31.8 KB
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from bscearth.utils.log import Log
from import parse_date, chunk_start_date, chunk_end_date, previous_day
from datafile import StorageStatus
from diagnostic import Diagnostic
from earthdiagnostics.datamanager import DataManager
from earthdiagnostics.frequency import Frequencies, Frequency
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from earthdiagnostics.modelingrealm import ModelingRealms
from earthdiagnostics.utils import TempFile, Utils
from earthdiagnostics.variable_type import VariableType

class CMORManager(DataManager):
    Data manager class for CMORized experiments
    def __init__(self, config):
        super(CMORManager, self).__init__(config)
        data_folders = self.config.data_dir.split(':')
        experiment_folder = self.experiment.model.lower()
        if experiment_folder.startswith('ec-earth'):
            experiment_folder = 'ecearth'

        self.config.data_dir = None
        for data_folder in data_folders:
            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(data_folder, self.experiment.expid)):
                self.config.data_dir = data_folder
            test_folder = os.path.join(data_folder, self.experiment.model.lower().replace('-', ''))
            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(test_folder, self.experiment.expid)):
                self.config.data_dir = test_folder
            test_folder = os.path.join(data_folder, self.config.data_type,  experiment_folder)
            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(test_folder, self.experiment.expid)):
                self.config.data_dir = test_folder
        if not self.config.data_dir:
            raise Exception('Can not find model data')
        self.cmor_path = os.path.join(self.config.data_dir, self.experiment.expid, 'cmorfiles')
    def file_exists(self, domain, var, startdate, member, chunk, grid=None, box=None, frequency=None,
        cmor_var = self.variable_list.get_variable(var)
        filepath = self.get_file_path(startdate, member, domain, var, cmor_var, chunk, frequency, grid, None, None)
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        # noinspection PyBroadException
            return os.path.isfile(filepath)
        except Exception:
            return False

    def get_file(self, domain, var, startdate, member, chunk, grid=None, box=None, frequency=None,
        Copies a given file from the CMOR repository to the scratch folder and returns the path to the scratch's copy

        :param domain: CMOR domain
        :param var: variable name
        :type var: str
        :param startdate: file's startdate
        :type startdate: str
        :param member: file's member
        :type member: int
        :param chunk: file's chunk
        :type chunk: int
        :param grid: file's grid (only needed if it is not the original)
        :type grid: str|NoneType
        :param box: file's box (only needed to retrieve sections or averages)
        :type box: Box
        :param frequency: file's frequency (only needed if it is different from the default)
        :type frequency: Frequency|NoneType
        :param vartype: Variable type (mean, statistic)
        :type vartype: VariableType
        :return: path to the copy created on the scratch folder
        :rtype: str
        cmor_var = self.variable_list.get_variable(var)
        var = self._get_final_var_name(box, var)
        filepath = self.get_file_path(startdate, member, domain, var, cmor_var, chunk, frequency, grid, None, None)

        temp_path = TempFile.get()
        Utils.copy_file(filepath, temp_path)
        return temp_path

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    def request_chunk(self, domain, var, startdate, member, chunk, grid=None, box=None, frequency=None):
        Copies a given file from the CMOR repository to the scratch folder and returns the path to the scratch's copy

        :param domain: CMOR domain
        :type domain: Domain
        :param var: variable name
        :type var: str
        :param startdate: file's startdate
        :type startdate: str
        :param member: file's member
        :type member: int
        :param chunk: file's chunk
        :type chunk: int
        :param grid: file's grid (only needed if it is not the original)
        :type grid: str|NoneType
        :param box: file's box (only needed to retrieve sections or averages)
        :type box: Box
        :param frequency: file's frequency (only needed if it is different from the default)
        :type frequency: Frequency|NoneType
        :param vartype: Variable type (mean, statistic)
        :type vartype: VariableType
        :return: path to the copy created on the scratch folder
        :rtype: str
        cmor_var = self.variable_list.get_variable(var)
        var = self._get_final_var_name(box, var)
        filepath = self.get_file_path(startdate, member, domain, var, cmor_var, chunk, frequency, grid, None, None)

        return self._get_file_from_storage(filepath)

    def request_year(self, domain, var, startdate, member, year, grid=None, box=None, frequency=None):
        Copies a given file from the CMOR repository to the scratch folder and returns the path to the scratch's copy

