AMV.R 11.1 KB
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#'Compute the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV) index
#'The Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV), also known as Atlantic
#'Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), is a mode of natural variability of the sea 
#'surface temperatures (SST) over the North Atlantic Ocean on multi-decadal 
#'time scales. The AMV index is computed as the difference of weighted-averaged
#'SST anomalies over the North Atlantic region (0ºN-60ºN, 280ºE-360ºE) and the 
#'weighted-averaged SST anomalies over 60ºS-60ºN, 0ºE-360ºE (Trenberth & 
#'Dennis, 2005; Doblas-Reyes et al., 2013).
#'@param data A numerical array to be used for the index computation with, at least, the
#'  dimensions: 1) latitude, longitude, start date and forecast month 
#'  (in case of decadal predictions), 2) latitude, longitude, year and month 
#'  (in case of historical simulations or observations). This data has to be 
#'  provided, at least, over the whole region needed to compute the index.
#'@param data_lats A numeric vector indicating the latitudes of the data.
#'@param data_lons A numeric vector indicating the longitudes of the data.
#'@param type A character string indicating the type of data ('dcpp' for 
#'  decadal predictions, 'hist' for historical simulations, or 'obs' for 
#'  observations or reanalyses).
#'@param lat_dim A character string of the name of the latitude dimension. The
#' default value is 'lat'.
#'@param lon_dim A character string of the name of the longitude dimension. The
#' default value is 'lon'.
#'@param mask An array of a mask (with 0's in the grid points that have to be 
#'  masked) or NULL (i.e., no mask is used). This parameter allows to remove 
#'  the values over land in case the dataset is a combination of surface air 
#'  temperature over land and sea surface temperature over the ocean. Also, it
#'  can be used to mask those grid points that are missing in the observational
#'  dataset for a fair comparison between the forecast system and the reference
#'  dataset. The default value is NULL.
#'@param monini An integer indicating the month in which the forecast system is
#'  initialized. Only used when parameter 'type' is 'dcpp'. The default value 
#'  is 11, i.e., initialized in November.
#'@param fmonth_dim A character string indicating the name of the forecast
#'  month dimension. Only used if parameter 'type' is 'dcpp'. The default value
#'  is 'fmonth'.
#'@param sdate_dim A character string indicating the name of the start date 
#'  dimension. Only used if parameter 'type' is 'dcpp'. The default value is 
#'  'sdate'.
#'@param indices_for_clim A numeric vector of the indices of the years to
#'  compute the climatology for calculating the anomalies, or NULL so the 
#'  climatology is calculated over the whole period. If the data are already 
#'  anomalies, set it to FALSE. The default value is NULL.\cr
#'  In case of parameter 'type' is 'dcpp', 'indices_for_clim' must be relative 
#'  to the first forecast year, and the climatology is automatically computed 
#'  over the common calendar period for the different forecast years.
#'@param year_dim A character string indicating the name of the year dimension
#'  The default value is 'year'. Only used if parameter 'type' is 'hist' or 
#'  'obs'.
#'@param month_dim A character string indicating the name of the month
#'  dimension. The default value is 'month'. Only used if parameter 'type' is 
#'  'hist' or 'obs'.
#'@param na.rm A logical value indicanting whether to remove NA values. The default 
#'  value is TRUE.
#'@param ncores An integer indicating the number of cores to use for parallel 
#'  computation. The default value is NULL.
#'@return A numerical array with the AMV index with the same dimensions as data except 
#'  the lat_dim, lon_dim and fmonth_dim (month_dim) in case of decadal predictions 
#'  (historical simulations or observations). In case of decadal predictions, a new dimension
#'  'fyear' is added.
