PlotEquiMap.R 51.8 KB
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      } else {
        letters[ypos < 0] <- paste(intToUtf8(176), 'S')
        letters[ypos > 0] <- paste(intToUtf8(176), 'N')
      ylabs <- paste(as.character(abs(ypos)), letters, sep = '')
    if (!is.null(xlabels)) {
      xpos <- seq(lonmin, lonmax, intxlon) + xlonshft
      if (length(xpos) != length(xlabels)) {
        stop(paste0("Parameter 'xlabels' must have the same length as the longitude ",
                    "vector spaced by 'intxlon' (length = ", length(xpos), ")."))
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    } else {
      xpos <- seq(lonmin, lonmax, intxlon) + xlonshft
      letters <- array('', length(xpos))
      if (labW) {
        xpos2 <- xpos  
        xpos2[xpos2 > 180] <- 360 - xpos2[xpos2 > 180]
      if (degree_sym == FALSE) {
        letters[xpos < 0] <- 'W'
        letters[xpos > 0] <- 'E'
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      } else {
        letters[xpos < 0] <- paste(intToUtf8(176), 'W')
        letters[xpos > 0] <- paste(intToUtf8(176), 'E')
      if (labW) {
        letters[xpos == 0] <- ' '
        letters[xpos == 180] <- ' '
        if (degree_sym == FALSE) {
          letters[xpos > 180] <- 'W'
        } else {
          letters[xpos > 180] <- paste(intToUtf8(176), 'W')
        xlabs <- paste(as.character(abs(xpos2)), letters, sep = '')
      } else {
        xlabs <- paste(as.character(abs(xpos)), letters, sep = '')
    spaceticklab <- max(-cex_axes_ticks, 0)
    margins[1] <- margins[1] + 1.2 * cex_axes_labels + spaceticklab
    margins[2] <- margins[2] + 1.2 * cex_axes_labels + spaceticklab
  bar_extra_margin[2] <- bar_extra_margin[2] + margins[2]
  bar_extra_margin[4] <- bar_extra_margin[4] + margins[4]
  if (toptitle != '') {
    margins[3] <- margins[3] + cex_title + 1
  if (!is.null(varu)) {
    margins[1] <- margins[1] + 2.2 * units_scale

  if (drawleg) {
    layout(matrix(1:2, ncol = 1, nrow = 2), heights = c(5, 1))
  # Load the user parameters
  par(mar = margins, cex.main = cex_title, cex.axis = cex_axes_labels,
      mgp = c(0, spaceticklab, 0), las = 0)
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  #NOTE: Here creates the window for later plot. If 'usr' for par() is not specified,
  #      use the lat/lon as the borders. If 'usr' is specified, use the assigned values.
  if (is.null(userArgs$usr)) { 
    #NOTE: The grids are assumed to be equally spaced
    xlim_cal <- c(lonb$x[1] - (lonb$x[2] - lonb$x[1]) / 2, 
                  lonb$x[length(lonb$x)] + (lonb$x[2] - lonb$x[1]) / 2)
    ylim_cal <- c(latb$x[1] - (latb$x[2] - latb$x[1]) / 2,
                  latb$x[length(latb$x)] + (latb$x[2] - latb$x[1]) / 2)
    plot.window(xlim =  xlim_cal, ylim = ylim_cal, xaxs = 'i', yaxs = 'i')
# Below is Old code. The border grids are only half plotted.
#    plot.window(xlim = range(lonb$x, finite = TRUE), ylim = range(latb$x, finite = TRUE),
#                xaxs = 'i', yaxs = 'i')
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aho committed
  } else {
    plot.window(xlim = par("usr")[1:2], ylim  = par("usr")[3:4], xaxs = 'i', yaxs = 'i')

  if (axelab) {
    lab_distance_y <- ifelse(is.null(lab_dist_y), spaceticklab + 0.2, lab_dist_y)
    lab_distance_x <- ifelse(is.null(lab_dist_x), spaceticklab + cex_axes_labels / 2 - 0.3, lab_dist_x)

