MeanDims.R 2.74 KB
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#'Average an array along multiple dimensions
#'This function returns the mean of an array along a set of dimensions and 
#'preserves the dimension names if it has.
#'@param data An array to be averaged.
#'@param dims A vector of numeric or charactor string, indicating along which 
#'  dimensions to average.
#'@param na.rm A logical value indicating whether to ignore NA values (TRUE) or 
#'  not (FALSE).
#'@return An array with the same dimension as parameter 'data' except the 'dims' 
#'  dimensions. 
#'  removed.
#'@keywords datagen
#'@author History:\cr
#'0.1  -  2011-04  (V. Guemas, \email{})  -  Original code\cr
#'1.0  -  2013-09  (N. Manubens, \email{})  -  Formatting to R CRAN\cr
#'1.1  -  2015-03  (N. Manubens, \email{})  -  Improved memory usage
#'3.0  -  2020-01  (A. Ho, \email{})  -  Preserve dimension names
#'a <- array(rnorm(24), dim = c(2, 3, 4))
#'print(Mean1Dim(a, 2))
#'print(MeanListDim(a, c(2, 3)))
MeanDims <- function(data, dims, na.rm = TRUE) {

  # Check inputs 
  ## data
  if (is.null(data)) {
    stop("Parameter 'data' cannot be NULL.")
  if (!is.numeric(data)) {
    stop("Parameter 'data' must be a numeric array.")
  if (is.null(dim(data))) {  #is vector, turn into array
    data <- as.array(data)
  ## dims
  if (is.null(dims)) {
    stop("Parameter 'dims' cannot be NULL.")
  if (!is.vector(dims) | (is.vector(dims) & !is.numeric(dims) & !is.character(dims))) {
    stop("Parameter 'dims' must be a vector of numeric or character string.")
  if (is.numeric(dims)) {
    if (any(dims < 1) | any(dims %% 1 != 0)) {
      stop("Parameter 'dims' must be positive integers.")
    } else if (any(dims > length(dim(data)))) {
      stop("Parameter 'dims' exceeds the dimension length of parameter 'data'.")
  if (is.character(dims)) {
    if (!all(dims %in% names(dim(data)))) {
      stop("Parameter 'dims' do not match the dimension names of parameter 'data'.")
  ## na.rm
  if (!is.logical(na.rm) | length(na.rm) > 1) {
    stop("Parameter 'na.rm' must be one logical value.")

  # Calculate MeanDims

  ## Change character dims into indices
  if (is.character(dims)) {
    tmp <- rep(0, length(dims))
    for (i in 1:length(dims)) {
      tmp[i] <- which(names(dim(data)) == dims[i])
  dims <- tmp

  if (length(dim(data)) == 1) {
    res <- mean(data, na.rm = na.rm) 
  } else {

    margins <- setdiff(c(1:length(dim(data))), dims)
    res <- as.array(apply(data, margins, mean, na.rm = na.rm))
    if (!is.null(names(dim(data))[margins]) & is.null(names(dim(res)))) {
      names(dim(res)) <- names(dim(data))[margins]