        :param domain: CMOR domain
        :type domain: Domain
        :param var: variable name
        :type var: str
        :param startdate: file's startdate
        :type startdate: str
        :param member: file's member
        :type member: int
        :param chunk: file's chunk
        :type chunk: int
        :param grid: file's grid (only needed if it is not the original)
        :type grid: str|NoneType
        :param box: file's box (only needed to retrieve sections or averages)
        :type box: Box
        :param frequency: file's frequency (only needed if it is different from the default)
        :type frequency: Frequency|NoneType
        :param vartype: Variable type (mean, statistic)
        :type vartype: VariableType
        :return: path to the copy created on the scratch folder
        :rtype: str

        job = MergeYear(self, domain, var, startdate, member, year, grid, box, frequency)

        return job.year_file

    def declare_chunk(self, domain, var, startdate, member, chunk, grid=None, region=None, box=None, frequency=None,
                      vartype=VariableType.MEAN, diagnostic=None):
        Copies a given file from the CMOR repository to the scratch folder and returns the path to the scratch's copy

        :param domain: CMOR domain
        :type domain: Domain
        :param var: variable name
        :type var: str
        :param startdate: file's startdate
        :type startdate: str
        :param member: file's member
        :type member: int
        :param chunk: file's chunk
        :type chunk: int
        :param grid: file's grid (only needed if it is not the original)
        :type grid: str|NoneType
        :param box: file's box (only needed to retrieve sections or averages)
        :type box: Box
        :param frequency: file's frequency (only needed if it is different from the default)
        :type frequency: Frequency|NoneType
        :param vartype: Variable type (mean, statistic)
        :type vartype: VariableType
        :return: path to the copy created on the scratch folder
        :rtype: str
        if not frequency:
            frequency = self.config.frequency
        original_name = var
        cmor_var = self.variable_list.get_variable(var)
        if cmor_var:
            var = cmor_var.short_name
        final_name = self._get_final_var_name(box, var)

        filepath = self.get_file_path(startdate, member, domain, final_name, cmor_var, chunk, frequency, grid)
        netcdf_file = self._declare_generated_file(filepath, domain, final_name, cmor_var, self.config.data_convention,
                                                   region, diagnostic, grid, vartype, original_name)
        netcdf_file.frequency = frequency
        return netcdf_file

    def declare_year(self, domain, var, startdate, member, year, grid=None, box=None,
                    vartype=VariableType.MEAN, diagnostic=None):
        Copies a given file from the CMOR repository to the scratch folder and returns the path to the scratch's copy

        :param domain: CMOR domain
        :type domain: Domain
        :param var: variable name
        :type var: str
        :param startdate: file's startdate
        :type startdate: str
        :param member: file's member
        :type member: int
        :param chunk: file's chunk
        :type chunk: int
        :param grid: file's grid (only needed if it is not the original)
        :type grid: str|NoneType
        :param box: file's box (only needed to retrieve sections or averages)
        :type box: Box
        :param frequency: file's frequency (only needed if it is different from the default)
        :type frequency: Frequency|NoneType
        :param vartype: Variable type (mean, statistic)
        :type vartype: VariableType
        :return: path to the copy created on the scratch folder
        :rtype: str
        original_name = var
        cmor_var = self.variable_list.get_variable(var)
        if cmor_var:
            var = cmor_var.short_name
        final_name = self._get_final_var_name(box, var)

        filepath = self.get_file_path(startdate, member, domain, final_name, cmor_var, None, Frequencies.yearly, grid,
        netcdf_file = self._declare_generated_file(filepath, domain, final_name, cmor_var, self.config.data_convention,
                                                   None, diagnostic, grid, vartype, original_name)
        netcdf_file.frequency = Frequencies.yearly
        return netcdf_file