    axis(2, at = ypos, labels = ylabs, cex.axis = cex_axes_labels, tcl = cex_axes_ticks,
         mgp = c(0, lab_distance_y, 0))
    axis(1, at = xpos, labels = xlabs, cex.axis = cex_axes_labels, tcl = cex_axes_ticks,
         mgp = c(0, lab_distance_x, 0))
  title(toptitle, cex.main = cex_title)
  rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4], col = colNA)
  col_inf_image <- ifelse(is.null(col_inf), colNA, col_inf)
  col_sup_image <- ifelse(is.null(col_sup), colNA, col_sup)
  if (square) {
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    # If lat and lon are both regular-spaced, "useRaster = TRUE" can avoid
    # artifact white lines on the figure. If not, useRaster has to be FALSE (default)
      image(lonb$x, latb$x, var[lonb$ix, latb$ix], 
            col = c(col_inf_image, cols, col_sup_image), 
            breaks = c(-.Machine$double.xmax, brks, .Machine$double.xmax),
            axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", add = TRUE, useRaster = TRUE)
    }, error = function(x) {
      image(lonb$x, latb$x, var[lonb$ix, latb$ix], 
            col = c(col_inf_image, cols, col_sup_image), 
            breaks = c(-.Machine$double.xmax, brks, .Machine$double.xmax),
            axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", add = TRUE)
  } else {
    .filled.contour(lonb$x, latb$x, var[lonb$ix, latb$ix], 
                    levels = c(.Machine$double.xmin, brks, .Machine$double.xmax), 
                    col = c(col_inf_image, cols, col_sup_image))
  if (!is.null(contours)) {
#NOTE: 'labcex' is the absolute size of contour labels. Parameter 'contour_label_scale'
#      is provided in PlotEquiMap() but it was not used. Here, 'cex_axes_labels' was used
#      and it was calculated from 'axes_label_scale', the size of lat/lon axis label.
#      It is changed to use contour_label_scale*par('cex').
    contour(lonb$x, latb$x, contours[lonb$ix, latb$ix], levels = brks2,
            method = "edge", add = TRUE,
#            labcex = cex_axes_labels,
            labcex = contour_label_scale * par("cex"),
            lwd = contour_lwd, lty = contour_lty,
            col = contour_color, drawlabels = contour_draw_label)

  #  Adding black dots or symbols
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  if (!is.null(dots)) {
    data_avail <- !
    for (counter in 1:(dim(dots)[1])) {
      points <- which(dots[counter, , ] & data_avail, arr.ind = TRUE)
      points(lon[points[, 1]], lat[points[, 2]], 
             pch = dot_symbol[counter], 
             cex = dot_size[counter] * 3 / sqrt(sqrt(length(var))),
             lwd = dot_size[counter] * 3 / sqrt(sqrt(length(var))))
  #  Plotting continents
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  wrap_vec <- c(lonb$x[1], lonb$x[1] + 360)
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  old_lwd <- par('lwd')
  par(lwd = coast_width)
  # If [0, 360], use GEOmap; if [-180, 180], use maps::map
  # UPDATE: Use maps::map for both cases. The difference between GEOmap and
  #         maps is trivial. The only thing we can see for now is that 
  #         GEOmap has better lakes.
  coast <- maps::map(interior = country.borders, wrap = wrap_vec,
                     fill = filled.continents, add = TRUE, plot = FALSE)
  if (filled.continents) {
    polygon(coast, col = continent_color, border = coast_color, lwd = coast_width)
  } else {
    lines(coast, col = coast_color, lwd = coast_width)
  if (!is.null(lake_color)) {
    maps::map('lakes', add = TRUE, wrap = wrap_vec, fill = filled.continents, col = lake_color) 
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aho committed
  par(lwd = old_lwd)
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aho committed

  # filled.oceans
  if (filled.oceans) {
      old_lwd <- par('lwd')
      par(lwd = coast_width)

      outline <- maps::map(wrap = wrap_vec, fill = T, plot = FALSE)  # must be fill = T
      xbox <- wrap_vec + c(-2, 2)
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aho committed
      ybox <- c(-92, 92) 
      outline$x <- c(outline$x, NA, c(xbox, rev(xbox), xbox[1]))
      outline$y <- c(outline$y, NA, rep(ybox, each = 2), ybox[1])
      polypath(outline, col = ocean_color, rule = 'evenodd', border = NA)

      par(lwd = old_lwd)

  #NOTE: the longitude range cannot cut shapefile range, or not all the shapefile will be plotted.
    maps::map(shape, interior = country.borders, #wrap = wrap_vec,
              fill = filled.continents, add = TRUE, plot = TRUE, 
              lwd = shapefile_lwd, col = shapefile_color)