#' obs <- array(1:100, dim = c(year = 5, lat = 19, lon = 37, month = 12))
#' lat <- seq(-90, 90, 10)
#' lon <- seq(0, 360, 10)
#' index_obs <- AMV(data = obs, data_lats = lat, data_lons = lon, type = 'obs')
#' hist <- array(1:100, dim = c(year = 5, lat = 19, lon = 37, month = 12, member = 5))
#' lat <- seq(-90, 90, 10)
#' lon <- seq(0, 360, 10)
#' index_hist <- AMV(data = hist, data_lats = lat, data_lons = lon, type = 'hist')
#' dcpp <- array(1:100, dim = c(sdate = 5, lat = 19, lon = 37, fmonth = 24, member = 5))
#' lat <- seq(-90, 90, 10)
#' lon <- seq(0, 360, 10)
#' index_dcpp <- AMV(data = dcpp, data_lats = lat, data_lons = lon, type = 'dcpp', monini = 1)
#'@importFrom ClimProjDiags WeightedMean
#'@import multiApply
AMV <- function(data, data_lats, data_lons, type, lat_dim = 'lat', lon_dim = 'lon', 
                mask = NULL, monini = 11, fmonth_dim = 'fmonth', sdate_dim = 'sdate', 
                indices_for_clim = NULL, year_dim = 'year', month_dim = 'month', 
  ## Input Checks
  # data
  if (is.null(data)) {
    stop("Parameter 'data' cannot be NULL.")
  if (!is.numeric(data)) {
    stop("Parameter 'data' must be a numeric array.")
  # data_lats and data_lons part1
  if (!(class(data_lats) == 'numeric' | class(data_lats) == 'integer')) {
    stop("Parameter 'data_lats' must be a numeric vector.")
  if (!(class(data_lons) == 'numeric' | class(data_lons) == 'integer')) {
    stop("Parameter 'data_lons' must be a numeric vector.")
  # type
  if (!type %in% c('dcpp', 'hist', 'obs')) {
    stop("Parameter 'type' must be 'dcpp', 'hist', or 'obs'.")
  # lat_dim
  if (!(is.character(lat_dim) & length(lat_dim) == 1)) {
    stop("Parameter 'lat_dim' must be a character string.")
  if (!lat_dim %in% names(dim(data))) {
    stop("Parameter 'lat_dim' is not found in 'data' dimension.")
  # lon_dim
  if (!(is.character(lon_dim) & length(lon_dim) == 1)) {
    stop("Parameter 'lon_dim' must be a character string.")
  if (!lon_dim %in% names(dim(data))) {
    stop("Parameter 'lon_dim' is not found in 'data' dimension.")
  # data_lats and data_lons part2
  if (dim(data)[lat_dim] != length(data_lats)){
    stop(paste0("The latitude dimension of parameter 'data' must be the same",
                " length of parameter 'data_lats'."))
  if (dim(data)[lon_dim] != length(data_lons)){
    stop(paste0("The longitude dimension of parameter 'data' must be the same",
                " length of parameter 'data_lons'."))
  # ncores
  if (!is.null(ncores)) {
    if (!is.numeric(ncores) | ncores %% 1 != 0 | ncores <= 0 |
      length(ncores) > 1) {
      stop("Parameter 'ncores' must be a positive integer.")
  # mask 
  if (!is.null(mask)) {
    if (is.array(mask) & identical(names(dim(mask)), c(lat_dim,lon_dim)) &
        identical(as.integer(dim(mask)), c(length(data_lats), length(data_lons)))) {
      ## To mask those grid point that are missing in the observations
      mask <- s2dv::Reorder(data = mask, order = c(lat_dim, lon_dim))
      fun_mask <- function(data, mask){
        data[mask == 0] <- NA
      data <- multiApply::Apply(data = data, target_dims = c(lat_dim, lon_dim),
                                fun = fun_mask, mask = mask, ncores = ncores)$output1
      stop(paste0("Parameter 'mask' must be NULL (no mask) or a numerical array ",
                  "with c(lat_dim, lon_dim) dimensions and 0 in those grid ",
                  "points that have to be masked."))