    def get_file_path(self, startdate, member, domain, var, cmor_var, chunk, frequency,
                      grid=None, year=None, date_str=None):
        Returns the path to a concrete file
        :param startdate: file's startdate
        :type startdate: str
        :param member: file's member
        :type member: int
        :param domain: file's domain
        :type var: var
        :param chunk: file's chunk
        :type chunk: int
        :param frequency: file's frequency
        :type frequency: Frequency
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        :type grid: str|NoneType
        :type year: int|str|NoneType
        :param date_str: date string to add directly. Overrides year or chunk configurations
        :type date_str: str|NoneType
        :rtype: str|NoneType
        folder_path = self._get_full_cmor_folder_path(startdate, member, domain, var, frequency, grid)
        file_name = self._get_cmor_file_name(startdate, member, domain, var, cmor_var, frequency,
                                             chunk, year, date_str, grid)
        filepath = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name)
        return filepath
    def _get_cmor_file_name(self, startdate, member, domain, var, cmor_var, frequency, chunk, year, date_str, grid, ):
        if cmor_var is None:
            cmor_table = domain.get_table(frequency, self.config.data_convention)
            cmor_table = cmor_var.get_table(frequency, self.config.data_convention)

        if chunk is not None:
            time_bound = self._get_chunk_time_bounds(startdate, chunk)
            if frequency != Frequencies.yearly:
                raise ValueError('Year may be provided instead of chunk only if frequency is "yr"')
            time_bound = str(year)
        elif date_str:
            time_bound = date_str
            raise ValueError('Chunk, year and date_str can not be None at the same time')

        if time_bound:
            time_bound = '_{0}.nc'.format(time_bound)
            time_bound = '.nc'

        if self.config.data_convention == 'specs':

            file_name = '{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_S{4}_{5}{6}'.format(var,, self.experiment.model,
                                                             self.experiment.experiment_name, startdate,
                                                             self._get_member_str(member), time_bound)
        elif self.config.data_convention in ('primavera', 'cmip6'):
                grid = '_{0}'.format(grid)
            file_name = '{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_S{4}-{5}{6}{7}'.format(var,, self.experiment.experiment_name,
                                                                self.experiment.model, startdate,
                                                                self._get_member_str(member), grid, time_bound)
            raise Exception('Data convention {0} not supported'.format(self.config.data_convention))
        return file_name

    def _get_full_cmor_folder_path(self, startdate, member, domain, var, frequency, grid):
        folder_path = os.path.join(self._get_startdate_path(startdate), str(frequency),, var)
            folder_path = os.path.join(folder_path, grid)
        folder_path = os.path.join(folder_path, self._get_member_str(member))
        return folder_path

    def _get_chunk_time_bounds(self, startdate, chunk):
        start = parse_date(startdate)
        chunk_start = chunk_start_date(start, chunk, self.experiment.chunk_size, 'month', self.experiment.calendar)
        chunk_end = chunk_end_date(chunk_start, self.experiment.chunk_size, 'month', self.experiment.calendar)
        chunk_end = previous_day(chunk_end, self.experiment.calendar)
        time_bound = "{0:04}{1:02}-{2:04}{3:02}".format(chunk_start.year, chunk_start.month, chunk_end.year,
        return time_bound
    def link_file(self, domain, var, cmor_var, startdate, member, chunk=None, grid=None,
                  frequency=None, year=None, date_str=None, move_old=False, vartype=VariableType.MEAN):
        Creates the link of a given file from the CMOR repository.

        :param move_old:
        :param date_str:
        :param year: if frequency is yearly, this parameter is used to give the corresponding year
        :type year: int
        :param domain: CMOR domain
        :param var: variable name
        :type var: str
        :param startdate: file's startdate
        :type startdate: str
        :param member: file's member
        :type member: int
        :param chunk: file's chunk
        :type chunk: int
        :param grid: file's grid (only needed if it is not the original)
        :type grid: str
        :param frequency: file's frequency (only needed if it is different from the default)
        :type frequency: Frequency
        :param vartype: Variable type (mean, statistic)
        :type vartype: VariableType
        :return: path to the copy created on the scratch folder
        :rtype: str

        if not frequency:
            frequency = self.config.frequency
        filepath = self.get_file_path(startdate, member, domain, var, cmor_var, chunk, frequency,
                                      grid=grid, year=str(year), date_str=date_str)
        self._create_link(domain, filepath, frequency, var, grid, move_old, vartype)
    def send_file(self, filetosend, domain, var, startdate, member, chunk=None, grid=None, region=None,
                  box=None, rename_var=None, frequency=None, year=None, date_str=None, move_old=False,
                  diagnostic=None, cmorized=False, vartype=VariableType.MEAN):
        Copies a given file to the CMOR repository. It also automatically converts to netCDF 4 if needed and can merge
        with already existing ones as needed

