InsertDim.Rd 1.41 KB
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% Please edit documentation in R/InsertDim.R
\title{Add a named dimension to an array}
InsertDim(data, posdim, lendim, name = NULL, ncores = NULL)
\item{data}{An array to which the additional dimension to be added.}

\item{posdim}{An integer indicating the position of the new dimension.}

\item{lendim}{An integer indicating the length of the new dimension.}

\item{name}{A character string indicating the name for the new dimension. 
The default value is NULL.}

\item{ncores}{An integer indicating the number of cores to use for parallel 
computation. The default value is NULL.}
An array as parameter 'data' but with the added named dimension.
Insert an extra dimension into an array at position 'posdim' with length 
'lendim'. The array repeats along the new dimension.
a <- array(rnorm(15), dim = c(a = 3, b = 1, c = 5, d = 1))
res <- InsertDim(InsertDim(a, posdim = 2, lendim = 1, name = 'e'), 4, c(f = 2))

0.1  -  2011-03  (V. Guemas, \email{})  -  Original code\cr
1.0  -  2013-09  (N. Manubens, \email{})  -  Formatting to R CRAN\cr
1.1  -  2015-03  (N. Manubens, \email{})  -  Improvements
3.0  -  2019-12  (A. Ho, \email{})  -  Modify with multiApply