s2dv-package.Rd 1.7 KB
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\title{s2dv: A Set of Common Tools for Seasonal to Decadal Verification}
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aho committed
The advanced version of package 's2dverification'. It is 
    intended for 'seasonal to decadal' (s2d) climate forecast verification, but 
    it can also be used in other kinds of forecasts or general climate analysis.  
    This package is specially designed for the comparison between the experimental 
    and observational datasets. The functionality of the included functions covers 
    from data retrieval, data post-processing, skill scores against observation, 
    to visualization. Compared to 's2dverification', 's2dv' is more compatible 
    with the package 'startR', able to use multiple cores for computation and 
    handle multi-dimensional arrays with a higher flexibility.
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aho committed
aho's avatar
aho committed
Useful links:
  \item \url{https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/s2dv/}
  \item Report bugs at \url{https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/s2dv/-/issues}

\strong{Maintainer}: An-Chi Ho \email{an.ho@bsc.es}

  \item BSC-CNS [copyright holder]
  \item Nuria Perez-Zanon \email{nuria.perez@bsc.es}

Other contributors:
  \item Roberto Bilbao \email{roberto.bilbao@bsc.es} [contributor]
  \item Carlos Delgado \email{carlos.delgado@bsc.es} [contributor]
  \item Llorenç Lledó \email{llorenc.lledo@bsc.es} [contributor]
  \item Andrea Manrique \email{andrea.manrique@bsc.es} [contributor]
  \item Deborah Verfaillie \email{deborah.verfaillie@bsc.es} [contributor]
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