        :param move_old: if true, moves files following older conventions that may be found on the links folder
        :type move_old: bool
        :param date_str: exact date_str to use in the cmorized file
        :type: str
        :param year: if frequency is yearly, this parameter is used to give the corresponding year
        :type year: int
        :param rename_var: if exists, the given variable will be renamed to the one given by var
        :type rename_var: str
        :param filetosend: path to the file to send to the CMOR repository
        :type filetosend: str
        :param region: specifies the region represented by the file. If it is defined, the data will be appended to the
            CMOR repository as a new region in the file or will overwrite if region was already present
        :type region: str
        :param domain: CMOR domain
        :param var: variable name
        :type var: str
        :param startdate: file's startdate
        :type startdate: str
        :param member: file's member
        :type member: int
        :param chunk: file's chunk
        :type chunk: int
        :param grid: file's grid (only needed if it is not the original)
        :type grid: str
        :param box: file's box (only needed to retrieve sections or averages)
        :type box: Box
        :param frequency: file's frequency (only needed if it is different from the default)
        :type frequency: Frequency
        :param diagnostic: diagnostic used to generate the file
        :type diagnostic: Diagnostic
        :param cmorized: flag to indicate if file was generated in cmorization process
        :type cmorized: bool
        :param vartype: Variable type (mean, statistic)
        :type vartype: VariableType
        if rename_var:
            original_name = rename_var
            original_name = var

        cmor_var = self.variable_list.get_variable(var)
        final_name = self._get_final_var_name(box, var)

        if final_name != original_name:
            Utils.rename_variable(filetosend, original_name, final_name)

        if not frequency:
            frequency = self.config.frequency

        filepath = self.get_file_path(startdate, member, domain, final_name, cmor_var, chunk, frequency, grid, year,
        netcdf_file = NetCDFFile(filepath, filetosend, domain, final_name, cmor_var, self.config.data_convention,
        netcdf_file.frequency = frequency
        if diagnostic:
        elif cmorized:
            raise ValueError('You must provide a diagnostic or set cmorized to true to store data '
                             'using the CMORManager')
        self._create_link(domain, filepath, frequency, final_name, grid, move_old, vartype)
    def get_year(self, domain, var, startdate, member, year, grid=None, box=None):
        Ge a file containing all the data for one year for one variable
        :param domain: variable's domain
        :type domain: str
        :param var: variable's name
        :type var: str
        :param startdate: startdate to retrieve
        :type startdate: str
        :param member: member to retrieve
        :type member: int
        :param year: year to retrieve
        :type year: int
        :param grid: variable's grid
        :type grid: str
        :param box: variable's box
        :type box: Box

        chunk_files = list()
        for chunk in self.experiment.get_year_chunks(startdate, year):
            chunk_files.append(self.get_file(domain, var, startdate, member, chunk, grid=grid, box=box))

        if len(chunk_files) > 1:
            temp = self._merge_chunk_files(chunk_files)
        temp2 = self._select_data_of_given_year(temp, year)
    def _select_data_of_given_year(data_file, year):
        handler = Utils.openCdf(data_file)
        times = Utils.get_datetime_from_netcdf(handler)
        x = 0
        first_index = None
        last_index = None
        while x < times.size:
            if times[x].year == year:
                first_index = x
                x += 1

        while x < times.size:
            if times[x].year != year:
                last_index = x
                x += 1
        if last_index is None:
            last_index = times.size
        Utils.nco.ncks(input=data_file, output=temp2, options=['-d time,{0},{1}'.format(first_index, last_index - 1)])
    def _merge_chunk_files(chunk_files):
        temp = TempFile.get()
        Utils.nco.ncrcat(input=' '.join(chunk_files), output=temp)
        for chunk_file in chunk_files:
        return temp
    def prepare(self):
        Prepares the data to be used by the diagnostic.

