config_file-ocean_pp.bash 4.05 KB
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# This is an example of a configuration_file needed to launch ocean_pp.bash. For any other information about how to use it, you can refer to the README or the cfu wiki (

listpost=('temp_lev' 'sal_lev')
                        # Valid options : ('siasiesiv' 'ohc' 'moc' 'max_moc' 'area_moc' 'ext_raw_ice' (previously 'ice') 'ext_raw_oce' (previously 'sstsssmld') 'heat_sal_mxl' 'psi' 'usalc' 'lmsalc' 'uohc' 'mohc' 'lohc' 'xohc' 'ohc_specified_layer' 'stc' 'vert_Tsections' 'vert_Ssections' '3dtemp' '3dsal' 'TSec_ave190-220E' 'SSec_ave190-220E' 'NAtlohc' 'xNAtlohc' 'uNAtlohc' 'mNAtlohc' 'lNAtlohc' 'NPacohc' 'xNPacohc' 'uNPacohc' 'mNPacohc' 'lNPacohc' 'TAtlohc' 'xTAtlohc' 'uTAtlohc' 'mTAtlohc' 'lTAtlohc' 'TPacohc' 'xTPacohc' 'uTPacohc' 'mTPacohc' 'lTPacohc' 'TIndohc'  'xTIndohc' 'uTIndohc' 'mTIndohc' 'lTIndohc' 'Antaohc' 'xAntaohc' 'uAntaohc' 'mAntaohc' 'lAntaohc' 'Arctohc'  'xArctohc' 'uArctohc' 'mArctohc' 'lArctohc' )
                        # Beware that the max_moc diagnostics can not be computed if you don't process complete years (because that's a diagnostic computed from annual means)
level2=14                  #If temp_lev or sal_lev is chosen on listpost, the lev1 and lev2 correspond to the levels between which the vertical mean has to be calculated. Lev1 and lev2 should be between 1,42 or 1,46, depending on the numbers of vertical levels on the original files. 
raw_vars_ocean=( '' )    # If listpost contains "ext_raw_oce" option, this is the list ocean variables you want to extract. If nothing is specified, all variables present in input file will be treated. If raw_vars_ocean='default', sosstsst, sosaline, somixhgt and somxl010 will be extracted.
raw_vars_ice=( '' )      # If listpost contains "ext_raw_ice" option, this is the list of seaice variables you want to extract. If nothing is specified, all variables will be treated. If raw_vars_ice='default', isnowthi, iicethic, ileadfra, iicetemp, and ice_pres will be extracted.
expid=m02j              # expid or nemovar_s4 / nemovar_combine / glorys2v1
mod='ecearth'           # nemo / ecearth
typeoutput='MMO'        # diags / MMO
listmemb=( 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 )  # list of members
syeari=1993             # first start date, format "yyyy" 
syearf=2009             # last start date, format "yyyy"
moni=11                 # first month of the hindcast, format "mm", e.g. 05 for May
intsdate=1              # interval between start dates
chunklen=4              # length of the chunks (in months)
ltime0=1                # first leadtime to post-process
ltimef=4                # last leadtime to postprocess
# Fill up either ltime0/ltimef or year0/yearf
year0=                  # first year to post-process in the fist start date
yearf=                  # last year to post-process in the fist start date
# If you fill up the year argument, complete years will be processed, year by
# year from moni 
NEMOVERSION=Ec3.0_O1L46 # NEMO version
# Valid options : Ec2.3_O1L42      for Ec-Earth 2.3 ORCA1    L42
#                 Ec3.0_O1L46      for Ec-Earth 3.0 ORCA1    L46
#                 Ec3.0_O25L46     for Ec-Earth 3.0 ORCA0.25 L46
#                 N3.2_O1L42       for Nemo     3.2 ORCA1    L42
#                 N3.3_O1L46       for Nemo     3.3 ORCA1    L42
#                 nemovar_O1L42    for Nemo     COMBINE and ORAS4 ORCA1L42
#                 === Development in progress : ===
#                 glorys2v1_O25L75 for Nemo     GLORYS2v1    ORCA025L75
#                 ucl_O2L31        for Nemo     UCL          ORCA2L31