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Tips and tricks

Working with ORCA1

If you plan to run diagnostics for ORCA1 resolution, be aware that your workstation will be more than capable to run
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them. At this resolution, memory and CPU consumption is low enough to allow you keep using the machine while running,
specially if you reserve a pair of cores for other uses.
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Configuring core usage

By default, the Earth Diagnostics creates a thread for each available core for the execution. If you are using a queueing
system, the diagnostics will always use the number of cores that you reserved. If you are running outside a queueing
system, the diagnostics will try to use all the cores on the machine. To avoid this, add the MAX_CORES parameter to the
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DIAGNOSTICS section inside the diags.conf file that you are using.
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NEMO files

Unlike the bash version of the ocean diagnostics, this program keeps the NEMO files in the scratch folder so you can
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launch different configurations for the same experiment with reduced start time. You will need to remove the experiment's
folder in the scratch directory at the end of the experiment to avoid wasting resources. To do this, just use
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.. code-block:: bash

    earthdiags -f PATH_TO_CONF --clean

If you plan to run the earthdiagnostics only once, you can add this line after the execution