :param chunk: file's chunk
        :type chunk: int
        :param grid: file's grid (only needed if it is not the original)
        :type grid: str
        :param box: file's box (only needed to retrieve sections or averages)
        :type box: Box
        :param frequency: file's frequency (only needed if it is different from the default)
        :type frequency: str
        :return: path to the copy created on the scratch folder
        :rtype: str
        if not frequency:
            frequency = self.config.frequency
        aggregation_path = self.get_var_url(var, startdate, frequency, box)
        temp = TempFile.get()
        urllib.urlretrieve(aggregation_path, temp)
        if not Utils.check_netcdf_file(temp):
            raise THREDDSError('Can not retrieve {0} from server'.format(aggregation_path))
        return temp

    def send_file(self, filetosend, domain, var, startdate, member, chunk=None, grid=None, region=None, box=None,
                  rename_var=None, frequency=None, year=None, date_str=None, move_old=False):
        Copies a given file to the CMOR repository. It also automatically converts to netCDF 4 if needed and can merge
        with already existing ones as needed

        :param move_old: if true, moves files following older conventions that may be found on the links folder
        :type move_old: bool
        :param date_str: exact date_str to use in the cmorized file
        :type: str
        :param year: if frequency is yearly, this parameter is used to give the corresponding year
        :type year: int
        :param rename_var: if exists, the given variable will be renamed to the one given by var
        :type rename_var: str
        :param filetosend: path to the file to send to the CMOR repository
        :type filetosend: str
        :param region: specifies the region represented by the file. If it is defined, the data will be appended to the
            CMOR repository as a new region in the file or will overwrite if region was already present
        :type region: str
        :param domain: CMOR domain
        :type domain: str
        :param var: variable name
        :type var: str
        :param startdate: file's startdate
        :type startdate: str
        :param member: file's member
        :type member: int
        :param chunk: file's chunk
        :type chunk: int
        :param grid: file's grid (only needed if it is not the original)
        :type grid: str
        :param box: file's box (only needed to retrieve sections or averages)
        :type box: Box
        :param frequency: file's frequency (only needed if it is different from the default)
        :type frequency: str
        :return: path to the copy created on the scratch folder
        :rtype: str
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_year(self, domain, var, startdate, member, year, grid=None, box=None):
        Ge a file containing all the data for one year for one variable
        :param domain: variable's domain
        :type domain: str
        :param var: variable's name
        :type var: str
        :param startdate: startdate to retrieve
        :type startdate: str
        :param member: member to retrieve
        :type member: int
        :param year: year to retrieve
        :type year: int
        :param grid: variable's grid
        :type grid: str
        :param box: variable's box
        :type box: Box

    def get_var_url(self, var, startdate, frequency, box):
        var = self._get_final_var_name(box, var)
        return os.path.join(self.server_url, 'dodsc', 'exp',,
                            self.experiment.model, self.frequency_folder_name(frequency),
                            var, '{0}_{1}.nc'.format(var, startdate))

    def link_file(self, domain, var, startdate, member, chunk=None, grid=None, box=None,
                  frequency=None, year=None, date_str=None, move_old=False):
        Creates the link of a given file from the CMOR repository.

        :param move_old:
        :param date_str:
        :param year: if frequency is yearly, this parameter is used to give the corresponding year
        :type year: int
        :param domain: CMOR domain
        :type domain: str
        :param var: variable name
        :type var: str
        :param startdate: file's startdate
        :type startdate: str
        :param member: file's member
        :type member: int
        :param chunk: file's chunk
        :type chunk: int
        :param grid: file's grid (only needed if it is not the original)
        :type grid: str
        :param box: file's box (only needed to retrieve sections or averages)
        :type box: Box
        :param frequency: file's frequency (only needed if it is different from the default)
        :type frequency: str
        :return: path to the copy created on the scratch folder
        :rtype: str
        # THREDDSManager does not require links

class THREDDSError(Exception):