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Ingredients to make a reproducibility test of EC-Earth 3.1 and later.
Francois Massonnet's avatar
Francois Massonnet committed
Largely based on Paolo Davini's initial scripts to make a climate assessment of EC-Earth
Francois Massonnet's avatar
Francois Massonnet committed

Francois Massonnet's avatar
Francois Massonnet committed
Current limitations and constraints:
* The output must come from EC-Earth 3.1 or later
Francois Massonnet's avatar
Francois Massonnet committed
* The output must be available as MMO, MMA tar files and ICMGG, ICMSH grib files
* The output must consist in 12 month data per file
* The simulation must start with January and finish with December
* The scripts are adapted to compare two and only two experiments
Francois Massonnet's avatar
Francois Massonnet committed

Francois Massonnet's avatar
Francois Massonnet committed
1/ Checkout the git project from the BSC archive
>> git clone
>> git checkout master

2/ Edit the configuration file
>> vi ./scripts/

3/ Pre-process the EC-Earth output
>> cd ./scripts
>> ./ ${exp} ${memb} ${yearb} ${yeare}

[ Execute ./ to see the help ]

Process *all* your members of all experiments. This can be done in paralle
by using nohup commands for instance:

>> exp=m06e; for i in 0 1 2 3 4 ; do sleep 2; nohup ./ ${exp} fc${i} 1850 1869 >& log/log_prpr_${exp}_fc${i} &    done
Francois Massonnet's avatar
Francois Massonnet committed

4/ Re-grid to the same grid as the observational reference
>> ./ ${exp} ${memb} ${yearb} ${yeare}

5/ Compute the Reichler and Kim indices
./ ${exp} ${memb} ${yearb} ${yeare}

Francois Massonnet's avatar
Francois Massonnet committed
NetCDF files and a text file will be available in the directory EC-Earth_diags.
This text file (PI3.txt) consists in scores. By looking at how scores vary from
member to member one can guess if an experiment is reproducible wrt another one.
Francois Massonnet's avatar
Francois Massonnet committed

Francois Massonnet's avatar
Francois Massonnet committed
Once steps 1/ -> 5/ have been done for all members, we can proceed
to ensemble analyses:

6/ Ensemble analyses
./ ${exp} ${yearb} ${yeare}

Process all your experiments with this script. And then produce the plots comparing the Reichler and Kim indices and the variables differences between two experiments:

7/ Run reproducibility diagnostics between two experiments
./ ${exp1} ${exp2} ${year1} ${year2} ${nmemb}

${nmemb} is the number of members that is used to compare the experiments.
This script launch three R scripts:

1/ Basic time series (2-m temperature, sea ice extent, precip)
2/ The first on make the comparison based on the Reichler-Kim indices with the KS test (script R_scripts/KS_index.R). It produces the plot reichler_kim_scores_stat_${exp1}_${exp2}.ps
3/ The second script produces the maps of the differences, with a KS test applied in each grid cell (script map_diff_experiments.R), for the variables 't2m','msl','qnet','tp','ewss','nsss' and 'SICE'. RData files are also saved to redo quickly the maps, changing for example the levels of the colour bars.