        If CMOR data is not created, it show a warning and closes. In the future, an automatic cmorization procedure
        will be launched

        If CMOR data is available but packed, the procedure will unpack it.

        # Check if cmorized and convert if not

        for startdate, member in self.experiment.get_member_list():
                self._cmorize_member(startdate, member)
    def is_cmorized(self, startdate, member, chunk, domain):
        identifier = (startdate, member, chunk,
        if identifier not in self._dic_cmorized:
            self._dic_cmorized[identifier] = self._is_cmorized(startdate, member, chunk, domain)
        return self._dic_cmorized[identifier]
    def _is_cmorized(self, startdate, member, chunk, domain):
        startdate_path = self._get_startdate_path(startdate)
            return False
        for freq in os.listdir(startdate_path):
            domain_path = os.path.join(startdate_path, freq,
            if os.path.isdir(domain_path):
                for var in os.listdir(domain_path):
                    cmor_var = self.variable_list.get_variable(var, True)
                    var_path = self.get_file_path(startdate, member, domain, var, cmor_var, chunk, Frequency(freq))
    def _cmorize_member(self, startdate, member):
        start_time =
        member_str = self.experiment.get_member_str(member)'CMORizing startdate {0} member {1}. Starting at {0}', startdate, member_str, start_time)
        cmorizer = Cmorizer(self, startdate, member)
        Log.result('CMORized startdate {0} member {1}! Elapsed time: {2}\n\n', startdate, member_str,
    def _unpack_cmor_files(self, startdate, member):
        if self.config.cmor.force:
            return False
        chunk = 1
        cmorized = False

        if not self.config.cmor.force_untar:
            while self.is_cmorized(startdate, member, chunk, ModelingRealms.ocean) or\
                    self.is_cmorized(startdate, member, chunk, ModelingRealms.atmos):
                chunk += 1

        while self._unpack_chunk(startdate, member, chunk):
            chunk += 1
            cmorized = True

        return cmorized

    def _unpack_chunk(self, startdate, member, chunk):

        filepaths = self._get_transferred_cmor_data_filepaths(startdate, member, chunk, 'tar.gz')
            if self.config.cmor.chunk_cmorization_requested(chunk):
      'Unzipping cmorized data for {0} {1} {2}...', startdate, member, chunk)
                Utils.unzip(filepaths, True)
                return True

        if not os.path.exists(self.cmor_path):

        filepaths = self._get_transferred_cmor_data_filepaths(startdate, member, chunk, 'tar')
            if self.config.cmor.chunk_cmorization_requested(chunk):
      'Unpacking cmorized data for {0} {1} {2}...', startdate, member, chunk)
                Utils.untar(filepaths, self.cmor_path)
                self._correct_paths(startdate, member)
                self.create_links(startdate, member)
    def _get_transferred_cmor_data_filepaths(self, startdate, member, chunk, extension):
        tar_path = os.path.join(self.config.data_dir, self.experiment.expid, 'original_files', 'cmorfiles')
        tar_original_files = os.path.join(self.config.data_dir, 'original_files', self.experiment.expid,
        file_name = 'CMOR?_{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}-*.{4}'.format(self.experiment.expid, startdate,
                                                         self.experiment.get_chunk_start_str(startdate, chunk),
        filepaths = glob.glob(os.path.join(tar_path, file_name))
        filepaths += glob.glob(os.path.join(tar_path, 'outputs', file_name))
        filepaths += glob.glob(os.path.join(tar_original_files, file_name))
        filepaths += glob.glob(os.path.join(tar_original_files, 'outputs', file_name))
        return filepaths
    def _correct_paths(self, startdate, member):
        self._fix_model_as_experiment_error(startdate, member)
    def _fix_model_as_experiment_error(self, startdate, member):
        if self.experiment.experiment_name != self.experiment.model:
            bad_path = os.path.join(self.cmor_path,, self.experiment.model,
            Log.debug('Correcting double model appearance')
            for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(bad_path, False):
                for filename in filenames:
                    filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
                    good = filepath
                    good = good.replace('_{0}_output_'.format(self.experiment.model),