  # monini
  if (type == 'dcpp') {
    if (!is.numeric(monini) | monini %% 1 != 0 | monini < 1 |
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        monini > 12) {
      stop("Parameter 'monini' must be an integer from 1 to 12.")
  # fmonth_dim
  if (type == 'dcpp') {
    if (!(is.character(fmonth_dim) & length(fmonth_dim) == 1)) {
      stop("Parameter 'fmonth_dim' must be a character string.")
    if (!fmonth_dim %in% names(dim(data))) {
      stop("Parameter 'fmonth_dim' is not found in 'data' dimension.")
  # sdate_dim
  if (type == 'dcpp') {
    if (!(is.character(sdate_dim) & length(sdate_dim) == 1)) {
      stop("Parameter 'sdate_dim' must be a character string.")
    if (!sdate_dim %in% names(dim(data))) {
      stop("Parameter 'sdate_dim' is not found in 'data' dimension.")
  # indices_for_clim
  if (!is.null(indices_for_clim)) {
    if (!class(indices_for_clim) %in% c('numeric', 'integer') 
        & !(is.logical(indices_for_clim) & !any(indices_for_clim))) {
      stop(paste0("The parameter 'indices_for_clim' must be a numeric vector ",
                  "or NULL to compute the anomalies based on the whole period, ",
                  "or FALSE if data are already anomalies"))
  # year_dim
  if (type == 'hist' | type == 'obs') {
    if (!(is.character(year_dim) & length(year_dim) == 1)) {
      stop("Parameter 'year_dim' must be a character string.")
    if (!year_dim %in% names(dim(data))) {
      stop("Parameter 'year_dim' is not found in 'data' dimension.")
  # month_dim
  if (type == 'hist' | type == 'obs') {
    if (!(is.character(month_dim) & length(month_dim) == 1)) {
      stop("Parameter 'month_dim' must be a character string.")
    if (!month_dim %in% names(dim(data))) {
      stop("Parameter 'month_dim' is not found in 'data' dimension.")
  # na.rm
  if (!na.rm %in% c(TRUE,FALSE)) {
    stop("Parameter 'na.rm' must be TRUE or FALSE")
  ## Regions for AMV (Doblas-Reyes et al., 2013)
  lat_min_1 <- 0; lat_max_1 <- 60
  lon_min_1 <- 280; lon_max_1 <- 359.9
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  lat_min_2 <- -60; lat_max_2 <- 60
  lon_min_2 <- 0; lon_max_2 <- 359.9
  regions <- NULL
  regions$reg1 <- c(lon_min_1, lon_max_1, lat_min_1, lat_max_1)
  regions$reg2 <- c(lon_min_2, lon_max_2, lat_min_2, lat_max_2)
  mean_1 <- ClimProjDiags::WeightedMean(data = data, lon = data_lons, lat = data_lats, 
                                        region = regions$reg1,
                                        londim = which(names(dim(data)) == lon_dim), 
                                        latdim = which(names(dim(data)) == lat_dim))
  mean_2 <- ClimProjDiags::WeightedMean(data = data, lon = data_lons, lat = data_lats, 
                                        region = regions$reg2,
                                        londim = which(names(dim(data)) == lon_dim),
                                        latdim = which(names(dim(data)) == lat_dim))
  data <- ClimProjDiags::CombineIndices(indices = list(mean_1,mean_2), weights = NULL, 
                                        operation = 'subtract') # (mean_1 - mean_2)
  if (type == 'dcpp'){
    target_dims <- c(sdate_dim, fmonth_dim)
  } else if (type %in% c('hist','obs')){
    target_dims <- c(year_dim, month_dim)
  INDEX <- multiApply::Apply(data = data, target_dims = target_dims, fun = .Indices,
                             type = type, monini = monini, indices_for_clim = indices_for_clim,
                             fmonth_dim = fmonth_dim, sdate_dim = sdate_dim, 
                             year_dim = year_dim, month_dim = month_dim, 
                             na.rm = na.rm, ncores = ncores)$output1