  # Draw rectangle on the map
  if (!is.null(boxlim)) {
    counter <- 1
    for (box in boxlim) {
      if (box[1] > box[3]) {
        box[1] <- box[1] - 360
      if (length(box) != 4) {
        stop(paste("The", counter, "st box defined in the parameter 'boxlim' is ill defined."))
      } else if (box[2] < latmin || box[4] > latmax || 
                 box[1] < lonmin || box[3] > lonmax) {
        stop(paste("The limits of the", counter, "st box defined in the parameter 'boxlim' are invalid."))
      } else if (box[1] < 0 && box[3] > 0) {
        #segments south
        segments(box[1], box[2], 0, box[2], col = boxcol[counter], lwd = boxlwd[counter])
        segments(0, box[2], box[3], box[2], col = boxcol[counter], lwd = boxlwd[counter]) 
        #segments north
        segments(box[1], box[4], 0, box[4], col = boxcol[counter], lwd = boxlwd[counter])
        segments(0, box[4], box[3], box[4], col = boxcol[counter], lwd = boxlwd[counter]) 
        #segments west
        segments(box[1], box[2], box[1], box[4], col = boxcol[counter], 
                 lwd = boxlwd[counter])  
        #segments est
        segments(box[3], box[2], box[3],box[4], col = boxcol[counter], 
                 lwd = boxlwd[counter])          
      } else {
        rect(box[1], box[2], box[3], box[4], border = boxcol[counter], col = NULL, 
             lwd = boxlwd[counter], lty = 'solid')
      counter <- counter + 1
  #  PlotWind
  # ~~~~~~~~~~
  if (!is.null(varu) && !is.null(varv)) {
    # Create a two dimention array of longitude and latitude
    lontab <- InsertDim(lonb$x, 2, length(latb$x), name = 'lat')
    lattab <- InsertDim(latb$x, 1, length(lonb$x), name = 'lon')
    varplotu <- varu[lonb$ix, latb$ix]
    varplotv <- varv[lonb$ix, latb$ix]

    # Select a subsample af the points to an arrow
    #for each "subsample" grid point
    sublon <- seq(1,length(lon), arr_subsamp)
    sublat <- seq(1,length(lat), arr_subsamp)

    uaux <- lontab[sublon, sublat] + varplotu[sublon, sublat] * 0.5 * arr_scale
    vaux <- lattab[sublon, sublat] + varplotv[sublon, sublat] * 0.5 * arr_scale

    lenshaft <- 0.18 * arr_scale * arr_scale_shaft
    angleshaft <- 12 * arr_scale_shaft_angle
    # Plot Wind
    arrows(lontab[sublon, sublat], lattab[sublon, sublat],
           uaux, vaux,
           angle = angleshaft,
           length = lenshaft)
    # Plotting an arrow at the bottom of the plot for the legend
    posarlon <- lonb$x[1] + (lonmax - lonmin) * 0.1
    posarlat <- latmin - ((latmax - latmin) + 1) / par('pin')[2] * 
                         (spaceticklab + 0.2 + cex_axes_labels + 0.6 * units_scale) * par('csi')

    arrows(posarlon, posarlat,
           posarlon + 0.5 * arr_scale * arr_ref_len, posarlat,
           length = lenshaft, angle = angleshaft,
           xpd = TRUE)
    #save the parameter value
    xpdsave <- par('xpd')
    #desactivate xpd to be able to plot in margen
    par(xpd = NA)
    #plot text
    mtext(paste(as.character(arr_ref_len), arr_units, sep = ""),
          line = spaceticklab + 0.2 + cex_axes_labels + 1.2 * units_scale, side = 1,
          at = posarlon + (0.5 * arr_scale * arr_ref_len) / 2,
          cex = units_scale)
    #come back to the previous xpd value
    par(xpd = xpdsave)
  #  Colorbar
  # ~~~~~~~~~~
  if (drawleg) {
    ColorBar(brks, cols, FALSE, subsampleg, bar_limits, var_limits, 
             triangle_ends, col_inf = col_inf, col_sup = col_sup, 
             extra_labels = bar_extra_labels, draw_ticks = draw_bar_ticks,
             draw_separators = draw_separators, title = units, 
             title_scale = units_scale, triangle_ends_scale = triangle_ends_scale, 
             label_scale = bar_label_scale, tick_scale = bar_tick_scale,
             extra_margin = bar_extra_margin, label_digits = bar_label_digits)

  # If the graphic was saved to file, close the connection with the device
  if (!is.null(fileout))

  invisible(list(brks = brks, cols = cols, col_inf = col_inf, col_sup = col_sup))