                    good = good.replace('/{0}/{0}'.format(self.experiment.model),

                    Utils.move_file(filepath, good)

    def _remove_extra_output_folder(self):
        bad_path = os.path.join(self.cmor_path, 'output')
        if os.path.exists(bad_path):
            Log.debug('Moving CMOR files out of the output folder')
            Utils.move_tree(bad_path, self.cmor_path)
    def create_links(self, startdate, member=None):
        if member:
            member_str = self._get_member_str(member)'Creating links for CMOR files ({0})', startdate)
        path = self._get_startdate_path(startdate)
        for freq in os.listdir(path):
            frequency = Frequency.parse(freq)
            for domain in os.listdir(os.path.join(path, freq)):
                for var in os.listdir(os.path.join(path, freq, domain)):
                    for member in os.listdir(os.path.join(path, freq, domain, var)):
                        for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(path, freq, domain, var, member)):
                            filepath = os.path.join(path, freq, domain, var, member, name)
                            if os.path.isfile(filepath):
                                self._create_link(domain, filepath, frequency, var, "", False,
Javier Vegas-Regidor's avatar
Javier Vegas-Regidor committed
                                    self._create_link(domain, os.path.join(filepath, filename), frequency, var, "",
                                                      False, vartype=VariableType.MEAN)
        Log.debug('Links ready')

    def _get_startdate_path(self, startdate):
        Returns the path to the startdate's CMOR folder
        :param startdate: target startdate
        :type startdate: str
        :return: path to the startdate's CMOR º
        :rtype: str
        return os.path.join(self.config.data_dir, self.experiment.expid, 'cmorfiles',,
                            self.experiment.model, self.experiment.experiment_name, 'S' + startdate)
    def _get_member_str(self, member):
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        return 'r{0}i1p1'.format(member + 1 - self.experiment.member_count_start)

class MergeYear(Diagnostic):
    def __init__(self, data_manager, domain, var, startdate, member, year, grid=None, box=None, frequency=None):
        super(MergeYear, self).__init__(data_manager)
        self.chunk_files = []
        self.experiment = self.data_manager.experiment
        self.domain = domain
        self.var = var
        self.startdate = startdate
        self.member = member
        self.year = year
        self.grid = grid = box
        self.frequency = frequency

    def request_data(self):
        for chunk in self.experiment.get_year_chunks(self.startdate, self.year):
            self.chunk_files.append(self.request_chunk(self.domain, self.var, self.startdate, self.member, chunk,
                                                       grid=self.grid,, frequency=self.frequency))

    def declare_data_generated(self):
        self.year_file = self.declare_year(self.domain, self.var, self.startdate, self.member, self.year,
                                           grid=self.grid,, frequency=self.frequency)
        self.year_file.storage_status = StorageStatus.NO_STORE

    def compute(self):
        temp = self._merge_chunk_files()
        temp2 = self._select_data_of_given_year(temp)
        return temp2

    def _select_data_of_given_year(self, data_file):
        temp2 = TempFile.get()
        handler = Utils.openCdf(data_file)
        times = Utils.get_datetime_from_netcdf(handler)
        x = 0
        first_index = None
        last_index = None
        while x < times.size:
            if times[x].year == self.year:
                first_index = x
                x += 1

        while x < times.size:
            if times[x].year != self.year:
                last_index = x
                x += 1
        if last_index is None:
            last_index = times.size
        Utils.nco.ncks(input=data_file, output=temp2, options=['-d time,{0},{1}'.format(first_index, last_index - 1)])
        return temp2

    def _merge_chunk_files(self):
        temp = TempFile.get()
        if len(self.chunk_files) == 1:
            Utils.copy_file(self.chunk_files[0].local_file, temp)
            return temp

        Utils.nco.ncrcat(input=' '.join(self.chunk_files), output=temp)
        for chunk_file in self.chunk_files:
        return temp